The Number 1 Killer

By Barbara Cockrell

Did you know cancer is America’s most expensive disease, and will soon become the  leading cause of death? About 1/2 of us will develop cancer and conventional medicine hasn’t helped. Survival rates are no better than they were 60 years ago. The incidence for all types of cancer has increased by 85% in the US since the 1950s.

More Americans die of cancer each year than all the military people who lost their lives in WW II, Korea & Vietnam put together.

If you think it’s just for old fogies, think again. The fastest growing incidence of cancer for any age group is among children, and cancer is the leading cause of death for kids & people in their 20s and 30s, 2nd only to accidents. Almost 1/2 of all cancer deaths occur under age 34; not caused by inherited genes as many think.

“It will not be long before the entire population will have to decide whether we will die of cancer or whether we will have enough wisdom, courage, and will power to change fundamentally all our living and nutritional conditions.” Dr. Max Gerson, developer of the Gerson Cancer Therapy and Healing the Gerson way

Sickness can be a mystery for most of us because we don’t understand why it happens. Even some doctors don’t understand what causes disease at the cellular level or how to reverse it since human biology is so infinitely complex, so they prescribe drugs that are toxic and surgery that is invasive merely to suppress symptoms. But, even through our incomplete understanding of disease, virtually all disease can be prevented and reversed if we apply what we learn.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Leonardo da Vinci

My goal is to cut through the confusion, turning the information into practical knowledge you can use to take control of your health just as my partner and I are doing.

Our job is to give the body what it needs and not interfere with its work. Few people, even doctors, really know how to do this.

“Most cancer patients in the US die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy doesn’t eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers, yet doctors still use it for these tumors. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemo than without it.” Dr. Levin, Clinical Ecologist

Conventional medicine doesn’t attempt to prevent disease. Only after disease signs have appeared does it attempt to medicate, surgically remove, poison with chemotherapy, or burn it out with radiation, and the treatment is worse than the disease. Cancer will likely come back because it’s a process and what’s producing it is still operating.

Chemo and radiation damage healthy cells and tissues and cause long term damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, nerves and immune system. They are carcinogenic, increasing the risk of developing a second cancer by up to 100 times. They suppress the immune system, causing the cancer to grow and metastasize as immune defenses are depressed. More resistant cells don’t die, continue to multiply and the cancer gets stronger. In almost all cases, conventional treatments actually make matters worse and work against your long-term recovery.

In fact, every 30 seconds someone receives a cancer diagnosis and every 60 seconds someone dies from it. The good news is that someone doesn’t have to be you-you don’t have to be a victim-you can turn the process off.

It’s shocking how many people have suffered and died because they put their faith in the conventional medical treatments that are dangerous and ineffective.

“As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.” Alan Nixon, Ph.D., past president, American Chemical Society

Despite the good intentions of the individuals involved, do you truly believe the Food & Drug Admin, American Medical Assoc., Cancer Society, and the drug and health insurance industry have your health as their number one priority when their very existence depends on the perpetuation of disease?

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) included an article by Barbara Starfield, M.D. almost a decade ago stating that physician and medication error, and adverse events from drugs and surgery kill 225,400 people per year making our health care system the third leading cause of death in the US. It said cancer is the #2 killer with 553,091 deaths per year and heart disease the #1 killer, taking the lives of 710,760 lives per year.

“We have to stop thinking of cancer as a monster that attacks innocent victims for no reason.”

Instead, we must realize that cancer is a very predictable outcome of the poor choices we make—our lifestyle choices that create an environment in the body that allows cancer to thrive.

Are YOU a victim or a victor?

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