Pink Himalayan Sea Salt vs. Table Salt

Pink salt is EVERYWHERE these days! In salt grinders, salt lamps around the home, slabs of sunset-hued salt for cooking steak and even in “salt rooms” at spas. So what is all the hype about? Pink Himalayan salt is made from rock crystals of salt that have been mined from areas close to the Himalayas, often in Pakistan. It gets its rosy hue from minerals in the salt which includes magnesium, potassium and calcium and it can have color variations from pink, white or red.

Himalayan salt is claimed to have all kinds of benefits. In lamp form, people claim it eases symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), increases energy and improves sleep by cleansing the air from pollutants like dust and pollen. It does this by absorbing water molecules from the air and releasing negative air ions, which are said to get rid of particles like dust which can cause respiratory problems, like allergies and asthma, and affect your mood. Spas have jumped on these claims to offer Himalayan salt-based therapies, where people sit in rooms and breathe deeply while the tiny particles in the salt are dispersed into the surrounding areas, ostensibly easing respiratory conditions.

As for adding this rosy pink salt to your food- some suggests that Himalayan salt tastes better than table salt, and it is said to be the healthier choice in comparison to table salt. True, high quality pink salt is one of the purest salts you can find. It is even typically mined by hand. Table salt is very heavily processed, eliminating its minerals which make the Himalayan salt more desirable in taste and in health.

Pink Himalayan sea salt’s rich mineral content can help balance your body’s pH levels. You might not consider this a big deal, but when your pH has a healthy acid-to-alkaline ratio, it makes a huge difference in your overall health. A proper pH helps foster your immunity and encourages good digestion. Since pink Himalayan salt contains sodium as well as other electrolytes, it has a direct effect on the pH of your blood.

You can use pink Himalayan salt to make your own sole. Sole (pronounced solay) is a water flush recipe using purified water and Himalayan. According to Dr. Mark Sircus a dose of sole can help the digestive system in a major way. He says that “the daily use of sole is believed to stimulate the peristalsis of the digestive organs, balance the stomach acid, support the production of digestive fluids in the liver and pancreas, regulate the metabolism and harmonize the acid-alkaline balance.”

Here is the recipe to make sole:

  1. Fill the jar about ¼ of the way with Himalayan salt
  2. Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an in at the top
  3. Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently
  4. Leave on the counter over night to let the salt dissolve
  5. The next day, if there’s still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed it maximum amount of salt and the Sole is ready to use.
  6. If all the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains. This means that the water is fully saturated with the salt.

Many people have pink Himalayan salt lamps in their homes, as well. It is said the lamp absorbs water and particles from the air, and it also takes positive ions with them.  Then when the heated salt releases cleansed water vapor back into the air, it also expels negative ions which have the opposite effect on our airways, keeping your lungs clear.

These days we live in a metaphorical ocean of electromagnetic (EM) radiation which flows from our electronics (i.e; phones, televisions, computers, tablets, appliances, stereos etc.). While EM radiation may be invisible, the long term effects of exposure can be rather serious. Constant exposure to EM radiation is known to increase stress levels, cause chronic fatigue, and decrease the body’s immune response, among other complications.

As the salt lamp emits negative ions into the air it works to neutralize electromagnetic radiation. You should keep one next to your computer, television, and any electrical devices which you use frequently to reduce the potential danger to you and your loved ones.

Pink Himalayan sea salt contains over 84 minerals and trace elements, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron, so it does a lot more than just add flavor to your dish. Pink Himalayan salt is definitely my top salt of choice, with many the benefits of making the switch I hope you and your family do so as well!

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