Ways To Live Your Life With Arthritis (5)

Ways To Live Your Life With Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints of millions of people. Arthritis can be caused by infection, trauma to joints, or even by old age. The condition leaves suffers with pain and inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis and need help, then read the tips in the following article.

One way to deal with arthritis is to make sure you are coping with it in a positive manner. Focus on wellness and not on sickness. It is not easy when you are in pain to think in a positive way, but you can do it! It will help you and your pain.

Lose weight! Excess weight can mean more pain for you. The weight can also contribute to and aggravate osteoarthritis, while increasing your risk of gout. Losing your extra pounds will have you looking and feeling better. Losing those extra pounds will also relieve the stress on your knees and hips.

While you are not experiencing a lot of pain, it is important to make sure that you stretch your joints. You can see a physical therapist that will show you exactly which stretches will work best for you. People that are suffering from arthritis tend to feel stiffer when they first wake up and stretching is a great way to loosen everything up.

When dealing with arthritis pain you have to protect your joints. Always be thinking about your joints and your joint health and protect them from injury. So be careful; instead of lifting a heavy object, slide it, or use your shoulder to open a door instead of using your hand.

Be careful of what herbal remedies you take for arthritis and be sure you speak with your doctor before taking them. People think that because herbal remedies are natural, that they are healthy for you. This is not always the case. In fact, certain herbal remedies can make your arthritis worse.

Eat light foods. Eating heavy meals can make anyone feel slow and sluggish, and that effect is multiplied on those that suffer from arthritis. Having a light soup instead of a heavy steak can keep you feeling peppy and positive instead of fatigued and painful, so skip anything that may be too much.

Take a warm morning shower. Many people who suffer from arthritis have the stiffest joints when they wake up. Starting your day off with a warm shower will loosen your joints enough that you should be able to stretch them, which will help to prevent any stiffness you may experience later in the day.

Make sure you take your medications the way in which they are prescribed. If you are not experiencing the benefits you should be, don’t stop taking the medication. Sometimes it can take several days, weeks or months for the medications to work the way they are supposed to. If you are still concerned, make sure to talk to your doctor about it.

As stated before, arthritis affects the joints of millions. It is caused by infection in the joints, trauma to the joints, or old age. Arthritis causes the joints to be inflamed and results in the sufferer having great pain. By using the arthritis tips from this article, you can reduce your suffering.

