Alkalizing Your Body

20 Reasons To Eat Less Meat

20 Reasons To Eat Less Meat

Here’s 10 things that made us stop eating meat seven years ago and decide to take the plunge to go vegan at that time and eat very little meat now:


  1. I had to. My partner pronounced that day he had stage III of IV stomach cancer and had 2 years to live if he didn’t change his diet. It was “do or die” and all the motivation we needed to change our diet immediately.


  1. Within a few weeks I was rid of the need for 25 years of prior medication. And lo and behold, my digestion and health improved. I got a buzz from doing “my bit” to fight diseases, and within months even the thought of chewing on a piece of charred animal flesh seemed oddly less appealing to me. I confess, I didn’t want to give up meat then but I’m glad I did and now it’s a choice.


  1. I no longer had to vomit every day without some of my medication because my body became alkaline. For the first time I discovered just how acidic meat and dairy are and the side effects from the toxicity.


  1. I read the book, The China Study, the largest ever human study into the health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet. T. Collin Campbell tells it straight: eat vegan to dramatically cut your risk of pretty much every major degenerative disease going, from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. This is the book that inspired my veganism seven years ago.


  1. I fell down the Netflix vegan rabbit hole. Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead; The Gerson Therapy; Vegucated; a vegan smorgasbord of documentaries about the benefits of going meat-free. Just watch a couple shows and Netflix will recommend the rest.


  1. I listened to Charlotte Gerson and the teachings of her father, Dr. Max Gerson. Dr. Gerson was an eminent scientist, closely involved in the debate in the U.S. Congress on policies for cancer treatment, and was acknowledged for his brilliance by Nobel Laureate Dr. Albert Schweitzer. From a true healer, precious tools to maintain and improve your health if you are fit and well or to regain it if you are ill, and a far cry from the pill-popping instant ways of conventional medicine.


  1. I bought a great alkaline way cookbook making eating vegan downright delicious. That book is called Eating The Alkaline Way. Click on the link to order it for yourself. Let’s face it, eating just salads every day for my family was just not going to cut it so I had to make it interesting and tasty. I’m just waiting for some local hipster restaurateurs to get with the program and do it up plant-based style. I was secretly hoping my brother, Ron, would embrace this culinary fare in his restaurant but it didn’t happen.


  1. I started meditating and journaling more. This, along with the other holistic practices I’ve been exposed to, has served to make me a more self-aware, consciously switched-on human being. Thinking about my life, including my food choices, from a more soulful perspective has made it obvious to me that mostly veganism is a great way forward.


  1. I read every cancer and disease fighting book I could during every spare waking moment I had and they all advised a predominately plant based diet. This was the final straw. And that’s how I ended up writing this and starting a website. I honestly believe that one day we’ll put eating meat in the same category as smoking cigarettes.


  1. All my research pointed to mostly veganism being the healthiest diet to combat disease and avoid medication. You don’t have to be totally vegan to embrace the benefits of eating less meat.


Whether you’re thinking of going vegan, vegetarian or just cutting down your meat intake, there are plenty of great reasons to reduce your consumption.


Eating more veggies, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, and seeds instead of meat can have huge implications for your health, as well as the environment.


Need some motivation? Here are 10 good reasons to consider.


  1. You’re likely to reverse heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Switching to a plant-based diet has been shown to not only treat heart disease, but reverse its progression.


  1. You’ll stay slim. Research has shown that eating meat has been linked to obesity. Let’s get real. For lots (I’ll say “most”), eating healthy goes hand-in-hand with wanting to stay a certain size, however messed-up that sounds. Does the oft-quoted observation “there are no obese vegans” play a part in my decision? Absolutely. My 40 lb weight loss was great incentive after not being able to lose weight for many years prior. You don’t have to blame weight gain on age. I now weigh the same as I did over 40 years ago.


  1. You’ll save money. Vegetarian and vegan meals tend to be less expensive than meat.


  1. You’ll reduce greenhouse gases. Animal agriculture is estimated to produce more greenhouse gases than the whole transportation industry combined. Lowering or eliminating your meat intake can have huge implications on climate change.


  1. You’ll reduce animal cruelty. Millions of cattle and poultry are killed each year for meat, with a huge number of these being raised in factory farms.


  1. You’ll be aligning with some of the greatest minds in history. Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Gandhi, Charles Darwin and George Bernard Shaw, T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Robert Young, and myself (LOL), all thought it was a smart idea to follow a plant-based diet.


  1. You’ll join many ultra-endurance athletes in following a plant-based diet. What do marathon-runner Bart Yasso, triathlete Rich Roll and ironman Brendan Brazier all have in common? No meat in their diets!


  1. You’ll help save the Amazon from destruction. The Amazon is being destroyed to grow feed crops for cattle. The situation is severe, the majority of Amazon deforestation is due to animal agriculture.


  1. You’ll discover more delicious recipes. Reducing the meat in your life allows you to expand your food horizons and discover exciting new main dishes.


  1. You’ll be making a choice embraced by religions around the world. Whether you’re non-religious, spiritual or a God-fearing person, it says something that many world religions endorse a meatless diet in some form. For example, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism all encourage followers to adopt a plant-based diet. As I mentioned in a previous article, the Bible tells us God gave us plants as a plan for our diets.


Reducing or eliminating your meat intake has so many benefits: look better, feel better and save the planet. Eliminating meat from your life is one of the more significant things you can do for your health.


If you’re still on the journey of decreasing or eliminating meat from your diet, start taking baby steps today. Improve your health and the planet, one meatless meal at a time.

The Master Cleanse

The Master Cleanse

By Barbara Cockrell

The lemonade diet AKA The Master Cleanse has consistently and successfully demonstrated its building and eliminative ability.

Lemons (and limes!) are the richest source of vitamins and minerals of any foods known to man, and they are available year round. That means this diet may be used successfully any month of the year and virtually any place on earth. Its universal appeal and availability make it very pleasant and easy to use.

The first benefit of this Master Cleanse is it stops the influx of bad eating habits. The lemonade diet helps you to stop eating solid food, which puts a natural pause on any unhealthy eating habits you may have, giving your body a break. This alone will cause weight loss in many individuals.

The second benefit of this lemonade diet is it improves your digestion. Your digestive system is almost always at work because it is constantly processing food you’ve just eaten and even meals you’ve finished days ago. By stopping your intake of food and drinking this cleanse you are emptying the digestive system and giving it a chance to catch up! Doing this master cleanse is going to give your digestive system a rest and gives it a chance to repair itself.

Next, it will give you an abundance of energy! When you stop consuming things that can zap your energy, the result is you will have natural energy. You will ditch the things that are giving you artificial energy like soda and sugary foods. As it may sound counter intuitive that you would have more energy on a diet that restricts your caloric intake you will certainly feel more buoyant and you won’t be bogged down by heavy meals.  You will still have sugar to burn from the maple syrup in the cleanse as well.

Get ready for some mental clarity on this lemonade diet. If you’ve ever experienced post-brain fog after your lunch breaks like I have then you know first-hand the effect certain meals can have on you. Since you’ll be relying on that special lemonade to get you through your day you will find that you are much more alert and clear for most of your day! Although in the first few days you do not experience this clarity because your brain will be concentrating on food and being hungry, once that panic goes away you will have a newfound or regained sense of focus! There’s a very strong connection between the food we eat and our mental state. Cutting these foods out will give your mind a new perception.

The lemonade diet is known to improve your immune system. The Vitamin C from the lemons in the juice you made should help correct any deficiency’s you had for this essential vitamin. Your immune system does much more than heal wounds and fight off sickness. Over a long period of time it can prevent serious diseases like cancer. It’s so important to keep your immune system running efficiently. And while this master cleanse is not a long term answer it CAN help to get your immune system on the right track in the short term. If you have a diet that is currently working against you in terms of nourishment you can for sure benefit from this lemon cleanse.

The Master Cleanse will help you start making healthier habits. You may be surprised at the ways your brain changes when you feel the effects of this detox. Once you see how you feel when you are not so dependent on sugar and other stimulants you will see how you can improve your diet resulting in a healthier you.

The purpose of this cleanse is:

  • To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in any part of the body
  • To cleanse the kidneys and digestive system
  • To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body
  • To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles
  • To relieve pressure and irritation of the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels
  • To build a healthy blood stream
  • To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years

When to use it:

  • When sickness has developed- for all acute and chronic conditions
  • When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing
  • When overweight has become a problem
  • When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed

How often:

Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more- up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in normal healthy conditions. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions. If you have any medical concerns you should seek the advice of a doctor before starting the cleanse.

How to make a single serving:

 2 Tbsp lemon or lime juice (approximately ½ lemon)
 2 Tbsp of genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)
 1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper (or to taste)
 Water, medium hot (spring or purified water)

How to make a gallon serving:

1 cup of lemon or lime juice (approximately ½ lemon)
1 cup of genuine maple syrup (not maple flavored sugar syrup)
Cayenne pepper to taste per serving
1 Gallon water, medium hot (spring or purified water)


Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass and fill with medium hot water. You may use cold water if that is preferred. Only use fresh lemon juice-never frozen or artificial. Use organic lemons if possible. The maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugars and must be used, not some “substitute”.  All grades of maple syrup may be used in this diet, although the darker syrups(Grade B) may be more desirable, rather than the lighter amber (Grade A). Maple syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Naturally, the mineral and vitamin content will vary according to the area where the trees grow and the mineral content of the soil.

How to break the lemonade diet

Coming off the lemonade diet is highly important- please follow the directions very carefully.


Several 8 oz. glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. The orange juice prepares the digestive system to properly digest and assimilate regular food. Drink it slowly. If there has been any digestive difficulty prior to or during the change over, extra water may be taken with the orange juice.


Orange juice in the morning. Raw fruit for lunch. Fruit or raw vegetable salad at night. You are now ready to eat normally.

People from around the world highly praise the lemonade diet, thus, we must conclude that since it does so much for so many it is truly The Master Cleanser.

*information sourced from The Master Cleanser with Special Needs and Problems by Stanley Burroughs

12 Amazing Benefits of Lemons

12 Amazing Benefits of Lemons

By Barbara LeGrand Cockrell

“We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” –Alfred E. Newman

 Lemons are alkaline-forming in the body, although acidic in taste. They are in fact one of the most alkaline-forming foods making them great for balancing a highly acidic condition in the body. So what can we do to initiate feeling better, be more energized, and help alkalize our diet? Simple, drink lemon water.

Lemons offer an excellent source of Vitamin C, to help boost immune system and our mood. The scent of lemon alone is known as an excellent uplifting scent, promoting concentration and reducing anxiety. Drinking lemon water every morning can reduce your need for a caffeine boost and help to alkalize your diet.

12 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water:

1. Lemons are alkalizing for the body: Lemons are acidic to begin with but they are alkaline-forming on body fluids helping to restore balance to the body’s pH.  Acidifying foods like refined carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine, meat, and dairy can create an acidic environment in the body which is a foundation for illness.

2. Aids digestion, encourages bile production, reduces mucous and helps eliminate toxins.

3. Breaks down excessive uric acid in the body which helps to minimize joint pain and inflammation.

4. The vitamin C and antioxidants found in lemon water help with the formation of collagen, reducing wrinkles, smoothing and brightening your skin.

5. Pectin fiber in lemons aids regular bowel movements and reduces hunger.

6. The citric acid in lemon juice helps to dissolve gallstones, calcium deposits, and kidney stones.

7. The lemon peel contains the potent phytonutrient tangeretin, which has been proven to be effective for brain disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

8. It destroys intestinal worms.

9. Lemons have powerful antibacterial properties; experiments have found the juice of lemons destroy the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases.

10. Blood vessels are strengthened by the vitamin P (bioflavinoids) in lemon thus preventing internal hemorrhage, also, making it useful in treating high blood pressure.

11. The symptoms of eye disorders, including diabetic retinopathy have been shown in research to improve due to the rutin, found in lemons.

12. Lemons contain 22 anti-cancer compounds, including naturally occurring limonene; oil which slows or halts the growth of cancer tumors in animals, and flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.


We challenge you to try lemon water for 14 days and see how it improves your energy, digestion, and well-being.

When you wake up in the morning, squeeze half a lemon into a large glass (min. 16 ounces or two cups) of room temperature water. After squeezing out the juice, you can place the lemon into the glass, or discard. You should not eat or drink anything else until approximately 20 minutes after finishing the lemon water. If you happen to have weak tooth enamel, you can sip the water through a straw to avoid the lemon juice affecting your teeth.

The One Thing You Can’t Live Without

The One Thing You Can’t Live Without

By Barbara Cockrell

  Our bodies are made up of mostly water. This water is most effectively used throughout our body when it is in a state of alkalinity. It is essential for us to maintain healthy intake levels of water in its alkaline form

 Scientists say that our bodies are made up of 70% alkaline water overall! Our eyes are made up of 98% alkaline water! Ninety-four percent (94%) of our blood is made of- yep! You guessed it: AKALINE WATER! So it’s super important for us to make sure that we fuel our bodies with plenty of alkaline water; so that we can function properly.

 Reading Robert O. Young, PhD and Shelley Redford Young’s book, The pH Miracle, was truly an eye opener when it came to getting the body back into pH balance. It was truly revolutionary for me and I recommend that everyone reads it. Also, Raymond Francis, M.Sc.’s book, Never Fear Cancer Again was an amazing reference regarding all of the pollutants that are getting dumped into our water system. These are two books that you MUST put onto your reading list!

 I should say now that if you aren’t familiar with the concept of acidity vs. alkalinity in relation to the body’s balance, please refer to some of my previous publications; I discuss this concept there in great detail.

 So naturally, we should be putting foods into our bodies that contain lots of alkaline water. We need to pay attention here, because if we choose to eat the proper types of foods, and yet buy polluted products, we are still placing ourselves at risk.

 The foods that are the best sources of alkaline water are green, electron rich vegetables, and fruits with low sugar contents. Of course, not to forget the electron rich water with a pH balance of around 9.5, that we should be steadily refilling our bodies with every day! Your water doesn’t always have to have a pH balance of 9.5, but that’s the mark to shoot for.

 Any honest physician, nutritionist, or personal trainer will tell you that the single most important thing you can do to stay healthy is to drink plenty of clean, healthy water every day.

 Hundreds of years ago, our readily available water supply used to be mostly alkaline. However, over the years, various methods of pollution have corrupted our water supply so thoroughly that it has actually changed its overall balance to being mostly acidic today! This is one of the main reasons why we are unhealthy today as a whole in this nation.

 Listen, bad water can make you sick! I’m not talking runny nose and Dayquil sick; I’m talking “scare of your life”, or “I need to do something, NOW” sick! The point that I’m really trying to get across here is that we ARE what we drink. If we drink alkaline water, then our bodies will be in a state of alkalinity. If we drink acidic water, then we will be sick- umm, I mean- we will be in an acidic state. That doesn’t mean that you can drink alkaline water and then eat acidic foods and expect to remain in a state of alkalinity. Everything has to be in balance, and the less acids you put into your body overall, the better.

 Remember, all of our bodies’ cells are floating around all day in the water that makes up most of our bodies! So if we are putting polluted water into our bodies, then just take a second and imagine what that’s doing to all of our cells!?! Not a pretty picture is it?

 Almost all of the water that is easily accessible to us nowadays is acidic. If our bodies are full of acidic water, they can’t set up barriers to the acids that we take in, and flush them out of our systems properly. This will cause those acids to build up and the resulting imbalances are devastating to our health. Conversely, alkaline water, when consumed daily and combined with a proper diet, will not only flush out the acids we take in, but it will also begin to break down and flush out the acids we have built up within us already. This is a benefit of our bodies getting back into balance and returning to a state of alkalinity, as they were intended to be in.

 At the same time that this article is being printed, I am putting out a video from my YouTube channel where I ran pH tests on various samples of water easily available to us. You might be shocked to find out how YOUR favorite brand did, so be sure to take the time to watch the video!

 Ok, this is where we get to the scary part: what kinds of chemicals are in our water, and how do those chemicals affect us? Well, I really don’t want you to freak out and decide to live in a solar powered bubble with a NASA grade water filtration system attached to it; but I do want you to freak out and start paying attention to the quality of the water you’re putting into your body. So, I’ll just give you a few examples of the deadly chemicals that are prevalently found in our water today.


 Let’s start with phosphate fertilizers. First off, they are loaded with cadmium. Cadmium is a chemical element that was used for a long time as a corrosion-resistant plating on steel. Cadmium compounds are used as red, orange and yellow pigments, to color glass, and to stabilize plastic. Doesn’t sound like something you’d like to mix in with your water, huh? Of course not! Cadmium also seeps into the ground, which means it’s soaked up into the foods growing out of that same ground. Ask any qualified scientist and they will tell you: high cadmium levels are ALWAYS linked to high growth rates of cancer and deadly concentration of cancer growths in the body. Another nasty little side effect of cadmium pollution is that cadmium causes arsenic to be drawn out of our soils and it then deposits these high levels of arsenic into our groundwater and plants.


 Now, let’s move on to chlorine. Chlorine was originally put into our water systems to be an effective defense against deadly pathogens that our water could harbor. To that end, it has stood against the test of time. However, chlorine damages our cells when it is ingested or saturated into our bodies, as in, when you drink it or shower in it every day!

 What really happens is that once the chlorine mixes with the water, new chemical compounds are formed. These compounds are especially dangerous to us because they are basically cancer super food. They directly feed the cancerous cells within us. These compounds are very stable in the natural environment, which may at first sound like a good thing, but in reality it means they don’t dissipate over time at a rate that’s realistically manageable. So these harmful chemical compounds stay in our water in highly concentrated levels for a longer time than it takes for us to use that available supply of water.

 One study in a 1996 Cancer Causes and Control found that cancer risk is increased greatly when the amount of exposure to chlorinated byproducts, or the duration of exposure to those byproducts, is increased. This can be super scary to us, because most of us climb under a regular tap water shower head at least once a day, most of the time twice a day. We stand under a constant stream of this polluted water for varying lengths of time, none of them short. So when we do this, we are thoroughly saturating ourselves with chlorinated water, and the mental image here is like taking a bath in acid rain! YUCK! Our skin is our largest living organ, so why wouldn’t we take measures to protect it from all of the pollution? So a water filter on your shower head doesn’t sound so crazy all of a sudden does it?


 Lastly, and certainly least healthy for us, is fluoride! Fluoride is also cancer super food. More importantly, it can function like an ignition button for cancer growth in our bodies.

 Fluoridation has been considered, publicly, to be one of the ten great public-health breakthroughs in the twentieth century. However for some time now, it is actually the informed realization that fluoridation is one of our biggest health missteps. There is absolutely no shortage of research and data to confirm that fluoride causes cancer. Period!

 Even though attempts have been made to suppress this information, it is still widely known. Raymond Francis, in his book, Never Fear Cancer Again, says on page 189, “For example, recorded in the ‘Congressional Record’ of 21 July 1976, the chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burke, stated before congress, ‘In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical.’”

 We regularly put this poison in our bodies from fluoridated tap water, and from toothpaste and processed beverages we drink like soda, beer, and fruit juices. The really crazy part is that they say that tooth protection is the main reason in support of fluoridation, but now we can clearly see that fluoride doesn’t protect teeth at all. In fact, if we look at the statistics, we will see that populated areas show an increase of cavities and tooth decay directly after they implement fluoridation.

 So now that I’ve armed you with what you need to be aware, make sure you make more conscious decisions regarding the sources of water you use.

 I strongly recommend that you research and invest in filters of different kinds. This is our health and happiness we are talking about here. Don’t wait until there is a problem to become concerned about what’s in your water!





Understanding How Acid Alkaline Balance Affects Health

Understanding How Acid Alkaline Balance Affects Health

Making sure your body is in an alkaline state is one of the major keys to overcoming diseases. Excessive acidity is responsible for degenerating and weakening all systems in the body.

The decline in health is rising at an alarming rate, despite the knowledge of the consequences of unhealthy eating. In order to achieve good health, the body needs to maintain sufficient alkaline reserves to ensure the energy demands of the body are met. The body depletes electrolyte reserves when there is a need to eliminate excess acidity, which is why maintaining health pH levels by eating alkalizing food is the key to sustaining overall health and well-being.

According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, Alkalize Or Die, the countless names of illnesses do not really matter but what does is they all come from the same root cause…too much acid waste in the body.

Understanding How pH Works 

Hydrogen, known as pH is the method of which alkalinity or acidity is measured in a solution on a scale of 0-14; 0 being extremely acidic and 14 being extremely alkaline. Ideally it’s healthy to keep the fluids in the body at neutral which is pH 7.

Infection and disease occur when there is an imbalance of positively (acid) and negatively (alkaline) charged ions of body fluid tissues.

When the pH drops to 5.3 and below (highly acidic), vitamins and minerals aren’t assimilated.

Oxygen circulates well at healthy levels and the natural process of healing and detoxification is no longer compromised, the cells regenerate optimizing the immune system’s function, and the body is less susceptible to disease.

Most people have imbalanced pH levels leading to problems such as obesity, premature aging, fatigue, and diseases.


You can get inexpensive pH strips from stores like Whole Foods and test yours in a few minutes.

The body constantly needs minerals and nutrients, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium to assure a healthy and balanced pH level. These neutralize the harmful effects of the acidity in the blood. If the natural process fails, the acid spreads to the various organs and causes extremely negative consequences.

The pH level controls each and every bodily function. 

Iodine is one of the most essential minerals needed for the thyroid to function properly. The thyroid is deprived of iodine if the pH level range is not ideal or close to perfect.

Ask around and you can see thyroid problems on the rise in a society with a widespread state of pH imbalance.

Why is this important? Because thyroid problems have been associated with arthritis, diabetes, heart conditions, depression, obesity, chronic fatigue, cancer, and so much more.

Are you beginning to see why your pH level is so important? 

Over-indulgence in excessively acidic foods, massive soil depletion, and mineral deficiency is degrading our health.

The body ideally has the proper tools and capability to eliminate excess acid, but due to poor and unhealthy eating habits, inadequate breathing and exercise, high levels of toxins, this results in liver stress and kidney failure, and the body can’t eliminate these acids so it stores it.

The pH level, without oxygen, changes into an acid pH level, and this is where cancer cells start to develop. Candida, fungus, and mold thrive in this type of environment as well.

This is not a new discovery for society; the ideal environments of cancer have been known since it’s discovery in 1903.

Don’t you find it odd very few people know what‘s causing diseases like cancer or know how to effectively treat them? 

That’s the reason I’m sharing these simple truths with you so you can see how off balance we’ve become and reverse it.

Typical Causes of Acid Alkaline Imbalance 

Standard American Diet (SAD)

80% of the standard American diet consists of acid food, which leads to a vast number of health problems.

Chronic Stress

Experiencing stress that occurs often for a long period of time is extremely damaging to the body, and is the cause of conditions such as ulcers, upset stomachs, backaches, headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, hypertension, anger, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids, panic disorders and attacks.

The growing cases of chronic stress is doubling at alarming rates. Doctors have documented the significance of the relationship between diseases and stress.

A healthy diet with sufficient amounts of magnesium assists in controlling and eliminating stress. Exercise, adequate rest, relaxation techniques and hobbies, and doing what you love also helps.


Excessive loss of water in the body leads to significant loss of nutrients as well. Since our bodies are 70% water, dehydration leaves it vulnerable to diseases and other problems.

NSAIDs and Aspirin 

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and aspirin promote acidity, leaving us susceptible to acid related diseases.

Illnesses Associated With Excess Acidity

  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Seizures
  • ADHD
  • Alcoholic tremors
  • Teeth grinding
  • Stuttering
  • Blood clotting
  • Poor circulation
  • Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Scleroderma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Acid reflux
  • Lupus
  • Cancer
  • Many more

 Wow, how many of these affect you or someone you love?

The compromised immune system results in a decreased resistance to colds, fever, infections, herpes, sores, reduced energy, asthmas, and increased allergic reactions.

Allergies are caused by an inflamed reaction, which is triggered by excess acidity.

The alkaline diet involves the consumption of organic fresh fruits and vegetables, and nuts.


It avoids the consumption of mainly refined grains and salt, dairy products, and meat; mostly the SAD diet.

Chlorophyll, the pigmentation in the leaves of plants prevents infections and diseases because of its alkalizing effects to the body.

An alkalized diet is an effective means of treatment for various diseases. It increases vigor and muscle mass, clears your mind, and promotes weight loss.

Looking for the fountain of youth? The alkaline diet delays the rotting effects of aging and is gaining momentum.

Would you agree it provides a wealth of benefits that we all need? How can we focus on business if we’re suffering from many of these ailments?

My Dad always said “the show must go on”. But if won’t if you can’t perform at your peak.

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts in the I really want your feedback! section.