Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

If you’ve ever experienced acid reflux you would know it can be painful. Acid and foods can splash back up into the esophagus and cause a burning pain, belching and in some more severe cases chest pains. I recently got diagnosed with acid reflux as I was feeling that burning feeling almost every time I ate! As with most people with acid reflux it is to no surprise that what we eat can affect the acidic levels in our body, and we should try to avoid foods like citrus, tomatoes and drinking coffee. It is also suggested to keep a low carbohydrate diet. I wanted to share with you six ways you can alleviate acid reflux naturally.

Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar– Apple cider vinegar helps calm and support your stomach and digestive system. I suggest you mix one tablespoon in five ounces of water and drink it quickly as you may not like the taste! But it is one of my favorite fast acting remedies.

Drink Fresh Pineapple Juice– A cup of fresh pineapple juice can help ease the effects of heartburn and acid reflux because pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelian can help you digest proteins and can help with that awful burning feeling. A refreshing remedy!

Ginger– Another great at home remedy is freshly ground ginger. Most people use ginger tea as it helps with digestion and soothes the stomach and intestines. Eating ginger on its own has really great healing properties as it contains gingerol, an anti-inflammatory compound that is known to soothe digestion.

Aloe Vera– You’ve heard that when you get a sunburn aloe vera acts as a coolant on the skin. Well it has the same effect for our digestive system. It cools down the stomach and provides relief for heartburn and acid reflux. Although you should know that you should only use aloe vera juice as it is specifically for internal use!

Avoid acidic drinks– Time to throw away those sodas in your fridge! That’s right, that soda for lunch could be the cause of your acid reflux, not to mention it’s other dangers. Instead drink lots of water, green tea, and coconut water, and limit coffee. Instead of drinking coffee as your morning routine try some other products such as BioCoffee, the only alkaline coffee on the market and Culbeans Black Bold rich Arabica fine powdered coffee infused with 6 organic mushroom extracts (both of these products can be found on Amazon). I’ll admit I’m not a coffee drinker but my partner is and he loves both of these products and has switched to them – no small feat since he loves his black coffee.

Change your diet– Potentially the most obvious remedy. When you lower your acid intake your stomach has a chance to process the food and drinks you ingest making your heartburn disappear and your body operates at a higher level. An acidic body can lead to many complications and not just acid reflux or heartburn.

I hope these simple yet effective remedies can provide you with some relief and puts you on the road to feeling better. As someone who has suffered from acid reflux I realize how annoyingly painful it is and I wanted to reach out and share some of my natural remedies. Let me know how they work for you!

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  1. Katrinka Spiro says:

    Another great article. I did not know you suffered from acid reflux. I have not but Greg has. I did know about Raw apple cider vinegar, but I did not know about pineapple juice or aloe vera. Thanks again for the information.

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