Health Guides

Food Healing to Conquer ANY Disease

Food Healing to Conquer ANY Disease

Food Healing to Conquer ANY Disease

By Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack


Jeff Primack has taught Qigong for 20 years to over 50k people at Qi Revolution conferences. He is author of “Conquering Any Disease”, a science-supported medical textbook endorsed by doctors that give food functions and protocols to help people reverse epidemic diseases of today.

What if Clogged Arteries and Parkinson’s were caused by the same oxidative force?

FREE RADICALS in food are the real villain and lack an electron, thus robbing electrons from healthy cells causing cholesterol to crystalize and brain to form plaque. Oxidation is the death mechanism. What turns an apple brown is the same force hardening brain in dementia and Parkinson’s. Luckily, God has a plan for our healing with food as medicine.

ELIMINATING FRIED FOOD is more important than being organic.

Top scientists of “International HNE Club” published their latest findings that cholesterol hardens when oxidized by free radicals. French fries in America were found to possess extreme levels of free radicals, HydroxyNonEnal (HNE). In addition to causing cholesterol hardening, HNE radicals high in all fried foods, cause DNA oxidation, which leads to replication of cancer cells instead of healthy cells. 2017 science on fats makes it clear the importance of cutting out fried foods, akin to smoking cigarettes.

Butter, coconut and olive oil produce less free radicals when heated.

These oils are made of saturated & monounsaturated fats that don’t oxidize easily. Canola and soybean oils have more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are unstable oxidizing faster. In the “Conquering Any Disease” book I provide evidence for returning to a high saturated fat diet and avoiding processed oils.

Aside from cooking oils, we get free radical exposure being near car exhaust and factories.

Only a high-phytochemical diet can give you effective protection from radical oxidation in your body. Humans can run marathons looking for a cancer cure, yet by avoiding fried oils and eating superfoods humans reverse cancer. Our food protocol for cancer has been used by hundreds of Qigong students with success since 2005. There’s an emphasis on foods to detoxify, but the real effects come from rebuilding blood and reversing oxidation with electron-dense pigments.

Pigments are colorful due to having DOUBLE BONDS, which contain four electrons that can be used to “quench radicals”.

Neutralization of free radicals by electrons in food pigments is the best way to avoid disease. America is on a low pigment diet! Black sesame seeds contain Melanin, a pigment stored by the Substantia Nigra in the brain where dopamine is made. Colorful pigments in hair signal fertility and many foods are proven by science to regrow hair, such as red onions and red apples.

Carotenoids have the BRIGHTEST COLOR of all pigments and no other molecule is more healing.

Eye health, vision and fertility are restored by eating them and they protect against sunburns. Egg yolks have 1mg of lutein per yolk to give it that vivid yellow. Spinach has 10x more lutein than egg yolks by weight, however recent science shows the egg was far more bioavailable. This is because carotenoids are fat soluble and made more bioavailable in the presence of oil. Cooked carrots are shown to have greater blood plasma absorption of betacarotene than raw in humans. I suggest both raw and cooked to obtain maximum benefits.

RED carotenoids neutralize free radicals 2x faster than Orange and 4x faster than Yellow!

There is a hierarchy and RED is best. Lutein (yellow pigment) has 10 double bonds in its chromophore. Betacarotene (orange) has 11 double bonds and Lycopene (pink) has 13 double bonds. Does it surprise that pink with 13 double bonds is a more effective electron donor than orange with 11? RED FOODS are the most profound evolution to the human diet. When Italy began making tomato paste it spawned great thinkers and strong men. Only peppers (cousin of tomato) evolved the deep red carotenoid called, CAPSANTHIN. I think pepper’s carotenoids being the reddest are the most healing.

Since learning the importance of RED carotenoids I’ve made Pepper Paste hundreds of times! I have a pepper problem…

We give fresh “Primack Pepper Paste” samples to every person who attends Qi Revolution.           Unfortunately, people can’t buy it yet, but we show everyone how to make it. Tomato paste, sauce and ketchup are next best sources. Claudia Gabrielle MD, Ivy league educated doctor, says she learned more on Food-Healing at the Qi Revolution than in medical school!  We invite you, the seekers of truth, to be educated and learn Food as Medicine.

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing


Nutrition Response Testing

by Dr. Randall Haas

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health.

Our clinically proven system may be quite different from any other healing practice you have experienced. It is not one based on masking symptoms through drugs or medication but instead finding the underlying cause of the problem and helping the body heal itself. 

Factually, this is a new paradigm in healing and we believe this is Healthcare as Mother Nature Intended.

What can I expect in my first appointment?

We will have some questions for you before and during the testing. The first step involves a full health history, symptom survey, a Health Express Analysis computerized test and the Nutrition Response Testing itself. The actual procedure is simple and direct, with your body providing all the information and feedback needed. We use the extraordinary ability of the human cells and tissues to bring about healing and health improvements bringing about a Total Health Restoration for you and your entire family.

What are we testing for?

As the Doctor is using the Nutrition Response Testing he is testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the nervous system’s way of telling him what and how your organ’s and other body systems are doing because the nervous system regulates the body’s functions for each and every organ. The testing includes all organs, glands, joints, muscles and the entire body.

These reflexes are tested on the surface of the body and then the findings are analyzed and your personal Total Health Restoration program will be designed.

He will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand while contacting a specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to your extended arm and send it to the stressed organ or body part.  This will cause your extended arm to weaken and drop.  This indicates an underlying stress or other dysfunction in that area of your body which may be adversely affecting your health.

Once the underlying cause of the dysfunction is corrected using proper nutrition the “weak” muscle response in your arm will no longer occur.

Since we directly use your body and nervous system for analysis it is faster and often more accurate than lab tests.  Additionally, there are no huge, expensive machines, no drugs, surgery, nasty needles or hefty lab fees to cover.

How soon will I see improvement?

Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are from those who most closely follow their recommended nutritional program.

Is it Important to stick to the plan?

Generally chronic health problems do not suddenly develop overnight. They develop over years of improper nutrition and eating unhealthy, or due to taking prescription drugs, or other environmental toxins present in the body. This causes nutritional deficiencies and imbalances which then become chronic health problems. Often there are additional issues from chemical toxins to heavy metals, parasites, radiation, pollutants and other environmental health hazards.  All of these things have created your current health condition.

Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you get started on taking control of your health and get a nutrition program specifically created to fix your health issues the faster you see results.  Once you start your Total Health Restoration program if you continue your poor dietary habits and don’t use self-discipline (and our guidance) to overcome these, you may not improve as much as you’d hoped.  Full and dedicated commitment to the program is what will restore you to optimum health, vitality and well-being.

What are my chances for recovery?

Nutrition Response Testing, as developed by Dr. Freddie Ulan, has been successfully applied for nearly 2 decades to 10s of thousands of patients with a wide variety of often chronic, long-term health conditions by hundreds of Doctors and Practitioners across the United States and Canada.  After it is determined that you are indeed a case whose health condition can be significantly helped with Nutrition Response Testing in our clinical experience we don’t believe there is any healing method which could help you more than Nutrition Response Testing, Designed Clinical Nutrition and a Total Health Restoration program. If, after your first visit, it is determined you are not a case who could be helped by Nutrition Response Testing and Designed Clinical Nutrition we will not accept you as a patient. That being said, it is also our experience that the majority (90-95%) of patients that experience non-optimum and chronic health conditions CAN be helped if they choose to start on the road to true healing through our programs.

The program consists of an initial visit, a subsequent Report of Finding visit, and then a package of 12 short testing visits that begin typically as weekly, and then may be spread out based on the patient’s improvement. Additionally, a re-evaluation (both subjective and objective) to assess improvement occurs twice during the program.


Chiropractor Randall Haas D.C.

Dr. Randall Haas has been freeing people from pain since 1978 in his office in Jacksonville, FL. As a Chiropractor with experience, his professionals are committed to promoting the health and well being of his patients.

Dr. Haas uses a “whole person approach” when taking care of his patients. By combining the very best hands-on-technique, state of the art physiotherapy procedures, and providing the newest and best natural vitamins and mineral supplements on the market today, Dr. Haas is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.

Dr. Randall Haas was raised in Jacksonville and attended the Bolles School before moving to South Carolina, where he completed high school. After graduating from Wofford College in S.C. with a B.A. in government (as a Dean’s List Student), he served two years in the U.S. Coast Guard as a Dental Technician. He then enrolled in the National College of Chiropractic (near Chicago) where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree, completing the 4 year program in 3 ½ years. Again, he was on the Dean’s List and was a member of Delta Tau Alpha, the national scholastic honor society. Dr. Haas returned to his roots in Jacksonville in 1978 to open his practice.

In addition to maintaining a busy practice, Dr. Haas continues to be an active and contributing member of the Jacksonville community. He has served on the boards of the Jacksonville Zoological Society; the Southside Business Men’s Club, the Jewish Children’s and Family Services and is a past President of the Executive Association of Jacksonville. He is also a 32nd Degree mason and is a member of his synagogue’s choir. He has sung with the San Francisco Summer Civic Chorale, led by the renowned Arthur Fiedler, and with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Choir.

In constantly striving for excellence and the expansion of his knowledge, Dr. Haas regularly attends postgraduate seminars and workshops with an emphasis on nutrition and holistic health care advances.

The cornerstone of Dr. Haas’ many successes in his 34 years of practice remains that seeing each and every person as a unique individual and to give the very best care to those whom he is privileged to serve.

Breakthrough Healthcare

11481 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32258

Phone: 904-260-1993

Infographic – How to Heal Cancer

Infographic – How to Heal Cancer

Waking Up With Back Pain

Waking Up With Back Pain

Back pain can make you dread lying down straight on your bed and sleeping peacefully goes out of the window no matter if the sheep counting goes from hundred to a thousand. According to latest statistics, 8 out of every 10 Americans are suffering from back pain and it is affecting more women than men (nearly one-third of women suffer from back pain compared to a quarter of men) and it is more common in older adults.
Before we move on, it is important to understand the cause of back pains. As mentioned earlier, back pain and sleep complications go hand in hand. A bad sleeping posture can cause your back to stiff out and in the long run, can cause a spiral of problems. About 32% of people suffering from back pain report having sleep difficulties. Sadly, only one in every ten people find out the primary cause of back pain and sometimes the reason is as simple as a bad sleeping position. I myself was once part of the later 90%, until I found out that the reason behind all the sleepless my back pain is because of my poor sleeping position and mattress.
Waking up with back pain that gradually fades away once you are up and running is known as back pain, which is not due to any medical reason. Your mattress, pillow and most importantly your sleeping position are the main culprits in this case. Think about it, if your pain was really due to some medical condition or as a result of straining your back, you would feel back pain all the time. The good news is that you can get rid of your pain by making simple changes in your sleeping positions. Here are the most common tips to avoid back pain and say farewell to all those sleepless nights that were spent in agony.

Back Sleeping

Back sleeping is the most recommended sleeping position to avoid back pain due to the fact that your body weight is distributed evenly, putting less strain on your back. To take it up a notch and really avoid any pain what so ever, try to sleep in a way that your back is neither totally flat nor arched up while sleeping on you back. A good way to achieve this position is by putting a pillow under your knees. This helps to support the natural curve of your spine when you sleep on your back.

Side Sleeping

Side sleeping is the most common sleeping position. The best way to avoid back pain when sleeping on your side is to place a pillow between your knees. You can use a full length pillow for extra comfort. Also, make sure that your top leg does not fall over your bottom leg. Another way to add comfort is by placing a rolled towel under your waist, while still in the side position.

Stomach Sleeping

The worst sleeping position of all is the stomach sleeping. Sleeping on the stomach puts pressure on your back by flattening the natural curve of your spine. It can even cause pain between the shoulders because the neck is not supported in a good manner. It is best to avoid this sleeping position and pick either one of the two sleeping positions mentioned above.

It Is Just Not Your Position That Matters

What if you are following the already mentioned tips to the core and still suffer from back pains on a daily basis? This means that either you have a medical condition (which is to be honest a prime example of jumping to conclusions) or that something else might be wrong as well. The nearest thing to back pain while sleeping has to be something related closely to you while you are asleep and nothing is more close to you while sleeping than your mattress. Take it from me, you need to re-evaluate your mattress if nothing is working and you will surely feel the difference in a couple of days. Look for signs of weariness and notice whether you need a firmer mattress to support your back. According to research 63% people have reported improved quality of sleep and a significant decrease in back pain after changing their mattress. Sleep experts recommend that you must evaluate your mattress every 5-7 years.
We hope these changes will help you rid of your morning back pain. However, if your back pain still persists, I advise you to consult your doctor as there might be other reasons besides your sleeping position and mattress evaluation.
Author Bio:
Eugene Gabriel has his BSc (Hons.) Degree in Psychology. He has always been fascinated by the effects of good quality sleep, or the lack of it on human productivity and overall well-being. He has helped thousands of individuals suffering from sleeping problems by teaching them about the healthy changes they need to make in their lifestyle in order to sleep peacefully. Read his post on health and sleep. You can also follow him on twitter @eugenegabrielj.
Cleaning Out Your Environment and Eating Clean

Cleaning Out Your Environment and Eating Clean


This is what the typical standard American diet cabinet looks like. But if you want to get healthy, it’s time to clean out your cabinets and fridge.
Eating clean brings awareness to where our foods come from. The goal of clean eating is to enjoy the freshest foods with the greatest nutritional value. It’s a path to a healthier lifestyle, one bite at a time!
Here are some basic rules to get you started on a lifestyle of eating cleaner and how to stop the input of toxins.
Shop Clean
Clean eating begins at home by cleaning out your cabinets and then at your grocery store or farmers market. The first step is to become familiar with what is in and on your food and to get in the habit of reading nutrition labels. Eliminate products with ingredients you can’t identify or you can’t pronounce.
Body Care and Cleaning Products.

You skin absorbs what you put on it including chemicals from lotions, oils and make up. Mascara has mercury in it, and lipstick has lead in it. Skin care products don’t disclose the toxic ingredients on the label. Organic all natural body care products are the safest.

Stop using the harsh household cleaners; dish soap, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner. Switch to natural, non toxic, organic cleaning products. There are lots of clean non toxic natural cleaning products out there, or make your own.

Find non-toxic body care products and household cleaning products at It is a great place to find out what brands are potentially toxic and find cleaner brands.

Cook Clean

Get comfortable in your kitchen and start cooking more of your own meals. Eating at home saves calories, is much healthier and is cheaper. Avoid high-fat cooking methods like deep-frying or stewing in animal or vegetable fats; instead, steam or stir-fry to preserve nutritional value. Use coconut and olive oil in place of butter, and replace refined salt with pink Himalayan sea salt, spices, herbs, garlic and lemon.

Eat Clean

Eat Organic Vegetables and Fruits

Eating a 95% plant based diet has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Some veggies get a nutritional boost by cooking and others are best when eaten raw.

When cooking, it’s better to steam, bake, or sauté to preserve nutritional value. Replace pasta with zucchini or spaghetti squash spirals.

Eat Healthy Grains

Refined products are more processed and are often stripped of their healthy fiber and vitamins. Choose quinoa, oats, black red and brown rice. Don’t eat white rice, breads, and packaged and processed foods; especially cookies, crackers and cakes with unhealthy ingredients.

Eat Natural Foods

Since eating clean means eating whole foods, it makes sense that processed foods with lots of added sugar are not a part of the clean healthy lifestyle. Skip candy, soda, prepackaged cookies and sweets altogether.

Read food labels carefully, and pay close attention to foods that contain sugars, like granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, barbecue sauce, salad dressing, frozen desserts, fruit juice, lemonade, sports drinks and bottled teas. Look for better alternatives or make your own homemade versions.

Eat Less Meat

The healthiest rule of thumb is to treat meat as a condiment incorporating only about 5% animal products in your diet if you feel a need to eat meat. Look for locally sourced, kosher, organic, free-range, 100% grass-fed animal meat when available and aim for a couple of servings max per week. Unless you are fighting a major disease, in which case it is recommended to cut out all animal products for a time until your body is in a healthier state.

Drink Clean

Eating clean also means drinking clean water and avoiding sugary drinks. You really need to purify your drinking water, even if you have well water.

If you are drinking tap water then you are likely drinking bleach, fluoride, and other toxins which can cause cancer.

They put fluoride in our drinking water because in the 1950s the aluminum industry convinced the government to put fluoride in our drinking water to get rid of their toxic waste byproduct from manufacturing. It was illegal to dump in rivers but convinced the government it was okay for us to drink it. You don’t need fluoride in your drinking water or on your teeth.

You can filter your water with a counter top filter or a reverse osmosis system which mounts under your sink. The Berkey water filter is a great option, is portable, and is very economical, and removes hundreds of contaminants.

Your body can remove these toxins if you stop adding them.

So we want to reduce our toxic load and reduce as many of these harmful things as possible.

The Berkey water filter is a great option, is portable, and is very economical, and removes hundreds of contaminants. Click here to find out more about it. 

An Overview of My Starting Fresh Plan

An Overview of My Starting Fresh Plan

7 reasons To Embrace Health Change

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“Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” Tony Robbins


Do you ever wonder what it means to be healthy? Every day I’m reminded of the horrible nutrition information and misconceptions that bombards us constantly.

I know that you want the truth and it’s difficult to find because it’s drowned out by all the confusion. Very little of the nutritional information that makes it public is based on science. I’m constantly researching core principles that show how nutrition and health truly operate to share with you in a simple understandable and easily digested method to implement change.

Have you been wondering if it’s healthy to eat meat, if you should become a vegetarian, vegan, or what’s the difference? 

My goal is to help guide you to make health simple and to make simple choices. I will translate the facts into recommendations that you can begin to incorporate every day. I want to show you a new understanding of nutrition and health, which foods you should eat and which ones to avoid, and that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are enormous.

I want you to know for full disclosure that I am not a health professional. I’m just an ordinary person with no special health training that has reaped so many benefits from changing our diet and environment and want to share my experience and research of experts with you. I hope it encourages you to know that you can gain great benefits too and your body wants to heal itself if you give it half a chance.

Don’t just take my word for it. According to T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD in their book, The China Study, I quote them to say that by eating right you can:

  • Live longer
  • Look and feel younger
  • Have more energy
  • Lose weight
  • Lower your blood cholesterol
  • Prevent and even reverse heart disease
  • Lower your risk of prostate, breast and other cancers
  • Preserve your eyesight in your later years
  • Prevent and treat diabetes
  • Avoid surgery in many instances
  • Vastly decrease the need for pharmaceutical drugs
  • Keep your bones strong
  • Avoid impotence
  • Avoid stroke
  • Prevent kidney stones
  • Keep your baby from getting Type 1 diabetes
  • Alleviate constipation
  • Lower your blood pressure
  • Avoid Alzheimer’s
  • Beat arthritis
  • And more…

These are only some of the benefits, and all of them can be yours. The price? Simply changing your diet. I don’t know that it has ever been so easy or relatively effortless to achieve such profound benefits. The above paragraph was a direct quote from their book.

I feel people need hope that cancer may not be a death sentence as we’ve been conditioned to believe. They need hope to know there is a better way, the natural way God intended. It is my hope to be one little voice to help empower you to learn more about taking action against a life threatening situation regarding your health or that of your loved one, or to just be in better health.

Natural God given water, vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the proper balance heals our body and fights off diseases such as cancer, an autoimmune disease, or most bodily ailments. Knowledge and action is the key to wellness.

Change is a process, are you resisting it? 

You may feel resistance.  It may not be easy.  But we all have to stretch our comfort zones and move our lives forward.

The truth is, living is a risk. Don’t worry about mistakes and failures, worry about what you’re losing when you don’t even try.  This is not about deprivation. Give yourself permission to be one of the people who made mistakes and has some challenges, but recovered from them and developed into your healthier self.

That’s what I wish for YOU.

So here are 7 good reasons it’s time for all of us to embrace change and get healthier…

  1. Everything changes whether you embrace it or not. – If nothing ever changed there would be nothing new tomorrow.  Most of us stay comfortable where we are even though everything is constantly changing around us.  The first step is awareness. Because only when we change, do we improve, and begin to see what’s possible.  And don’t forget, however good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on.  I remember thinking terminal thoughts many years ago when I suffered from Lupus and arthritis. There were times when I didn’t have the strength to even turn myself over in bed for 3 days. I wondered at that time if I would ever be free of pain and suffering. But my situation improved. So embrace it. It won’t always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth taking steps to improve.
  2. Live life to the fullest. – It’s never too late to live a day that makes you feel better. We get one shot at today and we can make it better.  There’s no age limit on changing your path.  It’s never too late or too early to improve your body, mind, or spirit. There’s no perfect time – so start now.  You can change or stay the same – it’s really up to you, and only you. So make the best of it. If you’ve fallen short before, start again. Spend time with people who help you be better.  If you find that you’re not living a life that makes you feel good, have the courage to change.
  3. You can’t grow by staying in your comfort zone. – When your body hurts, you’re overweight, your mind is confused, and your heart is heavy with pain and ailments, it’s time to change.  Sometimes you must let go to grow.  Clean out your cabinets of all the processed foods. You cannot discover new victories unless you build up enough determination to let go of past defeating habits.  Listen to your spirit.  And remember, no effort is ever a waste of time. You may not be where you need to be yet but you will be closer than you were before. 
  4. The past will not change your future. – You can spend hours, weeks, or months, over-analyzing your problems from the past, beating yourself up about your situation, trying to put the pieces together, and justifying what could’ve or should’ve happened, maybe even feeling sorry for yourself.  Or you can just start today to accept that the past doesn’t have to be the future, and make a commitment to get out of the dark and into the sunlight. The body can rejuvenate quickly in a better environment. The mind can develop different thought patterns.
  5. Holding on to old pain is self-abuse. – If your past has been painful then seek to make changes and use that wisdom for a better today.  Don’t let it haunt you.  Replaying a painful memory over and over in your head is a form of self-abuse.  Toxic thoughts create a toxic life.  Make peace with yourself and your past.  When you heal your thoughts, you heal your mind.  So stop focusing on old pains and things you don’t want in your future.  The more you think about them, the more you attract what you fear into your everyday experiences – get out of your own way. Change the negativity to positivity by changing your habits. Forgive yourself or someone else and free yourself from that pain.
  6. Taking daily action steps creates positive change. – You may blame everyone else and think, “Poor me!  Why did I have to get this disease, why do I have this pain?”  But maybe you aren’t the victim, but your poor lifestyle choices and eating habits are to blame.  YOU alone have the power to change things, or change the way you think about things. Surrendering to change is very powerful. Victory over your health is very liberating. You can only find victory one small change at a time until one day you look back and everything changed.
  7. Feeling better is waiting for you. – Yes, it will be different and take some time. There will be challenges and disruptions to your normal schedule. There will still be heartache and loss and nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, suffering, or something they thought was meant to be.  But it is so worth taking steps to be in the best health you can be. You won’t know just how good you can feel until you go all out and give it all you’ve got to be the best you can possibly be. Do you want to settle for any less? Do you want to continue to be sick and tired of being sick and tired? Yes, you are venturing into unfamiliar territory. Embrace the newness of that. Welcome the new foods into your diet with a quest for adventure. Explore new tastes and new recipes. You might really enjoy them and they can be very refreshing, instead of your same stale culinary routine. You will enjoy new sensations if you open your mind to the taste possibilities, knowing God gave us a rainbow of possible foods to explore that you probably never knew existed.

Learn a new way, challenge what you have been taught as truth, and be ready to experience something or meet someone that just might change your life forever.

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.” Tony Robbins

What changes to you need to make in your life?

What do you need help with? Did this article change you?  Leave a comment on this post and share your thoughts with us.


Never Give Up On Your Health

Never Give Up On Your Health

I was watching the show “America’s Got Talent” where two musicians played their introductory video before they were ready to perform. They shared their story of how they grew up in a Winnebago traveling with their father and learned to play instruments for something to do. Now that they had made it to the performances of America’s Got Talent they were trying to decide if they should follow their road to success or just stay home and be with their father.
These two grown young brothers (I’d guess in their 20’s) had a tear in their eye as they proclaimed that their father had cancer. While the son didn’t elaborate on his dad’s condition I got the feeling that he didn’t think his dad would be around too long and they had to make the decision of going on the road to stardom or staying home with their dad to spend his last days together. His dad looked perfectly healthy on the outside.
My immediate thoughts were how can you just write him off like that. Was it because they heard the dreaded “C” word and thought there was no hope? Could it be because the stats aren’t good from surgery, chemo and radiation? Did they likely just assume he was going to die because the doctors gave him a short prognosis?
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This made me so sad. Why have you just given up on him, I thought. Why are you expecting the worse? People’s resolve is to just anticipate and accept the worse when they hear cancer or other serious diseases. They reside with the acceptance of worse case scenario or inevitable death.
Why can’t we be like the frog in the heron’s mouth whose hands are around the heron’s throat saying, “It won’t swallow me alive – I’m not giving up till it’s over, even if I get all choked up.”
Then when I saw the movie “God’s Not Dead” where the young actress told her boyfriend that her doctor said she has cancer and is going to die, my reaction this time was not sadness but anger. NO!
It ain’t over till it’s over!
I thought of all the people that have been stripped of hope by their doctors. In an instant the doctor’s authority has extreme dominion over one’s life and a fatal diagnosis can change “everything”. Yes, everything…
Can there be many tomorrows? Is what I do today important because suddenly my priorities have changed? Do I have any control over my life or my loved one’s? Is there any hope for a brighter tomorrow?     Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!
But it’s not their doctor’s fault, that’s what they’ve been trained to do.
People rely on their doctors, who have little nutritional training, so their only answer is to prescribe pharmaceuticals and procedures instead of successful natural healthy solutions. I am not saying not to listen to your doctor’s advice. But when it comes to chemo, radiation, and surgery, you should definitely get educated to see if there are other options for you and find out if natural methods will work better.
We all know a great deal about nutrition and health. But the science has been covered by harmful information and food industry propaganda. When I learned what conglomerates are doing to us I became radical about exposing the truth and science to prove that eating right and ridding your body of toxins and deficiencies could possibly save your life.
It’s my goal to empower you to make informed choices, eliminate confusion whenever possible, expose the science behind preventing and treating diseases, and redefine what we think of as good nutrition.
I don’t expect you to just take my word for it, nor should you believe everything you read. I don’t have all the health answers because I’m not a medical doctor but what I can offer are conclusions from other scientists and experts who have done the research, and the information from what my partner did to overcome his cancer and our own success.
I hope you enjoy this issue.

I’ve given you great reasons below to never give up and get healthy.

Find out how in the next 6 emails and 6 videos, as I give you an overview of my “Starting Fresh” plan with simple, all natural solutions, empowerment, and more recipes, to achieve amazing results quickly.


Here is a snippet of some of my upcoming videos.

One of the first sources of information that I recommend you read and one of the most comprehensive studies of nutrition every conducted is a book entitled “The China Study”.
Click on the book link to get your copy from Amazon.
There are over 750 references in the book that point the way to less cancer, less heart disease, fewer strokes, less obesity, less diabetes, less autoimmune diseases, less osteoporosis, less Alzheimer’s, less kidney stones and less blindness.
Some of the findings published in The China Study book show that:
  • Dietary changes can enable diabetic patients to go off their medication
  • Heart disease can be reversed with diet alone
  • Breast cancer is related to levels of female hormones in the blood, which are determined by the food we eat
  • Consuming dairy foods can increase the risk of prostate cancer
  • Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, are linked to better mental performance in old age
  • Kidney stones can be prevented by a healthy diet
  • Type 1 diabetes, one of the most devastating diseases that can befall a child, is convincingly linked to infant feeding practices.
The findings of authors, T. Colin Campbell, PHD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD demonstrate that a good diet is the most powerful weapon we have against disease and sickness.
After their long career in research and policy making, they explain why people are so confused and common notions you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong. You deserve to know that:
  • Synthetic chemicals in the environment and your food, are not the main cause of cancer
  • The genes that you inherit from your parents are not the most important factors in determining whether you fall prey to any of the ten leading causes of death
  • The hope that genetic research will eventually lead to drug cures for diseases ignores more powerful solutions that can be employed today
  • Obsessively controlling your intake of any one nutrient, such as carbohydrates, fat, cholesterol or omega-3 fats, will not result in long-term health
  • Vitamins and nutrient supplements do not give you long-term protection against disease
  • Drugs and surgery don’t cure the diseases that kill most Americans
  • Your doctor probably does not know what you need to do to be the healthiest you can be.
The authors of The China Study book go on to say that:
  • America’s health is failing
  • We spend more on health care than any other society
  • 2/3 of Americans are overweight
  • Over 15 million Americas have diabetes
  • We fall prey to heart disease as often as we did thirty years ago
  • The war on cancer has been a miserable failure
  • ½ of Americans have a health problem that requires taking a prescription drug every week
  • Over 100 million Americans have high cholesterol
  • 1/3 of young people in America are overweight or at risk of it, are getting diabetes that used to be seen only in adults, and take more prescription drugs than before.

We Are What we Eat!

Have I wet your appetite for change and a more fulfilling life? It could be as easy as 1, 2, 3 – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Low animal protein diets inhibit the initiation of cancer and dramatically block subsequent cancer growth. In fact, The China Study showed that dietary animal protein proved to be so powerful in its effect that they could turn on and off cancer growth simply by changing the level consumed. The study produced more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease!
People who eat the most animal-based foods get the most chronic diseases. Even relatively small intakes of animal-based foods were associated with adverse effects. People who eat the most plant-based foods are the healthiest and tend to avoid chronic disease.

Check it Out! 

I love to experiment with foods and created the following recipe which I think you will enjoy. Couscous is so versatile you can do anything with it and the pearl type is one of my favorites. At the risk of sounding like Forest Gump describing his endless varieties of shrimp concoctions, you can boil it, bake it, sauté it, put it in salads, serve it hot, cold, or lukewarm, and mix it with anything your imagination can conjure up.
Barbara’s Hearty Pearl Couscous | Serves 4+
1 cup pearl couscous (cook as directed & drain)
3 tbsp lemon juice    
½ cup cashews chopped (or other nuts)
4 tbsp olive oil                    
¼ to ½ sm onion chopped
½ red pepper chopped      
1 cup cranberries soaked & chopped
½ yellow pepper chopped  
1 cup sugar snaps chopped
1 red chili pepper deseeded and chopped    
¼ cup sushi ginger chopped
Mix all  of above together

Healthy Tip 

Our bodies have wisdom how to fix disease. Just as it knows how to heal a cut or scratch, it knows what to do. We just need to purge from toxins that inhibit healing and give it the proper physical resources. Feed your mind good thoughts, laugh, enjoy nature and music. Feed your heart with love, forgiveness and a sense of purpose. Feed your soul with a trusting relationship with your Creator and give God gratitude. Feed your body good nutrition and supplements it needs to repair itself and you can recover from your disease.

Look Who’s Talking

“Wow Barbara, your story is truly compelling. Having lost several family members due to this terrible disease and seeing the effects from the poison of chemo, your story resonates with me. Like you, my faith in God is very strong. I know with your help and sharing the knowledge you’ve amassed over the years, and through your own personal struggle with your loved one, you will touch others like me and give hope where there is hopelessness.”Debbie Waters, Global Publishing, Inc. Marketing Director
Use this guide to help you obtain your goals and get started on a healthier routine

Use this guide to help you obtain your goals and get started on a healthier routine

1. Prepare for Success
  • Spend some time visualizing what you would like your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being to look like.
  • Start by writing down your goals and the health issues or conditions that you would like to see improved. 
  • Measure and record your weight.
2. Create a Food and pH Journal
  • It’s always helpful to have a journal to refer back to in this process. It is a sure way to keep you on track with your new healthy plan.
  • You can test your pH level by doing the saliva pH test or the urine pH test. Test your pH level periodically during the process of your change in diet and be sure to include this in your journal.
3. Get Adequate Sleep and Exercise.
  • Your body heals itself at night, while you are sleeping. Therefore, you must get plenty of rest.
  • Allow yourself more time to rest, especially in the beginning when your body is in high cleansing mode.
  • If you are having a hard time sleeping at night, try exercising during the day so your body is ready for sleep.
  • Rebounding on a mini trampoline and exercises like yoga are very healing for your lymphatic system, which is one way your body rids itself of toxic waste.
4. Drink Water
  • Drink half of your weight in ounces each day to maintain hydration. So if you weight 150 lbs, you should drink 75 ounces (that’s slightly larger than a 2-liter bottle) a day of quality water. This is so important as 98% of Americans remain chronically dehydrated.
  • Keeping your body well hydrated is extremely important in this cleansing process because it alkalizes your body; you can further alkalize your body by squeezing lemon juice into your water daily.
  • Drinking fluids at meals will dilute the digestive juices and slow the digestive process. Leave a half hour between fluids (including broths) and meals.
  • Lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue.
  • Your body needs as much water in cold weather as it does in warm weather.
  • Your body loses as much water when you are sleep as when you are awake.
  • Research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
5. Eat 5 or more Servings of Fruits and Vegetables a Day
  • Organic is always best if possible.
  • The more you consume fruits and vegetables, the better it is for you. Not only are they powerful healers, they have an alkalizing effect on our bodies.
  • Approximately 80% of your daily nutritional intake should come from fruits and vegetables, with lots of leafy greens.
6. Eat the Right Protein
  • By eating a wide variety of green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and sprouts you’ll have the daily protein needs your body requires. 
  • Vegetable proteins are easily used by your body compared to animal proteins, and they pack huge healing qualities to boot!
  • Vegetable protein helps to alkalize your body, whereas animal protein is acidic.
7. Fats to Consume
  • Use organic coconut oil for cooking.
  • For raw recipes use healthy oils like extra virgin olive, flax seed, and hemp oil.
  • Clear your kitchen of all the foods that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
  • Use coconut oil and avocados as a substitute for butter and margarine. Avocados are healthy fats that can boost your health and provide vitamins and minerals for your body.
  • Change your habits from eating processed junk foods, to eating natural and healthy foods like fruits, nuts, seeds, and veggies; then you will no longer crave the Standard American Diet (SAD).
8. Sugar and Salt
  • Teach your taste buds to appreciate the natural sugars in fruits and avoid additional sugars and artificial sweeteners. Sugar is acidic to our body and causes a lot of problems by overwhelming our immune systems.
  • Enjoy lots of deserts made with healthy ingredients instead of skipping deserts.
  • Use Himalayan sea salt because it has lots of minerals and trace elements and is easier for your body to use; instead of refined bleached table salt.
  • Research the spices and herbs in your kitchen and look for ways to increase your use of them. Your cravings for salt and sugar will start to diminish.
9. Limit Intakes of Meat, Eggs and other Dairy Products
  • Meat, eggs and other dairy products have an acidifying effect on the chemistry of our body.
  • I like the approach of consuming animal products as condiments.
  • Coconut and almond milk can be substituted for cow’s milk. If you use commercial brands, buy ones without harmful carrageenan ingredient.
10.  Food Combining Basics for Maximum Results
  • Fruits are the easiest foods for our bodies to digest; and do not combine well with other foods. Eat fruits first, allow 15 minutes before you eat other foods.
  • Eat starchy foods and proteins separately. Our body processes starches and proteins differently. When eaten at the same time, they cause unnecessary acidity with sluggish digestion.
  • Choose grains like quinoa, millet and sprouted grains as they are alkaline. You can use steamed cauliflower in your food processor to make a rice substitute that is alkalizing.