Barbara’s Journey
Welcome to my personal journey to eating a healthy alkalized diet where I will share videos, articles, recipes, and tips that are created by me that helped us become healthier. My journey took my family from the Standard American Diet (as SAD as it is) to instantly becoming vegans because that was necessary to dramatically fight cancer. I will show you how we transitioned to a mostly plant-based alkalized diet because the cancer can’t live in an alkalized body and an acidic body creates many problems.
I don’t expect you to just take my word for defining what we think of as good nutrition, nor recommend that it is necessary for you to become totally vegan. What is important is to alkalize your body. One of the first sources of information that I recommend you read is a book entitled “The China Study”, the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. There are over 750 references in the book that point the way to less cancer, less heart disease, fewer strokes, less obesity, less diabetes, less autoimmune diseases, less osteoporosis, less Alzheimer’s, less kidney stones and less blindness.
Low animal protein diets inhibit the initiation of cancer and dramatically block subsequent cancer growth. In fact, The China Study showed that dietary animal protein proved to be so powerful in its effect that they could turn on and off cancer growth simply by changing the level consumed. The study produced more than 8,000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and diseases!
People who eat the most animal-based foods get the most chronic diseases. Even relatively small intakes of animal-based foods were associated with adverse effects. People who eat the most plant-based foods are the healthiest and tend to avoid chronic disease.
It’s my hope that this will help you transition to an alkalized diet to obtain an abundantly more complete healthy life.