Massage for Health

Massage for Health

7 Amazing Benefits of Thai Yoga Massage

7 Amazing Benefits of Thai Yoga Massage

                     7 Amazing Benefits of Thai Yoga Massage
By Sara Lopez

Thai yoga massage or simply called Thai massage is one of the best messages. It is very popular among people because of its unique and distinctive message techniques. In order to tight your loose and saggy skin and to enhance the blood circulation in the body you should take Thai massage at least once a month. The countless benefits of Thai massage have compelled the people to take Thai massage at least once in the month. This is a very unique and distinctive type of massage which makes you feel energetic and relax. If you want to detoxify your blood or boost up your energy you should take a Thai massage. It not only increases the blood circulation in your body but also makes your muscles relax and increases the flexibility of the muscles. Some of the most important benefits of the Thai massage are as follows.

Boost Up Energy Level:

Whenever you take a Thai massage you will notice that your tight and hard muscles become flexible which enhances the blood circulation in your body. If you suffer from the problem of the muscle stiffness or you feel dull and tired without any reason then you should take a Thai massage. The pressing kneading the muscles in the Thai massage helps in making your muscles flexible. 

Reduces Pain:

If you suffer from chronic pain and you have tried every medicine to get rid of chronic pain then Thai massage is an alternative way to get rid of the chronic pain. It is very effective in decreasing the intensity of the pain as it improves the muscles tension and makes the muscle flexible.


There are some pressure points in the body, and exerting pressure on these points can be really helpful in reducing the intensity of the pain. If you suffer from a migraine or a severe headache then you should take a Thai massage in order to get rid of it. The blood and lymph circulation will be really helpful in reducing your headache.

Reduce Depression:

Thai massage is one of the most important methods of reducing depression. If you want to induce relaxation in your mind and body then you should take a Thai massage in order to feel calm and fresh. Thai massage releases endorphins in the body which helps in reducing psychological stress. Therefore, it is the best stress releasing activity which can make you feel uplifted and better.

Radiant Skin:

Everyone wants clear and glowing skin s it makes the person look beautiful and bewitching. In order to have a radiant and glowing skin, you should take a Thai massage. Thai massage makes your skin glowing because it enhances the blood circulation flushes away all the toxic chemical substances from your body.

Strong Bones:

Thai monks practiced Thai massage in order to get the healthy and strong body. If you want to make your bones strong and healthy you should take Thai massage. It is a very effective method in making the bones strong and sturdy.

The Mobility of Joints:

Have you ever heard the cracking noise while sitting or standing, it is because of the weak joints. In order to increase the mobility in your joints, you should take a Thai massage. It enhances the flexibility and improves the mobility of the joints.

Author bio:

Sara is a psychologist by profession and she loves massage therapies. She enjoys home-based work and traveling. She is obsessed with massage chair therapies and other relaxing techniques. She recently posted on the difference between Spa and independent massage therapy.

Best Hawaii Vacation with Hawaii Spas

Best Hawaii Vacation with Hawaii Spas


Hawaii is frequented by travelers very often since it is considered to be a tropical paradise.
Hawaii offers a lot to its visitors and it is very popular. Apart from the beautiful ocean views and sandy beaches, Hawaii is a famous destination of spas. The local environment of Hawaii is really great and is very much known for the friendly hospitality shown towards the visitors or travelers. Since, Hawaii offers a safe and tropical atmosphere, it is very ideal for visitors to enjoy spa treatments. Several locations of Hawaii like the Kauai, Molokai, Oahu, lanai, Maui and the big island are very famous for the spas. The Hawaii spas offer different types of massages and therapies like the hydrotherapy, neuromuscular therapy, normal spa treatments, reflexology and therapeutic massage to provide health and wellness, sports massage, clinical massage and deep tissue massage integrating the body and the mind.

They also offer exotic forms of massage treatments branching out from the eastern styles of massages like the Reiki, Jin shin, Thai, Hawaiian lomi lomi massage, shiatsu, acupressure and aromatherapy. More advanced natural healing practices like the acupuncture or chiropractic therapies are also offered.

Lomi Lomi massage offered in the spas is the traditional massage technique of Hawaii. The techniques of Lomi Lomi massage vary with the family, region and island and it was earlier conducted with intention and prayer. Ancient Polynesian settlers got their own kind of massage form that evolved to be something unique to Hawaii practiced from child to chief by every one. Today Lomi Lomi other wise known as loving hands is very popular and common massage form practiced all over the world especially in Hawaii, Europe and Japan.

Traditionally learnt practitioners of the Lomi Lomi massage do not willingly work in any spa or massage parlor, as they treat only selected clients in a private and quiet setting often in their own homes. While treating them the clients may be asked to pray, change their diet plans, meditate and made to do their own activities apart from the massage therapy provided to them. It is a holistic way of healing tradition beyond just simple massage technique. Before performing the massage, the therapist will offer prayer to make the healing process effective and efficient. Then it is believed that the ancient spirit and wisdom of Aloha will guide, inspire and heal the clients towards their true potential. The lomi lomi massage provides a unique experience overwhelming the mind with sensation when it is done with intuitive movements, rhythm, breathing and focused intentional long and flowing strokes. It is said to cover a broader area of the body by working out the muscles encouraging the consistent flow of harmony and love and at the same time washing away harmful patterns, memories, thoughts and behaviors from the cells of the bodies. When the positive energy is allowed to flow uninterrupted, the body on the whole is healed. Hawaii spas offer some of the best spa treatments within the reach of everyone at an affordable cost. Many Hawaii spas offer special discounts and promotions online. If time is spent on doing some research regarding the offers, one can easily hit the jackpot.

How can aromatherapy help you get better sleep

How can aromatherapy help you get better sleep


With the trend of going back to the natural and to the basics, aromatherapy is becoming a popular alternative in the world of total wellness and health.
In fact, more and more people are using it to get better sleep which they think is the best way to regain one’s strength so he or she can do all the things that needs to be done.

Aromatherapy is believed to have therapeutic properties that can heal a person’s illness or relax him or her. Today, aromatherapy is not only used for healing processes but is also used to help a person get better sleep since it is practiced in a very soothing way.

To achieve the health benefits of aromatherapy not only on how to get better sleep—specifically essential oils—one should get all the knowledge and experience that you can get. It is best to read references of aromatherapy from various books, magazines, and even online sites that offer free aromatherapy information.

To gain experience, one can also enroll in an aromatherapy crash course class that is near your place. Here, they can teach you the basics of conducting an aromatherapy procedure as well as almost all the information that one needs to know about aromatherapy. For people with hectic schedules and don’t have time to attend a class physically, they can enroll in various online sites that offer aromatherapy classes.

Using aromatherapy

Before anything else, make sure that you have supplies for aromatherapy such as items that will be used for measuring items such as cups and spoons, means of transferring liquids such as funnels with different sizes, containers for mixing elements and for proper storage such as bottles or vials, labeling items like stickers, lots of paper towels and alcohol to clean the area afterwards. After preparing the necessary supplies, you may start with your homemade aromatherapy. The following are just some of the aromatherapy products that you can do inside the confines of your abode.

1. Aromatherapy massage or body oil. All you need is to combine 50 drops or 1/2 teaspoon of the essential oil of your choice together with 4 ounces of vegetable oil.

2. Aromatherapy compress. This is considered as one of the easiest aromatherapy products out there. All you need is to add at least 5 drops of essential oil to a cold or hot cup of water and dip a soft cloth on the mixture.

3. Aromatherapy foot or hand bath. What you need is to add 10 drops of chosen essential oil to a part of cold or hot water in a medium-sized basin. Using your hand or a stirring rod, stir the essential oil evenly to blend well with the water.

Getting better sleep using aromatherapy

To get better sleep, one must also know which are the essential oils that can bring about positive changes in a person’s body. Some plant derivations of essential oils and their potential benefits such as geranium for relieving stress-related conditions like tensions, nervous breakdown, and skin illnesses like eczema or hard-to-heal wounds; jasmine for arousing sensuality, relaxation, and in treating several skin conditions; eucalyptus for relieving muscle pains and aches as well as in to alleviate respiratory system conditions especially poor breathing; frankincense to aid lung conditions, urinary problems, irregular menstruation, and relieving pains in skin disorders like acne and excessive burns; lavender for helping improve the function of the respiratory system and alleviate stress-related conditions such as insomnia, depression, and mental fatigue; and peppermint to aid respiratory problems specifically asthma as well as mental fatigues that lead to fainting and extreme headaches.

The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy.

The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy.

The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy has indeed broadened it’s scope in the field of science, more specifically in treatment and therapy programs.

The most common reason for many people undergoing group hypnosis for therapy is the fact that hypnotherapy is a very natural process which does not involve the administration of habit-inducing drugs, thus , no chemical side effects and is somewhat inexpensive.

Among the most reputable successes of hypnotherapy is with alcoholism.

Many patients have significantly broken off the habit from alcohol and those who undergo hypnosis therapy are more likely to have successfully passed through the addiction stage and tests have concluded, based on follow up programs, that subjects are able to sustain the effects of the therapy sessions for two to three years.

Other behavioral problems that hypnosis has been found therapeutically beneficial is on appetite control or weight loss, where subjects who undergo treatment are twice as likely to lose weight compared to those taking weight loss and diet programs.

Better yet, where subjects usually lose momentum into their weight loss program, subjects that have undergone hypnotherapy were able to significantly lose more pounds over an extended period of time.

Hypnosis has also been known to successfully treat younger patients who used to suffer from regular bedwetting and nail-biting.

Although these two conditions are not regarded as health problems, but can sometimes be very annoying and troublesome.

Several tests regarding the treatment of these conditions have significantly produced positive results on the subjects and have freed them from the habit of nail-biting and bed wetting.

Smokers also stand to benefit most from hypnosis, as numerous researches and findings indicate that a significant number of population of smokers have significantly broken off the smoking habit after several hypnosis intervention sessions.

Another proven therapy process that have successfully gained good headway is the therapy involving patients with asthma, where success rates are more than half of the population tested for their responses to hypnosis therapy.

An average of 80% of patients, both young and old alike, have sustained the momentum of their hypnotherapy treatment and several researches who studies the progression of the effects of hypnosis, revealed that during the eighth, sixteenth and 24-month follow-up observation period, these patients have consistently maintained abstinence from smoking.

Hypnosis has also been used to treat insomnia, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, phobias, pain management and a whole lot more.

Not only is it used for treatment, hypnosis is also being adopted for wellness and health programs like relaxation and stress reduction, increased concentration, building self-confidence, concentration for sports activities, especially among athletes and personal improvement programs.

The possibilities are endless, but still, there are many people who fail to achieve their goals through hypnosis, not because the process is ineffective for them, but because of frustration and disappointment over hypnosis not being able to immediately produce the results after one session.

Another would be the fear of the unexpected, since many people still have the tendency to establish their won fear knowing that their minds are being explored through hypnosis.

Still, it would be best to assume that these can all be allayed with the proper understanding and knowledge of hypnosis and the common uses of hypnosis for group therapy will continue to benefit thousands of people all over the world.

Good Nutrition: Tips For A Healthy Body And Long Life!

Good Nutrition: Tips For A Healthy Body And Long Life!

Eating right is a link to your weight and your health. Keep yourself as healthy as you can be with the tips and tricks in this article. You should have no more excuses for not knowing what kinds of things you should be eating for proper nutrition.

Reducing the amount of fish you eat or eliminating it entirely can help you avoid dangerous chemical contaminants in your diet. Fish are near the top of the food chain, so pollutants tend to build up in their tissues. Many fish contain dangerous levels of mercury and other toxic chemicals in their flesh.

Don’t feel like you have to completely eliminate fats to have a healthy diet. Cutting back on healthy fats is actually unhealthy, and can have a negative effect on your muscles, bones, joints, and major organs. Keep your fats healthy for optimum benefits. Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the way to go.

It is always a great idea to avoid eating junk food. Not only does junk food have poor nutrition values, but also it is often times loaded up with toxins and preservatives. Find better alternatives when you get a sweet tooth, fruits offer you a great escape, and milk chocolate is a healthier alternative to other junk foods.

Part of getting good nutrition is eating your fruits and vegetables. You should be eating around 5 servings every day. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber, vitamins and beneficial antioxidants. Eating like this will fill you up fast, and they are low in calories, so if you are watching your weight, they are also the perfect food.

Beware of new marketing ploys to market high fructose corn syrup, also known as HFCS. The marketers are now switching the name of HFCS to “corn sugar” this is a misnomer, as HFCS is not a natural corn product. The industry has to combine chemicals such as lime and mercury with corn to extract the sugars from the corn. Satay away from this stuff!

Smoothies are essentially a mix of fruit juices mixed with pulp. We all need to eat more fruits, because they have the antioxidants needed to keep us healthy and youthful. Smoothies are an easy way to take in these amazing antioxidants. Put your favorite three fruits in a blender and blend them with your favorite juice – orange juice tends to work really well. Voila! Instant smoothie!

Peaches are a popular fruit among many peoples around the world. When eaten with the skin, they are extremely high in fiber, Vitamin A, and potassium. They are delicious eaten out of your hand, but you can also make preserves or pies out of them. They are closely related to nectarines.

A great nutrition tip for people who are out grocery shopping is to never shop while you are hungry. Shopping while you are hungry is a recipe for disaster as you are extremely vulnerable to give in to your temptations and buy unhealthy food. Always try and shop on a full stomach.

Health and wellness can so easily be linked to our nutrition. It is no wonder that we have a growing fascination with food and supplements. Keeping the information given here in mind when you are shopping and eating should help you stay on the right track towards better eating.

Aromatherapy – Using Essential Oils For Good Health

Aromatherapy – Using Essential Oils For Good Health


Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already being practiced 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plants through infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledge was passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxing and stimulating effects of the fragrance of some flowers. Going back further, ancient man’s dependence on the environment for all his basic needs and survival led him to discover natural ways of food preservation and the treatment of various conditions using herbs and aromatics.

1. Eastern Roots

The use of aromatics is also reflected in a Chinese herbal book by Shen Nung dated 2700 BC, showing specific details on more than 300 plants and their various applications. Ancient Chinese also burned incense and wood as part of religious practices that a good number of their modern counterparts still observe today. Aromatics was also a part of acupressure, massage and other therapies identified with the Chinese.

2. Modern Health Treatment

Today, many individuals place a high premium on health and well-being. The cost of traditional or conventional medicine such as surgery and medicare, however, has made a high number of people turn to aromatherapy, or essential oils therapy, and other forms of alternative medicine.

3. Basics

– Facilitates an equilibrium of physical, mental and spiritual health through natural means
– In some cases, these alternative treatments are now considered as strong and effective complements to regular medicine
– The main component of aromatherapy is essential oils
– Essential Oils are highly concentrated essences known for their healing effects

4. Essential Oils

These aroma-producing oils come from the flower, as in the case of a rose; leaves (basil is an example); twig; bark; fruit rind and other plant parts. Experts say that the extraction process can be time-consuming, complex and require much patience. Recognition and acceptance of these factors is important: getting about 5 teaspoonsful of oil could entail the use more than 220 pounds of rose petals. This process is what makes pure essential oils costly, although their effectiveness is not compromised because a treatment can entail the use of only a few drops to generate the target effect. An option is the less-expensive synthetic oils, although they do not offer the healing properties of their natural counterparts.

5. How It Works

Essential oils work by stimulating the olfactory system and later the brain or limbic system. The fragrance, other properties and effects of the oil determine how these body systems and their parts are stimulated. During a massage, these oils are inhaled and absorbed by the body at the same time, penetrating the skin and eventually reaching the organs and body systems. The absorption can be as short as 20 minutes and possibly extend to 2 hours or more, making some experts advise to avoid a shower or bathing immediately after the massage to maximize the desired effect.

6. Effects Last Days, Not Hours

The longevity of a fragrance also varies from 3-24 hours to 2-3 days and even longer to about a week. Eucalyptus, peppermint
thyme, and bergamot are among oils with a short-lived scent, while the scent of hyssop, lavender, balm, and other oils last between 2-3 days. Jasmine, sandalwood, ginger and cedarwood are among the oils that take as long as one week before completely evaporating.

7. Achieve A Sense Of Calm

The desired health balance of an individual also requires the creation of a balanced perfume, or a combination of the three types of oils based on longevity. These various combinations or aromatherapy blends can be mixed into a warm bath to relax and calm an individual, eliminate stress and depression, energize and sooth the body or aching part. The healing or calming effect of a massage can be enhanced by applying essential oils. However, this would require the use of carrier oils to prevent irritation or any other negative skin reaction. Some of these carrier oils, which help dilute essential oils, include avocado oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, wheatgerm oil, almond oil, soya oil and hazelnut oil.

Full Body Massage Uncovered – Part 1

Full Body Massage Uncovered – Part 1


A full body massage is a systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body’s muscles. There are many benefits that can be gained through regular massages including the most basic pay-off which is relaxation. But there are also additional benefits that lots of people aren’t even aware of. Aside from the physical benefits of massage which can greatly help to reduce pain and inflammation in some parts of the body, it is also beneficial for your mental health because it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those two factors alone can cause many other problems in your body.

Did you know that stress-related disorders are the basis for between 80 and 90 percent of the complaints that people visit their family physicians about? Human touch is a one of the best methods involved in the healing process, but the problem is, it’s not a method commonly practiced in modern medicine. A natural human instinct is to reach out to another person when you’re feeling overwhelmed. And if you’re like most people, you need an outlet for your frustrations, worries and concerns. Having someone to listen to you can be very comforting, but that doesn’t always solve the problem. Actually, one of the complaints heard frequently by massage therapists is that physicians don’t touch their patients any more.

What’s interesting is that years ago, massage was a big part of nursing. Apparently, there used to be a much higher level of personal care with a lot more touch involved – wellness expressed through massage. But now, especially with the recent shortage of nurses, they are for the most part, as busy as the doctors. Modern nurses are performing procedures and writing charts just like the physicians do, in addition to dealing with the patient’s insurance policies and companies. There isn’t, and hasn’t been, much opportunity for nurses give their patients massages for some time. Some believe that massage is crucial to the healing process and not only in a hospital atmosphere either.

Massages in general and specifically full body massages, have become increasingly popular over the years. More and more people are taking advantage of getting a massage on a regular basis. As a result, these lucky individuals live a less stressful life with a major reduction in anxiety levels, which brings about a better, overall sense of well-being. Massage simply enhances your general health – both physically and mentally.

If you haven’t tried a full body massage, it is highly recommended that you do. It’s a great way to get started on a path to healthier living and reaping the all of the benefits that a massage has to offer. After all, you owe it to yourself, don’t you?

Getting Natural Pain Relief Through Naturopathy

Getting Natural Pain Relief Through Naturopathy


Modern medicine can accomplish things that people mere decades ago considered to be firmly in the “hands of God.” There are

ways to treat cancer, delay what once would have been inevitable deaths, and help people endure great pain. However, as

wondrous as modern, conventional medicine is, there are just some things it can’t fix. For some illnesses and people, the

prognosis under conventional medicine can be grim and fraught with lifelong pain. Yet, that prognosis does not always have to

be the same when one goes for natural pain relief under an alternative system, such as naturopathy

Naturopathy is a medical philosophy and system that is considered an alternative to modern medicine, in the same way that

Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine are alternatives. Unlike the two examples, naturopathy is a much younger system,

appearing on historical records sometime during the 1800s. Aside from natural pain relief, the system believes in using

natural products and treatments to stimulate the body’s capacity for repairing itself. The methods and the system itself are

considered modern and “young,” but the philosophical roots and theories stem from Greek, Chinese, and Indian philosophies and

treatises on health and wellness. Naturopathy, like the more ancient systems it shares many traits with, acknowledges the

connection between lifestyle, nutrition, disease, and treatment. Only in recent decades has Western medicine actually

acknowledged this link.

The difference between the natural pain relief and treatments that naturopathy provides and that of conventional medicine is

a matter of perspective. Conventional medicine will obtain data about the problem and take steps to alleviate that problem.

This is done without concern for the entirety of the person, and only lately have the involvement of other parts of the body

played a role in diagnosis and treatment. Some practitioners and observers have noted that the philosophy and systems that

form naturopathy really are not that different from the alternative medical systems of ancient origins, aside from the lack

of what might be perceived as a “mystical” element.

Regardless of whether the patient requires natural pain relief or some sort of anti-allergic treatment, naturopathy focuses

on the entirety and treats accordingly. For example, there is a theory that attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder is

related to a lack of omega fatty acids in children’s bodies, along with the inability to absorb them properly from food. A

conventional doctor would prescribe ADHD drugs for the problem, while practitioners of naturopathy would recommend a dietary

adjustment. Granted, this approach does not always work. Then again, supporters contend, conventional medicine is not always

guaranteed to work in all cases, either.

Some people, rather than advocate one or the other, prefer to integrate the two approaches. This is, according to supporters

of naturopathy, the better option when it comes to situations that have been traumatic (physically or psychologically), or

would require surgical intervention. There are also certain conditions that simply cannot be countered by the body naturally

and require pharmacological solutions, such as angina, cancer, and congestive heart failure. Fortunately, most naturopathy

practitioners, like TCM and Ayurveda practitioners in China and India, acknowledge that no system is superior to another and

are able to work in conjunction with Western medical procedures.
