An Overview of My Starting Fresh Plan

7 reasons To Embrace Health Change

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“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” Tony Robbins


Do you ever wonder what it means to be healthy? Every day I’m reminded of the horrible nutrition information and misconceptions that bombards us constantly.

I know that you want the truth and it’s difficult to find because it’s drowned out by all the confusion. Very little of the nutritional information that makes it public is based on science. I’m constantly researching core principles that show how nutrition and health truly operate to share with you in a simple understandable and easily digested method to implement change.

Have you been wondering if it’s healthy to eat meat, if you should become a vegetarian, vegan, or what’s the difference? 

My goal is to help guide you to make health simple and to make simple choices. I will translate the facts into recommendations that you can begin to incorporate every day. I want to show you a new understanding of nutrition and health, which foods you should eat and which ones to avoid, and that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are enormous.

I want you to know for full disclosure that I am not a health professional. I’m just an ordinary person with no special health training that has reaped so many benefits from changing our diet and environment and want to share my experience and research of experts with you. I hope it encourages you to know that you can gain great benefits too and your body wants to heal itself if you give it half a chance.

Don’t just take my word for it. According to T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD in their book, The China Study, I quote them to say that by eating right you can:

  • Live longer
  • Look and feel younger
  • Have more energy
  • Lose weight
  • Lower your blood cholesterol
  • Prevent and even reverse heart disease
  • Lower your risk of prostate, breast and other cancers
  • Preserve your eyesight in your later years
  • Prevent and treat diabetes
  • Avoid surgery in many instances
  • Vastly decrease the need for pharmaceutical drugs
  • Keep your bones strong
  • Avoid impotence
  • Avoid stroke
  • Prevent kidney stones
  • Keep your baby from getting Type 1 diabetes
  • Alleviate constipation
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Avoid Alzheimer’s
  • Beat arthritis
  • And more…

These are only some of the benefits, and all of them can be yours. The price? Simply changing your diet. I don’t know that it has ever been so easy or relatively effortless to achieve such profound benefits. The above paragraph was a direct quote from their book.

I feel people need hope that cancer may not be a death sentence as we’ve been conditioned to believe. They need hope to know there is a better way, the natural way God intended. It is my hope to be one little voice to help empower you to learn more about taking action against a life threatening situation regarding your health or that of your loved one, or to just be in better health.

Natural God given water, vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the proper balance heals our body and fights off diseases such as cancer, an autoimmune disease, or most bodily ailments. Knowledge and action is the key to wellness.

Change is a process, are you resisting it? 

You may feel resistance.  It may not be easy.  But we all have to stretch our comfort zones and move our lives forward.

The truth is, living is a risk. Don’t worry about mistakes and failures, worry about what you’re losing when you don’t even try.  This is not about deprivation. Give yourself permission to be one of the people who made mistakes and has some challenges, but recovered from them and developed into your healthier self.

That’s what I wish for YOU.

So here are 7 good reasons it’s time for all of us to embrace change and get healthier…

  1. Everything changes whether you embrace it or not. – If nothing ever changed there would be nothing new tomorrow.  Most of us stay comfortable where we are even though everything is constantly changing around us.  The first step is awareness. Because only when we change, do we improve, and begin to see what’s possible.  And don’t forget, however good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on.  I remember thinking terminal thoughts many years ago when I suffered from Lupus and arthritis. There were times when I didn’t have the strength to even turn myself over in bed for 3 days. I wondered at that time if I would ever be free of pain and suffering. But my situation improved. So embrace it. It won’t always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth taking steps to improve.
  2. Live life to the fullest. – It’s never too late to live a day that makes you feel better. We get one shot at today and we can make it better.  There’s no age limit on changing your path.  It’s never too late or too early to improve your body, mind, or spirit. There’s no perfect time – so start now.  You can change or stay the same – it’s really up to you, and only you. So make the best of it. If you’ve fallen short before, start again. Spend time with people who help you be better.  If you find that you’re not living a life that makes you feel good, have the courage to change.
  3. You can’t grow by staying in your comfort zone. – When your body hurts, you’re overweight, your mind is confused, and your heart is heavy with pain and ailments, it’s time to change.  Sometimes you must let go to grow.  Clean out your cabinets of all the processed foods. You cannot discover new victories unless you build up enough determination to let go of past defeating habits.  Listen to your spirit.  And remember, no effort is ever a waste of time. You may not be where you need to be yet but you will be closer than you were before. 
  4. The past will not change your future. – You can spend hours, weeks, or months, over-analyzing your problems from the past, beating yourself up about your situation, trying to put the pieces together, and justifying what could’ve or should’ve happened, maybe even feeling sorry for yourself.  Or you can just start today to accept that the past doesn’t have to be the future, and make a commitment to get out of the dark and into the sunlight. The body can rejuvenate quickly in a better environment. The mind can develop different thought patterns.
  5. Holding on to old pain is self-abuse. – If your past has been painful then seek to make changes and use that wisdom for a better today.  Don’t let it haunt you.  Replaying a painful memory over and over in your head is a form of self-abuse.  Toxic thoughts create a toxic life.  Make peace with yourself and your past.  When you heal your thoughts, you heal your mind.  So stop focusing on old pains and things you don’t want in your future.  The more you think about them, the more you attract what you fear into your everyday experiences – get out of your own way. Change the negativity to positivity by changing your habits. Forgive yourself or someone else and free yourself from that pain.
  6. Taking daily action steps creates positive change. – You may blame everyone else and think, “Poor me!  Why did I have to get this disease, why do I have this pain?”  But maybe you aren’t the victim, but your poor lifestyle choices and eating habits are to blame.  YOU alone have the power to change things, or change the way you think about things. Surrendering to change is very powerful. Victory over your health is very liberating. You can only find victory one small change at a time until one day you look back and everything changed.
  7. Feeling better is waiting for you. – Yes, it will be different and take some time. There will be challenges and disruptions to your normal schedule. There will still be heartache and loss and nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, suffering, or something they thought was meant to be.  But it is so worth taking steps to be in the best health you can be. You won’t know just how good you can feel until you go all out and give it all you’ve got to be the best you can possibly be. Do you want to settle for any less? Do you want to continue to be sick and tired of being sick and tired? Yes, you are venturing into unfamiliar territory. Embrace the newness of that. Welcome the new foods into your diet with a quest for adventure. Explore new tastes and new recipes. You might really enjoy them and they can be very refreshing, instead of your same stale culinary routine. You will enjoy new sensations if you open your mind to the taste possibilities, knowing God gave us a rainbow of possible foods to explore that you probably never knew existed.

Learn a new way, challenge what you have been taught as truth, and be ready to experience something or meet someone that just might change your life forever.

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” Tony Robbins

What changes to you need to make in your life?

What do you need help with? Did this article change you?  Leave a comment on this post and share your thoughts with us.


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