Spirulina For Protein

Spirulina” sounds so much better than “pond scum,” but that’s actually what the popular supplement really is — a type of blue-green algae that grows naturally in oceans and salty lakes in subtropical climates. When harvested correctly from non-contaminated ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available.

Yes, it’s one of the most potent foods on the planet. And yes, it has health benefits that are truly mind blowing. But seriously speaking, eating an algae is just kind of weird, right? Well, maybe it is weird until you realize that spirulina has the highest protein content, gram for gram, of any food on the planet

Many people promote Spirulina as a treatment for a range of metabolism and heart health issues, including weight loss, diabetes and high cholesterol, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). People may also recommend Spirulina as an aid for various mental and emotional disorders, including anxiety, stress, depression and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

An Antioxidant Powerhouse

One of the health benefits of Spirulina comes from its antioxidant properties. Spirulina protects our cells by warding off inflammation and other dis-eases in the body.  Spirulina has been shown to positively reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering “the bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body while promoting HDL “the good” cholesterol.  In higher doses, spirulina could reduce blood pressure.

It’s Full Of Protein

Anemia is a fairly common ailment which can lead to fatigue due to a reduction in hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood.  When one’s diet is supplemented with spirulina, it has been documented that an increase in the content of hemoglobin in red blood cells occurs.

It is truly “a miracle from the sea”

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