
What Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

What Will You Do? Your Health And Wealth Depend On It!

By Barbara BJ LeGrand

Have you ever found yourself running in place, struggling to create health or wealth? People are creatures of habit and have a nasty habit of going back to their comfort zone. Your health and wealth likely will depend on the answers to these 4 words and success questions and principles we often forget.

There are 4 ways I could ask this question and each would take on a whole new meaning with different answers depending on which word the emphasis is place on.

  • WHAT Will You Do?

What do you place your emphasis on? Or put a different way, what drives you?
What do you want your financial and physical health to look like?
What do you want to do if you could do anything at all?
What is something that used to scare you but no longer does?
What is the best advice you have ever received?
If you could learn anything what would it be?

Focus is Important. To be 100% efficient at anything we have to have clear focus. I used to think multi-tasking was better at getting a lot of tasks done all at one time, but it usually reduces how efficient we deal with each one.

You Don’t have to create a new invention. Achieving massive success doesn’t mean you have to create something new, which is the most challenging path.

Take a proven method and run with it. Seek inspiration from great ideas and put your own twist on what it is you are doing every day to accomplish your goals. Get creative connecting things. Maybe you’ll come up with the next version of a Google or Facebook success story.

Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions. – Tony Robbins

  • What WILL You Do?

Will you take the time to get real with what you really want, what drives and excites you?
Will you figure out what you need to talk action on?
Will you take the necessary steps to get what you want and need?

Success is a marathon, one step at a time. If you want to be successful you must continually improve and not drop off or become lazy or discouraged when you see a need for what it is you are trying to achieve. It may take more than your first try but persistence always wins the race. So what if you didn’t get it right the first time, just don’t quit.

Be willing to learn and keep trying rather than wake up with regrets over what you should have tried but didn’t because you were afraid.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

  • What Will YOU Do?

What are YOU going to do personally?
What will you delegate to others?
What are the things that only you can do?
What mistake do you make over and over?
What is something you must give up to move forward?

Only you are responsible for your success. That’s tough when we want to blame others for our mistakes when times are bad. Mediocrity doesn’t bring happiness and success by playing it safe and settling for a life less than what you are capable of enjoying, and health that doesn’t fit you.

Positivity is a choice. No matter what happens today, you get to decide which direction you take tomorrow. The happiest people make the best of what they have even if they don’t have the best circumstances.

Believe in yourself and that you can be successful. Believe that you can achieve the financial or physical goal that you set out to accomplish. With commitment and action, over time it becomes a reality.

  • What Will You DO?

If we learn from our mistakes why are we so afraid to do something?
What fear of failure stopped you from doing?
What is the #1 thing you want to do in the next 6 months?
If I were to say to you “Just Do It”, what would you do?

What is not started today is never finished today. There is no progress without taking action which is why some of the greatest inventions and ideas never made it public. How many people do you know who had great ideas but did nothing with them?

What good is an idea without doing something with it?

It starts with the first step. After a few are underway, it gets easier. Then what seemed to be impossible or improbable becomes visible, and then what you thought unattainable begins to happen.

I would have never dreamed that we could have made a cancer tumor disappear just by changing what crossed our tongue until it happened. But it happened, one simple step at a time!

You’ve heard it before that you can’t get to the top without helping others. What new ideas and ways can you come up with to help others be successful or solve a problem? This means that your objectives and goals not only benefit you but others as well.

A motivated seller needs to sell their house as much as you need an opportunity to buy if you are a real estate investor like myself. So an investor will solve the seller’s problem which solves theirs.

Your friend or family member needs to get in better health, so commit to eating better for and with them to benefit both of you. Share healthy recipes and what you learn to encourage each other to do better. Your long term success is directly related to helping others and you aren’t really happy until you do.

As a mentor I often ponder over what makes a person successful in their wealth or their health. It all boils down to their decisions and actions!

What is your best income producing activity?

What part of your body needs work?

Will you change your daily habits?

  • Marketing
  • Calling leads
  • Better food choices
  • Reduce toxins and stress


You have seen people heal, reverse disease, and improve health naturally. You have a lot of options, but what will you do?

Just Do it! One step at a time. We’re in this together!


Could stress be causing your dis-ease?

Could stress be causing your dis-ease?

Did you know stress was linked to 95% of all illness? That’s right, stress can be linked to something as small as the common cold to heart disease. The hormone stress releases is called cortisol, which plays a role in regulating immune cells, but when stress becomes chronic those cells become insensitive to cortisol and inflammation goes unchecked. That means what “should” be a temporary warning sign can become an out of control blaze through your body, wreaking havoc in the process!

The immune system has the ability to regulate inflammation and can predict when you will develop a cold, but more importantly it provides an explanation of how stress can actually promote a cold or any other disease you may have an issue with.

When you are under a lot of stress the cells of your immune system are not able to respond to hormonal control, and consequently, produce levels of inflammation that can actually promote disease. That’s because inflammation plays a major role in many diseases some of us deal with like cardiovascular, asthma, and autoimmune disorders. It’s crazy how much our mental stress can have on us physically.

Can you guess what has also been associated with dramatic reductions in disease and increased longevity? And what can have a greater impact than blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure or any other risk factor in determining whether you will live a long and healthy life?

The answer is your attitude, your spiritual beliefs, your social network community, and having a sense of purpose in life. A feeling of control when it comes to the result of positive self-care is linked to long-term physiological benefits, including overall longevity. Also, doing things that give us purpose can often have the upside of reducing stress, which is a win-win!

Many people fall into the way of thinking that the only way to take care of our bodies is through physicality, like working out or eating well.

But there is a powerful connection between our mind and body! In fact, it really shouldn’t be called a connection because it’s actually bidirectional systems. Hans Selye, MD, is the man who coined the word “stress” and was the first to map out its biological effects. He said “The modern physician should know just as much about emotions and thoughts as he does about disease symptoms and drugs.” This approach would appear to hold more promise of a cure than any modern medicine has given us to date.

We are all living in a time where we have packed schedules and very little time to breathe and relax. There’s no wonder we are seeing an epidemic of stress-related disorders. While eating a healthy diet and getting exercise in our daily routines are vital to our wellness and can definitely play its part in decreasing stress on the body, we also need to focus on mindful practices, slowing down, and cultivating purpose if we want to live long healthy lives and feel our absolute best.

There are so many practices that we can integrate into our lives that can help us regulate our health goals. Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, making love, getting a massage, walking on the beach or in the woods, or simply taking a hot bath. These are all ways we can help our minds and body calm down. We can also make an effort to join meaningful groups and community events to reduce the psychological stress associated with social isolation and to give ourselves purpose!

In the end, we can do things to reduce the stress in our lives and aid its effects on our physical bodies and mental health. Taking action now is the best preventative approach to disease and also increases your longevity and overall happiness. You hold the power to your wellness.

Mindset for My Starting Fresh Plan

Mindset for My Starting Fresh Plan

 6 Ways to Change Your Mindset

You can’t overcome a disease in an instant.  You can’t change someone else against his or her will.  And you can’t change the past.  So what can you change? The future!
You can change your perception and belief about your circumstances and usually change your circumstances.  Doing so will help you change your attitude and ultimately allow you to grow beyond the struggles you can’t control.
Here are six easy ways to start changing your mindset to prepare to overcome an unfavorable diagnosis:
  1. Control your mind. – The first thing we must do is prepare our mind which will govern our actions. Knowing why you want to get healthier will provide the motivation to create new habits. 
    • Awareness is key. In order to gain conscious control of what goes on in your head, you need to develop a keen awareness for this process. 
    • Be still for a moment, take a deep breath and free your mind of all the chatter that’s going on inside, making room for new possibilities of health to enter. 
    • Have faith.  Don’t say you can’t.  Yes, you have pain and ailments to fight, insecurities to overcome, loved ones to take care of, and work goals to achieve, but a break from it all is necessary. 
    • Pause. It’s perfectly healthy to pause and meditate and reflect for a while.  If you don’t, you will burn yourself out. This is the hardest part for me to grasp because I’m always driving myself; my life was just one big “to do” list. 
    •  De-stress on a regular basis.  That means finding quiet solitude, focusing your attention inward on what is important, and make time for recovery from the chaos of your routine. Stress is much worse on your body than eating well is good.                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  2. Change your focus. – From the awareness of your thoughts and emotions you become able to consciously redirect your focus. 
    • Focus on something that inspires and motivates you instead of concentrating on what drags you down, like getting well or healthier instead of your current state.
    • Focus on the next logical, meaningful step. What can you do about it?
    • There is always hope; even if the doctor says it looks hopeless, so don’t allow those negative thoughts to take control and grow hopeless. Keep your hope alive through positive awareness of what you can do in your control to change the situation.
    • Don’t let the pain make you desperate. Just believe in a better tomorrow.
    • Don’t let the bitterness overcome you. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself when you, or a loved one, are in chronic pain and you can’t see the end, or your doctor has pronounced a death sentence over you. 
    • Spend your energy taking steps to better your health, get educated on ways to improve your situation. 
    • Change your thoughts and you change your reality.  What you focus on you attract. Dwelling in negativity is poison.
    • Our thoughts control our moods and our will.  We have to believe we can rejuvenate our bodies and become whole again.
    • Attitude makes a big difference.
  1. Surrender your fears. – You get inner peace when you surrender your worries. You find peace within you only when you turn your attention toward it. 
    • Peace of mind arrives the moment you come to peace with what’s on your mind.  I think this is why my partner was able to heal so well because he was able to control his mind and his fears. He was determined.
    • You find inner harmony with where you are now until they do change physically. 
    • Worry is a vicious cycle, surrender the habit. 
    • The same mind that can experience peace or worry and is as close as your next thought.
  1. Practice gratitude.  – Appreciate what you have and be thankful.  God loves a thankful heart and through our thankfulness we become better instead of bitter. Have faith for what is yet to come. 
    • Look and anticipate the miracles in your body and your life.
    • Possibilities are endless, keep trying to improve
    • Take action steps just being grateful that improvement is possible and you don’t know where you will end up but it will be better than where you are now.
    • There is always a better you waiting, feeling better and younger is possible.
    • Value what you know, and have faith in the countless things you don’t yet understand so you can enjoy growth. 
    • Life is a journey so while you might be sad now you can be happy and thankful for a healthier tomorrow.
    • Get excited about renewing your mind and your body and be thankful that there will always be new things to try and new possible ways to heal your body. 
  1. Determine to change even though there are growing pains. – Change takes struggle and changing your habits. Success doesn’t come without struggle. 
    • Everything that happens helps you grow, even if it’s hard to see now. Looking back facing my partner’s cancer and taking steps to overcome it created so many victories and joys once we got to the other side. But we never would have without the struggles we faced at the time.
    • Circumstances will sometimes knock you down, hard.  Your health could even take a turn for the worse. Everyone has felt from time to time that everything that could go wrong has and you feel like you are stuck forever, but everything changes.
    • When you feel like quitting, Never Give Up! Sometimes through our pain is our sweetest victory. Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to arrive at your best.  You often face your greatest struggle when you are closest to your biggest miracle.
  1. Rely on your body. – The mind responds to your body’s levels of tension, breathing, and movement.  Your thoughts control feelings and the words you speak.  The mind and body are connected and have a direct affect on each other so take care of both. 
    • Adjusting how you use your body you can directly influence your state of mind, and dramatically transform your attitude. 
    • Exercise. There’s an old saying, “you have to feel like exercising to exercise and you have to exercise to feel like exercising. So use your mind to help you body and use your body to help your mind feel like it.
    • Sit up straight. Smile. Help your mental state. 
    • Take some deep, strong breaths and stretch.  Notice how you feel better? 
    • Your body wants to heal itself – help it.
    • Take the body God gave you and make it the best you can, improve it, use it! 
    • Your body is the best tool for changing your mind and your mind is the best tool to improve your body.
    • Take the first step to create a more healthier You!
Our mind can be our biggest battle.  It’s the place where the greatest conflict resides.  Fear is where we think things are going to happen that never happen. But if you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, and ultimately your life.  You will think yourself into a nervousness, depression, and possibly death.  I know how destructive fear can be and I know what it’s like to think terminal thoughts like you will never be better. But those fears exist in your mind and you must control them.
It makes no sense to fear all the things you CAN control and by educating your mind to the ways you can help your body you can feed it with hope, reduce the stress, and change your environment.  You can decide how you spend your time. You can select what you will eat, read and study every day.  You can choose how you’re going to respond to unfortunate situations when they arise, and whether you will see them as a victim or opportunities for a healthier you.
And most importantly, even when it’s hard, you can choose your attitude, which dictates whether you will get bitter or better.
What helps you change your mind from negative to positive when life gets stressful and painful?
Leave a comment below and share your thoughts in the I really want your feedback! section.

