Cleaning Out Your Environment and Eating Clean


This is what the typical standard American diet cabinet looks like. But if you want to get healthy, it’s time to clean out your cabinets and fridge.
Eating clean brings awareness to where our foods come from. The goal of clean eating is to enjoy the freshest foods with the greatest nutritional value. It’s a path to a healthier lifestyle, one bite at a time!
Here are some basic rules to get you started on a lifestyle of eating cleaner and how to stop the input of toxins.
Shop Clean
Clean eating begins at home by cleaning out your cabinets and then at your grocery store or farmers market. The first step is to become familiar with what is in and on your food and to get in the habit of reading nutrition labels. Eliminate products with ingredients you can’t identify or you can’t pronounce.
Body Care and Cleaning Products.

You skin absorbs what you put on it including chemicals from lotions, oils and make up. Mascara has mercury in it, and lipstick has lead in it. Skin care products don’t disclose the toxic ingredients on the label. Organic all natural body care products are the safest.

Stop using the harsh household cleaners; dish soap, laundry detergent, bathroom cleaner. Switch to natural, non toxic, organic cleaning products. There are lots of clean non toxic natural cleaning products out there, or make your own.

Find non-toxic body care products and household cleaning products at It is a great place to find out what brands are potentially toxic and find cleaner brands.

Cook Clean

Get comfortable in your kitchen and start cooking more of your own meals. Eating at home saves calories, is much healthier and is cheaper. Avoid high-fat cooking methods like deep-frying or stewing in animal or vegetable fats; instead, steam or stir-fry to preserve nutritional value. Use coconut and olive oil in place of butter, and replace refined salt with pink Himalayan sea salt, spices, herbs, garlic and lemon.

Eat Clean

Eat Organic Vegetables and Fruits

Eating a 95% plant based diet has been shown to reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Some veggies get a nutritional boost by cooking and others are best when eaten raw.

When cooking, it’s better to steam, bake, or sauté to preserve nutritional value. Replace pasta with zucchini or spaghetti squash spirals.

Eat Healthy Grains

Refined products are more processed and are often stripped of their healthy fiber and vitamins. Choose quinoa, oats, black red and brown rice. Don’t eat white rice, breads, and packaged and processed foods; especially cookies, crackers and cakes with unhealthy ingredients.

Eat Natural Foods

Since eating clean means eating whole foods, it makes sense that processed foods with lots of added sugar are not a part of the clean healthy lifestyle. Skip candy, soda, prepackaged cookies and sweets altogether.

Read food labels carefully, and pay close attention to foods that contain sugars, like granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, barbecue sauce, salad dressing, frozen desserts, fruit juice, lemonade, sports drinks and bottled teas. Look for better alternatives or make your own homemade versions.

Eat Less Meat

The healthiest rule of thumb is to treat meat as a condiment incorporating only about 5% animal products in your diet if you feel a need to eat meat. Look for locally sourced, kosher, organic, free-range, 100% grass-fed animal meat when available and aim for a couple of servings max per week. Unless you are fighting a major disease, in which case it is recommended to cut out all animal products for a time until your body is in a healthier state.

Drink Clean

Eating clean also means drinking clean water and avoiding sugary drinks. You really need to purify your drinking water, even if you have well water.

If you are drinking tap water then you are likely drinking bleach, fluoride, and other toxins which can cause cancer.

They put fluoride in our drinking water because in the 1950s the aluminum industry convinced the government to put fluoride in our drinking water to get rid of their toxic waste byproduct from manufacturing. It was illegal to dump in rivers but convinced the government it was okay for us to drink it. You don’t need fluoride in your drinking water or on your teeth.

You can filter your water with a counter top filter or a reverse osmosis system which mounts under your sink. The Berkey water filter is a great option, is portable, and is very economical, and removes hundreds of contaminants.

Your body can remove these toxins if you stop adding them.

So we want to reduce our toxic load and reduce as many of these harmful things as possible.

The Berkey water filter is a great option, is portable, and is very economical, and removes hundreds of contaminants. Click here to find out more about it. 

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