
Ways To Live Your Life With Arthritis (5)

Ways To Live Your Life With Arthritis (5)

Ways To Live Your Life With Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of millions of people. Arthritis can be caused by infection, trauma to joints, or even by old age. The condition leaves suffers with pain and inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis and need help, then read the tips in the following article.

One way to deal with arthritis is to make sure you are coping with it in a positive manner. Focus on wellness and not on sickness. It is not easy when you are in pain to think in a positive way, but you can do it! It will help you and your pain.

Lose weight! Excess weight can mean more pain for you. The weight can also contribute to and aggravate osteoarthritis, while increasing your risk of gout. Losing your extra pounds will have you looking and feeling better. Losing those extra pounds will also relieve the stress on your knees and hips.

While you are not experiencing a lot of pain, it is important to make sure that you stretch your joints. You can see a physical therapist that will show you exactly which stretches will work best for you. People that are suffering from arthritis tend to feel stiffer when they first wake up and stretching is a great way to loosen everything up.

When dealing with arthritis pain you have to protect your joints. Always be thinking about your joints and your joint health and protect them from injury. So be careful; instead of lifting a heavy object, slide it, or use your shoulder to open a door instead of using your hand.

Be careful of what herbal remedies you take for arthritis and be sure you speak with your doctor before taking them. People think that because herbal remedies are natural, that they are healthy for you. This is not always the case. In fact, certain herbal remedies can make your arthritis worse.

Eat light foods. Eating heavy meals can make anyone feel slow and sluggish, and that effect is multiplied on those that suffer from arthritis. Having a light soup instead of a heavy steak can keep you feeling peppy and positive instead of fatigued and painful, so skip anything that may be too much.

Take a warm morning shower. Many people who suffer from arthritis have the stiffest joints when they wake up. Starting your day off with a warm shower will loosen your joints enough that you should be able to stretch them, which will help to prevent any stiffness you may experience later in the day.

Make sure you take your medications the way in which they are prescribed. If you are not experiencing the benefits you should be, don’t stop taking the medication. Sometimes it can take several days, weeks or months for the medications to work the way they are supposed to. If you are still concerned, make sure to talk to your doctor about it.

As stated before, arthritis affects the joints of millions. It is caused by infection in the joints, trauma to the joints, or old age. Arthritis causes the joints to be inflamed and results in the sufferer having great pain. By using the arthritis tips from this article, you can reduce your suffering.

Help Your Arthritis Pain With This Advice

Help Your Arthritis Pain With This Advice

Help Your Arthritis Pain With This Advice


Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of millions of people. Arthritis can be caused by infection, trauma to joints, or even by old age. The condition leaves suffers with pain and inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis and need help, then read the tips in the following article.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis may go into remission for years and may seem to be cured; however, it can come back in full force at any time. For this reason, it is very important for young people with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis to continue exercising and following a proper, anti-inflammatory, weight control diet. This will help control pain and symptoms if/when the disease returns.

One way to deal with arthritis is to make sure you are coping with it in a positive manner. Focus on wellness and not on sickness. It is not easy when you are in pain to think in a positive way, but you can do it! It will help you and your pain.

Regular exercise can help you manage the pain which is associated with arthritis. Your doctor can recommend an exercise program for you. Some physicians elect to send their arthritis patients to a physical therapist or an occupational therapist to have them design an exercise program for them to follow.

Keep pain relieving medications and ointments handy, such as on the countertop. If you suffer from a sudden attack, you may not want to have to reach and grab for your pills. In addition, if you have your medications in your purse or in your car, they will be available if you need them while not at home.

If you have been having trouble turning door knobs, consider having your door hardware switched out for handles instead of knobs. When you are dealing with arthritis flare ups, you can use your elbow and forearm to do the work of opening the door saving your hands the trouble.

You may want to consider using celery seeds if you suffer from chronic arthritis. Not only are these seeds natural and healthy, but they help to reduce some of the swelling that is associated with arthritis pain and other chronic conditions. You can purchase these seeds from many health food stores.

If you are allergic to something, do not eat it. Some mild allergies might not bother you at all, but they actually make your arthritis worst. If you are allergic to dairy or seafood, chances are you can still eat these foods without any serious danger, except for your joints.

Have your eyes checked each year. Some types of arthritis can have a negative impact on your eyes; in serious situations, these complications can cause blindness. If you are having blurred vision, pain, redness or light sensitivity, you should make sure that you get to an eye doctor, as soon as possible.

As stated before, arthritis affects the joints of millions. It is caused by infection in the joints, trauma to the joints, or old age. Arthritis causes the joints to be inflamed and results in the sufferer having great pain. By using the arthritis tips from this article, you can reduce your suffering.

Got Arthritis? Tips For Getting On With Your Life

Got Arthritis? Tips For Getting On With Your Life

Got Arthritis? Tips For Getting On With Your Life


Arthritis is a common and widespread disease that causes moderate to severe pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints of the body. There are over 100 unique types of the disease, which explains why it is so prevalent in adults. The useful tips and advice in this article offer insight into the treatment of the condition.

Exercising regularly will do wonders for your energy levels when you are dealing with psoriatic arthritis. Try to aim for 15 to 30 minutes of exercise a day to give you more energy and keep your body healthy and your bones strong. Make sure to not overdo it and end up tiring yourself out.

Double recipes to lessen time spent on your feet and reduce stress to arthritic knees and hips in the kitchen. Planning meals with leftovers in mind that can be frozen in microwave-safe containers, can cut kitchen work in half or more and gives you a break when you are just not feeling up to cooking.

Whenever you are considering alternative treatments for arthritis, remember to talk them over with your doctor, and if you see an herbalist or other alternative care provider, be sure to disclose all your medical treatments. Some alternative treatments and medical treatments work very well together. Others counteract each other. You want to be sure all of your treatments work together properly for optimum care.

Sometimes people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis find it beneficial to get involved in an active community of other people who also have the condition. Even if you just read blogs and articles written by others who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you will feel less isolated and feel more empowered with the knowledge.

You will never know if alternative treatments for arthritis work for you until you try them. There is a whole world of therapy, exercise and alternative herbal and supplemental treatment to explore. Most forms of alternative therapy are good for your general health as well as your arthritis, so you have nothing to lose.

Cool down your joints and stop physical activity if you start feeling arthritis pain. Rest in a cool environment and use cold packs or mists of cold water to help reduce the pain and swelling caused by injury. Make sure to rest the injured joints and let them have time to get back to fighting order before using them for any difficult tasks.

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis flare ups, try to remember to keep your pain relievers handy. Many pain relievers like ibuprofen can help relieve symptoms of arthritis flare ups in as little as 15 minutes. So make sure to keep a bottle of your most effective pain reliever close at hand.

At this time, there is no single cure that can eliminate all types of arthritis. Fortunately, the advice you have just read is an excellent place to start as you look for ways to live with arthritis. Apply the information in these tips, and you are sure to notice improvements.

Good Tips To Keep Your Arthritis At Bay

Good Tips To Keep Your Arthritis At Bay

You Have to Help Yourself First, Before you Can Help Others - Day 114
Source: Flickr

If you are living with arthritis, you know that this is a chronic condition that becomes more complicated as the disease progresses. It is a challenge to deal with the daily pain, limitations in your range of motion and fatigue that come along with arthritis. The tips in this article can help you to cope.

Do not neglect yourself and your needs, if you are a parent with rheumatoid arthritis. Make sure you make time to stretch and exercise to keep yourself strong and your symptoms under control. It is easy to forget yourself when you are taking care of children, but make sure you set aside some time that is just for you, so that you can take care of your body’s needs.

Watch what you eat – cut down on red meat too. People who follow a Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer from arthritis. A Mediterranean diet includes fish, cereals, fruits and oils. Make sure you include these important elements in your daily diet and you should see a difference. This will not cure arthritis but should help reduce the pain.

You will never know if alternative treatments for arthritis work for you until you try them. There is a whole world of therapy, exercise and alternative herbal and supplemental treatment to explore. Most forms of alternative therapy are good for your general health as well as your arthritis, so you have nothing to lose.

Rheumatoid arthritis fatigue can be difficult to overcome, but if you’ve tried everything and are still lethargic you should consider other problems you might have. Visit a sleep clinic to get an assessment and you might find you’re actually battling sleep apnea, a condition where you literally stop breathing overnight.

Omega 3s can help reduce the risks of arthritis. Omega 3s can be found in fish and oils. Make sure you include them in your diet, or take a supplement if you need to. This should prevent your arthritis from spreading and perhaps even reduce the pain you currently have.

To manage your symptoms effectively, try a Mediterranean diet. Studies have shown that arthritis sufferers who change to this diet see their symptoms quickly decrease, and have a better feeling overall. The Mediterranean diet is high in healthy fats and grains, which your body needs to increase your flexibility and overall health.

Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight causes stress on the joints especially in the knees and hips. This added stress leads to flare-ups of arthritis. This is in addition to the well-known health dangers of being overweight and the detrimental effects it has on your mood and energy levels. Speak with your doctor about a safe weight loss plan.

The longer you live with arthritis, the more you are going to have to find new ways to accommodate your condition. In order to continue doing as many of the things you love to do as possible, some changes may become necessary. If you apply some of the pointers you learned in this article, it will make your journey a lot easier.

Manage Your Arthritis With Helpful Information To Ease The Pain (4)

Manage Your Arthritis With Helpful Information To Ease The Pain (4)

Manage Your Arthritis With Helpful Information To Ease The Pain


Did you know that arthritis can occur with not only the elderly, but also with people at any stage of their life, including infancy? This fact, along with many others will be covered in this article. If you need to know the best advice for how to deal with arthritis, then read on.

Store items on your countertop that you would normally place in your pantry to help avoid straining yourself in the kitchen. Make sure that you use lids that are lightweight and easy to remove. Simple changes like this can make your time in the kitchen more bearable.

You will never know if alternative treatments for arthritis work for you until you try them. There is a whole world of therapy, exercise and alternative herbal and supplemental treatment to explore. Most forms of alternative therapy are good for your general health as well as your arthritis, so you have nothing to lose.

Do not neglect yourself and your needs, if you are a parent with rheumatoid arthritis. Make sure you make time to stretch and exercise to keep yourself strong and your symptoms under control. It is easy to forget yourself when you are taking care of children, but make sure you set aside some time that is just for you, so that you can take care of your body’s needs.

Double check with your doctor or pharmacist to find out if any of the arthritis drugs you’re taking have adverse reactions with food or other drugs. For example, many prescriptions become longer lasting in the blood stream if you ingest grapefruit, leading to higher levels of the medicine in your body than your doctor prescribed.

Never wear high heels. Women who suffer from arthritis should stay far away from these shoes, as they put extra stress on the ankles and knees. Wearing these can actually cause tears in the tendons surrounding joints, which will only worsen any inflammation and pain that already exists in the area.

Make an effort to regularly take fish oil supplements. These supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are important in helping to control inflammation in the body. They can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, giving arthritis patients a wide variety of different health benefits when they consume them.

Don’t give up on finding a way to manage your arthritis pain. Dealing with a debilitating condition can leave you feeling frustrated and hopeless – particularly if you are having trouble finding any treatment options that work. If what you are doing is not working, talk to your doctor about other treatment options or explore alternative treatments such as acupuncture, nutrition or holistic medicine until you find something that helps.

There is quite a bit to learn about arthritis. Not only did you learn many important facts, but hopefully, the advice provided will be more than enough to either use for your own purpose or to share with others that need it. Go out, and use these tips today to reduce the effects of this condition.

Treadmills – Walking Your Way To Better Health One Step At A Time

Treadmills – Walking Your Way To Better Health One Step At A Time


Walking is one of the most natural, everyday movements that an individual can make. For years, this simple act has been believed to help improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and burn calories at the same time. Because not everyone has the convenience or the safety of walking outdoors, treadmills are designed to offer the same benefits without having to leave home.

While there are different variations of each, there are basically two types of treadmills. The first is a manual treadmill, which is powered solely by the individual. This device is not programmable and, therefore, is designed to keep up with the speed of the individual rather than the other way around. An electronic treadmill, on the other hand, can be programmed for the individual to keep up with the pace of the machine. With varying speeds and positions, electric treadmills can be designed to provide a slow or brisk walk at a flat or sloped angle.

A recent study divided individuals into two different groups, one of which participated in 30 minutes of exercising on treadmills while the other group spent 30 minutes resting. Each of the two group’s progress was monitored during the treatment which, at the conclusion, showed that both groups experienced a reduction in negative feelings, stress and tension. The group that spent 30 minutes training on the treadmills, however, also admitted to feeling an improvement in overall well-being. According to this study, walking is not only good for physical health, but proved to be beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall feelings of wellness.

While the study adds credence to the theory that walking is a positive exercise activity overall, it also lends truth to the idea that individuals do not have to walk outside in order to get the benefits of a regular walking routine. Treadmills are designed with indoor fitness in mind, which was the equipment of choice used in the aforementioned study. The use of a treadmill is especially beneficial during harsh winter months at times when walking outdoors may be slippery, in areas that are unsafe to walk or for individuals who simply prefer to exercise at home. Walking is believed to aid in the reduction of stress, the fight against obesity, cardiovascular disease and may be the most convenient exercise in existence.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice and/or recommendations. Before beginning any type of exercise regimen, including one that involves the use of treadmills, individuals should consult their physician.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Alternative Medicine

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated with Alternative Medicine

Source: Flickr

If you have rheumatoid arthritis you may have often thought about seeking an alternative health practitioner, but have not known how to approach the matter. You may be considering alternative medicine now for your arthritis, because you have been treated unsuccessfully for years by conventional medicine.

Having been treated for rheumatoid arthritis over a lengthy period your condition may be rather advanced, that is not to say that alternative medicine would be unable to treat it, but rather the treatment would be slow and steady in order to avoid any aggravation of your arthritis.

Unfortunately patients often expect fast results from their chosen alternative practitioner, however, this will most certainly not be the case, for years of taking prescription drugs will have more than likely left you in a debiliated condition.Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with prescription drugs fails to treat the cause of your disease, it only treats symptoms, this results in suppression, and you spend the rest of your life with intermittent flare-ups and exacerbations of your disease with no cure ever in sight.

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be an auto-immune disease, with an unknown cause. This diagnosis rather absolves you of all responsibility for your disease, having received your diagnosis you then proceed unquestioningly to commence a regime of potent drugs for your rheumatoid arthritis without doing any research on the disease yourself.

Have you ever asked why your immune system has decided to attack you, rather than protect you? If you gave this some serious thought you might decide to make some lifestyle changes in order to help your immune system regain it’s innate intelligence. You may ask what lifestyle changes you might have to make in order to regain your health. Basically there really is only one change, and that is your diet. The answer is simple, eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables, eliminate fast foods, highly processed foods, aspartame, MSG, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, cigarettes, alcohol, diet sodas, and all other sodas.

If you would prefer to keep your rheumatoid arthritis, your junk diet and prescription drugs then that’s your choice and you will undoubtedly pay for your choice with lifelong sickness. However, if you make the effort to change your diet you will reap the benefits, and you will be richly rewarded with vibrant health.
