Flush Beats a Full House


          So what’s the most common thing on everyone’s mind this time of year? You guessed it – “I really need to get healthier.” If the hand you’ve been dealt is less than a royal flush, I’d bet you can’t say with a straight face your health is something you should gamble with. So I’m tossing you some golden nuggets to strengthen your heart.
         Do you have any idea how toxic you are? Well, here’s a diamond in the rough. The fastest way to restore your health is juice fasting and detoxification. And speaking of roughage, when you juice, instead of your body being in the business of receiving and digesting, it shifts to the job of removal and flushing. 

            Our world is overflowing with food from every nationality on our dinner plate. We are so involved with our food as a form of recreation, and the center of our social life as entertainment that we’ve forgotten the importance of not eating. The relationship of food to our health has been blurred by our fast-paced lifestyle and advertising. Despite all our technology, we are plagued by a long list of diseases, many of them fatal, which modern medicine cannot cure. Lung cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and others were not prevalent half a century ago and are directly linked to our diet and lifestyle.

What is Juice Fasting?

            According to Steve Meyerowitz, better known as “Sproutman” in his book “Juice Fasting & Detoxification”, fasting is simply a rest from food. It is uncanny that such a simple technique can work for such complex diseases. But it is true! The reason is our bodies are natural healers. Nature is both complex and sublimely simple. It works in minute mysterious ways that even modern science cannot fathom. Without obstacles in its way, our bodies will automatically seek health through the process of eliminating poisons and balancing chemistry. There is a vital force within us that can heal and when that vitality is not exhausted by physical activity, drained by the task of digestion or overwhelmed by stress, it is available to heal. Fasting, essentially promotes self-health by casting off poisons. It is not so much a cure as it is an opportunity for rejuvenation, provided the essential organs have not been irreversibly damaged by disease or medical treatment.

How ironic something so old works

on problems so new and

unfortunate that it is so ignored.


            Sproutman’s research in his book shows that fasting still works for our modern ailments caused by our 21st century excesses. It is, in fact, our oldest health remedy. He quotes it is mentioned throughout the book of Exodus. Moses, Elijah and Jesus all fasted for up to 40 days. And Jesus speaks directly about fasting and diet in the Essene Gospel of Peace, he said. (The latter differs from the New Testament in that it is a direct translation from the Aramaic text held in the library of the Vatican.) To this day Jews fast as a means of atonement. Christians fast during Lent. Moslems during Ramadan and Hindus fast routinely. Fasting was also advocated by Plato and Hippocrates and the Egyptians used it as a cure for syphilis. In modern times, the practice of therapeutic fasting was rekindled by a naturopathic physician, Dr. Isaac Jennings, in 1822, says Sproutman.

            The principle of fasting is health restored through cleaning. Our bodies have a limited capacity to store and/or to eliminate non-digestible or foreign matter taken in through the diet. These materials, if left to circulate through the system, are toxins. Our diets are filled with preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, pesticides, insecticides, rancid oils and other indigestible chemicals that overload our kidneys, bowels, skin, lungs and liver. As this toxic load accumulates from years of bad diet and pollution, it begins to interfere with normal functioning and our elimination becomes impaired. This toxemia is the cause of disease.

            A sick person’s system is filled with poisons from the diet pollutants, lead, arsenic, medication, nicotine, cellular and metabolic waste products from wrongly combined foods, addictions to sweets, coffee, cigarettes and excessive eating – not to mention inadequate nutrition. The body discharges poisons in any way it can. A cold is merely a relief valve to relieve the lungs, blood, liver and lymphatic system of congestion. Stress combines with diet to compound the effects of this overload by impeding the normal flow of impulses. The nervous system can then no longer properly conduct the flow of vital energy to the various glands and organs. Lack of clarity, confusion, frustration and instability result. If ignored, these poisons become entrenched in the body and in time develop into chronic pathologies. Fasting reverses this toxic trend and liberates stored poisons.

I bet you never knew flushing could be so powerful, did you?

            Thanks to Sproutman for pointing out that the beauty of fasting lies in its simplicity. Although some think it is dangerous, their perspective has more to do with their fears and lack of knowledge. He calls it a harmless practice that just about anyone can do. It is accepted and practiced in most countries as well as by the world’s major religions. In contrast to expensive medical treatment, doctors, labs, insurance premiums, and hospitals, fasting is something you can usually do yourself. Juice fasting is an ideal way for first timers to start. Unlike water fasting, juice fasting supplies calories and nutrition and protects you against the stresses of work and activity. Juices are the concentrated nutrition that nourishes you and provides the stamina you will need without necessitating much alteration of lifestyle.

Nothing is more nutritious than juice.

Once you extract the liquid from these vital foods,

you can absorb up to 99% of the food value, even with weak digestion.


            The beauty of juicing is that it barely takes any digestive energy at all. It condenses pounds of valuable food into a single glass. Cancer research has acclaimed beta-carotene, the form of vitamin A in carrots, as a cancer-fighting nutrient. Spinach, parsley, beets, peppers and other greens are all nutritious. Spinach actually has more protein and vitamin A than carrots. Adding a lemon or lime to strong greens can eliminate the bitter taste and adding beets and carrots makes the juice quite tasty. Though there are thousands of recipes, we just mixed vegetables together depending on our mood. I enjoyed the beauty of the colorful assortment gracing my kitchen; especially the colorful chards, and the fresh scent of these aromas.

How We Started – Our Benefits.

            The first thing we did when we found out my partner had cancer was to start juicing. One of the best resources to motivate you down this path is to watch the free version of Fat Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Gross on Netflix. Without knowing of my partner’s cancer, after watching this movie, my 12-year-old son actually started the initiative and said, “Mom, we need to start juicing”. Perfect words to my ears. Then our 45 day juice fast and our health began!

If my 12-year old son can juice 2 meals a day

for 45 days and love it, I know you can enjoy using the healing power

of fresh juice to feel young and look great!


Juicing for us was much like a “runners high”. The first few days were difficult and then it felt like we could go on forever. So we just kept running with it.  The first couple of days our stomach growled as our bodies adapted. We drank so much juice so packed with nutrients that we weren’t really hungry. But that didn’t stop the mind games from rehearsing the taste of our old habits and the desire for food until we got used to it.  The second and third days left us feeling a little weak wondering if we were cut out for juicing – was it just for those with more fortitude – or could we really do it?  But then we soon reached a plateau, euphoria, and the “runners high” where nothing was going to stop us and we didn’t want to stop.

Run Forest Run.

            The toxins were being released from our bodies, our energy returned, we experienced better focus and clarity, our skin was softer, we lost weight, we felt renewed, more alive, and empowered.

And then, after 45 days, just like Forest Gump

decided in the middle of the desert one day it was time to stop,

our bodies had enough and we just stopped juicing; just like that!


            God knows best so there must be more to the connection of 40 days and fluids than we realize. We juiced and detoxified and received great benefits in our healing. I wish the same for you which is why I created a website to take the guess work out of what to do.

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