Avoid Vaccines

Independent scientists have set forth with the Cochran study, a completely comprehensive and in depth study that has come to a final conclusion: Flu vaccinations do not work.


Many people do not know about this, and that is understandable. In 2010, the Cochran Collaboration studies were published without any fans from the more mainstream media. Eventually, Heidi Stevenson from Gaia Health gained light of it. Jon Rappoport cited her article in a Natural News article that can be found at http://www.naturalnews.com/037471_vaccines_mythology_fairy_tale.html

The study dismisses the “herd immunity” myth and tells readers that minor influenza is normally without any outside influences, after a report that 1.5 per million flu shot recipients were diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). This is a condition that causes major defects throughout the rest of the person’s life. They will experience seizures immediately after vaccination.

The Cochran study made use of VAERS, also known as vaccine adverse event reporting system, to evaluate the GBS incident rate. However, VAERS is not a great system and keeps a number of cases in the shadows.

The number of cases reported could be multiplied by 10 for the actual number of cases. This disease is a horrible vaccine reaction and is not to be chanced if you value your health. Some additional adverse reactions include symptoms of brain damage and autoimmune diseases.

The main point is that you are paying your hard earned money to take a chance on your overall health. It would be wise to protect yourself against influenza through safer and more natural means.

There are four easy things you can do to strengthen and protect your immune system:

Vitamin D3. We’re not talking about D2, as it is toxic and extremely harmful. It is important not to rely on any pharmacies for vitamin D, but to get it from natural food stores. Vitamin D3 is known as a pre-hormone and gives your immune system a beneficial shock if you have enough in your blood stream. If you are not receiving a lot of sunlight in order for your body to manufacture it, then you need to supplement it gradually.

Take 4,000 – 10,000 IU supplements to give yourself a sustainable dose.

Astragalus. This is an ancient herb found in India and China. There, it is used as a adaptogenic tonic, meaning that it adjusts your immune system so that it gets more of what it needs. This is similar to vitamin D3, and acts as an immune regulator. It is smart to take astragalus before the flu season, at any time during the day. You can get astragalus online at a bulk herb powder store.

You can also use golden seal and/or echinacea. These are very dependable herbs that help prevent flus and colds. You can get them in tinctures or capsules, and speak with a knowledgeable herbalist who can determine which one is better for you.

Improve your lifestyle and diet. Avoid processed food with toxic additives, oils, sweeteners, and GMOs. Ingesting a good amount of raw garlic with organic foods will help you fight toxins. Hydrate yourself with purified non-fluoridated water, or spring water if you have access to it.

You can also get reverse osmosis filtered water to destroy 35% of fluorides, and add lime or lemon to balance out the acid.

It’s important to keep stress at bay and to get plenty of deep sleep. Don’t allow light into your room and keep electronic devices away from where you sleep. Keeping stress out of your life can be achieved by giving yourself time to meditate, laugh and exercise.

