
The Master Tonic

The Master Tonic

By Barbara LeGrand Cockrell

This may be your first time hearing about the Master Tonic, which is a natural remedy for any number of infections; far more than just the common cold. It’s naturally antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic. I’ve often seen it referred to as a modern day plague tonic that can alleviate the most chronic conditions, stubborn diseases and antibiotic-resistant infections. It’s power should certainly not be underestimated.

We have given bottles to several friends and they have all had their own amazing results. This is really powerful. You NEED to make it!

The reason the Master Tonic is so powerful is because all of the ingredients are fresh, and are designed to purify blood, and stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow to help introduce the detoxifying ingredients into your bloodstream. This plant-based remedy has been known as the best choice to fight against candida.

The basic formula of this powerful tonic dates back to medieval Europe, when people suffered from all sorts of diseases and epidemics, and has helped millions of people throughout the centuries fight the most harmful diseases.
Why Ingredients Work So Well and the Health Benefits

One great thing about it is that you can find all of the ingredients at your local store. So what’s in the master tonic?

Garlic has lots of health benefits since it is a strong antibiotic that destroys bacteria. Chemical antibiotics kill friendly bacteria your body needs, but garlic only kills the bad bacteria and increases your healthy bacteria. It is also a powerful anti-viral (fighting colds, the flu and upper respiratory infections) and anti-fungal, destroying harmful disease-causing microorganisms.

Onions are similar to garlic but milder with diuretic, antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. They are useful to fight cold, flu and persistent coughs. They help stop cholesterol from attaching to arterial walls and blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots which helps prevent heart problems.

Horseradish is great for sinuses and lungs. It increases circulation, where colds and flu usually begin. It is antibacterial and anti-parasitic, and it stimulates your immune system.

Hot Peppers are powerful for circulation and can also help boost your immune system. Warming antibiotic properties make them a natural pain-reliever.

Ginger is powerful for fighting inflammation and it is a strong circulation stimulant.

Turmeric is a great spice that cleanses infections and reduces inflammation. It helps to block cancer and dementia from developing, and is especially useful for those who struggle with joint pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar has so many amazing benefits. It’s a natural antiseptic and antifungal, great for digestion, detoxifying and so much more. Hippocrates, used vinegar around 400 BC because of its healthy properties. It is said that he used only two remedies: honey and apple cider vinegar. It reduces bad cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. It helps the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, which helps in the process of maintaining bone strength. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Studies have shown that potassium deficiency results in slow growth. All of these problems can be avoided if you use apple cider vinegar regularly. Potassium also removes toxic wastes from the body.

Apple cider vinegar breaks up fat and is good for those who want to lose weight. The malic acid fights against fungal and bacterial infections. This acid dissolves uric acid deposits that form around the joints, alleviating joint pain. Then the dissolved uric acid is eliminated from the body.

Apple cider vinegar is useful in treating conditions like constipation, headaches, arthritis, weak bones, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, mild food poisoning, hair loss, high blood pressure, obesity, and many other health problems. Gee, I wonder if that is where the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” came from. Some pretty potent ingredient.

The master tonic is the best combination to fight each of these conditions. Protect your health using natural antibiotics!

Master tonic – Individual Recipe

I suggest you wear gloves during the preparation, especially when handling hot peppers! Be careful, its smell is very strong, and it may stimulate the sinuses instantly. That was my experience.

24 oz. apple cider vinegar (always use organic) 
¼ cup finely chopped garlic 
¼ cup finely chopped onion 
2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find
¼ cup grated ginger 
2 tbsp. grated horseradish 
2 tbsp. turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root 

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the apple cider vinegar. Transfer the mixture to a Mason type jar. Pour in some ACV and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry ingredients, and fill in the rest with vinegar. Close well and shake.

Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day. 
After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out. 

Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking. I experimented and dehydrated and ground it into a spice mixture. 

The liquid master tonic is ready for use. You do not need to keep the tonic in your fridge. It will last for a long time.

Tip: You can also use mixed with some olive oil and use it as a salad dressing or in your stews. Be creative but a little goes a long way in recipes. Test it.


The flavor is, well, not too good, but good for you. Try eating a slice of orange afterward to ease the heat. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. You know the old saying, “anything that tastes like that has to be good for you”. Gargle and swallow. Don’t dilute it in water or it will reduce the effect. 

Start with a teaspoon for the first few times. Take 1 tablespoon every day to strengthen the immune system and fight cold. Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 1 small shot glass per day. 

If you struggle against more serious disease or infection, take 1 tablespoon of the tonic 5-6 times a day. 

I heard it’s safe for pregnant women and children in small doses because the ingredients are all-natural and contain no toxins. 

You shouldn’t use on an empty stomach; it’s POTENT and can cause nausea or vomiting if you are not used to it.

Just do it and let me know your results!

How to Detox To Help Cleanse Your Spirit, Mind, and Body

How to Detox To Help Cleanse Your Spirit, Mind, and Body

Sometimes it takes more than mere cleaning up of your diet — and that means detox. If you are experiencing any or many of the following, then a detox could help:

  • Mood swings, irritability, depression, and/or anxiety
  • Bloating or weight gain
  • Low libido
  • Sluggishness, fatigue, or exhaustion
  • Mental fog
  • Acne breakouts, eczema, or psoriasis
  • Hair loss or excess body hair
  • Stiff, achy joints or muscles
  • Inflammation
  • Disease
  • Constipation

It’s also important to do a detox to cleanse your liver. When you eat a diet high in processed foods, don’t exercise, or have chronic stress, your liver gets overloaded. Giving it a break twice a year helps to balance maintain your health.

If you eat a diet that is low in fiber that is all meat and dairy and processed foods that causes constipation. That kind of food moves through your body very slowly and you end up in a toxic state. Also many prescription drugs cause constipation.

How to Do It

Foods to Eat

Here is a short list of foods known for cleansing the liver. Enjoy lots of these foods to cleanse your liver:

  • Green tea
  • Artichoke
  • Garlic and onions
  • Cruciferous vegetables: especially broccoli sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
  • Lemon and lime
  • Grapefruit
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Avocados
  • Turmeric

Try drinking a glass of warm lemon water each morning before breakfast.

High-allergen Foods to Avoid

  • Dairy and animal products
  • Wheat and gluten-containing products
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Sugar of all types
  • Refined vegetable oils such as cottonseed, canola, corn, peanut, sunflower, safflower, and others


It’s important to exercise, sweat, and get your lymphatic system moving to ensure your liver and hormones are working properly. This also helps to reduce inflammation from toxicity and unwanted weight gain.

Aim for three to four times per week of high intensity exercise to create sweat.

Excess toxins can be stored in your fat if there’s too much on your body — specifically in the belly, hip, butt, and thigh areas.


Just as foods help clean out your cells, your mind and spirit need detoxing too so practice some self care.

When your brain is peaceful and not inflamed, your pituitary can properly balance and detoxify excess hormones.

Here are a few examples of activities to quiet the mind, balance, and promote detoxification:

  1. Meditation

Taking a few minutes in the morning or evening to close your eyes, ground yourself, and do some deep breathing exercises. Think deeply about what you want to achieve with your health. What will your life look like and feel like when you’ve reached your goal. Getting clear on your goals reduces overwhelm and stress.

  1. Journaling

Simply writing down the to-dos for the next day will help your sleep, reduce your stress, let go of emotions, and lessening your rambling thoughts. Write what’s on your mind before you go to sleep at night.

  1. Give Thanks

Give thanks for everything that you can think of. Thanksgiving is healing on the body and spirit.

 Important Info about Detoxing

Your liver is the main detoxification organ in your body. Your liver and your kidneys both detox your blood and excrete those toxins in your urine and feces. Your lungs remove toxins from your body when you exhale. You skin excretes toxins when you sweat.

Your body has to get rid of all that stuff because it is toxic to you.

If your body is constantly polluted with unnecessary toxins then your liver and kidneys can get over loaded and their ability to work properly diminishes over time.

Your cells dump metabolic waste into your lymph system and your lymph system carries that waste away to your liver and your kidneys to eliminate it. It also eliminates toxins through your skin and your sweat.

Your skin is your largest detoxifying organ. Certain toxins are eliminated more through sweat than any other way. So sweating is very important to maintaining health.

Anything that prevents you from sweating, like antiperspirants, traps toxins in your body and they need to come out.

Your lungs excrete toxins 24 hours a day, so every time you exhale you are detoxifying.

It’s important to stop poising and polluting your body. Cigarettes are the leading cause of cancer.

Your mouth can be a significant source of toxins. If you have silver fillings in your mouth they are 50% mercury which releases mercury vapor in your mouth. Root canals could also allow bacteria causing problems in your body. If you have either you may want to find a holistic dentist  and get them evaluated.

So we want to reduce our toxic load and reduce as many of these things as possible. I’m not trying to overload you but detoxifying does require changes.

Too much stress is going to break you down and cripple your immune system.

Water is important and helps flush things toxins of your body. Water fasting reboots and recharges your immune system. Most people can handle a 3 day water fast without serious conditions. If you have a serious health condition, you should check with your doctor before attempting a fast.  For most people fasting is safe and gives your body a break from digestion allowing it to regenerate. How long is something you should determine. A one day water fast is pretty easy, but a 3 day water fast is a good length of time.

The next step is juice fasting.  A good plan is to start with a 3 day water fast and then do a 3, 5, or 10 day juice fast. Then transition to raw food first. Lots of raw fruit first and then incorporate vegetables.

The more body fat you have the more you can fast.

If you are on a water fast you don’t need intense exercise.

Deep breathing helps clean your blood and when you exhale you are excreting toxins. Deep breathing oxygenates and alkalizes your entire body and promotes detoxification.

Supplements are another detoxification method but vary by your individual needs. If you are willing to do these things then additional supplementation could be very beneficial. But if you just want to take a detox supplement and not change your lifestyle and habits you may not see many benefits.

Switch to non-toxic body care and home cleaning products.

All of these habits work together and greatly improve your body’s ability to detoxify.

Cash in On Herbalife Shapeworks Diet – Lose Weight and Make Money

Cash in On Herbalife Shapeworks Diet – Lose Weight and Make Money


Herbalife has been in the health and wellness business for over twenty-five years. And in all of those years they have helped countless millions of people with all kinds of different health issues. They have made life a little bit better for men and women and even children and they have done it because they care about the wellbeing of everyone both young and old. One of their biggest sellers is Shapeworks and this diet system alone has assisted millions of people of all ages to lose the weight that they so desperately want to shed. Getting in shape is a life altering event and it is something that we can all do and feel good about, so if you know you could be a healthier weight then you need to do something about it now before it is too late.

Herbalife and Shapeworks exist to change people?s lives by providing the best nutritional diet plan on the market today. There is much more to these programs that losing weight and becoming more healthy though. There is also a fantastic business opportunity in direct selling. You too can become one of the top people working for Herbalife and Shapeworks because you can sell these great nutrition and weight management products to other people who needs them so desperately. More people than you could ever count have been doing this successfully for years and they love it. There are many reasons to join the Herbalife team and they are all better than the last. This could be your calling.

Herbalife has created program after program, year after year, and each program has had great success in assisting dieters across the world. Herbalife started out in the United States, and their headquarters are still in California. Currently, Herbalife offices exist in sixty countries around the globe. Last year alone, Herbalife had annual sales of almost two billion dollars. This is a massively huge company that you can trust with all of your weight loss problems and all of your hard work will pay off, finally. And if you choose to join the team and work with Shapeworks to sell these fantastic products to others you will have the knowledge that you have helped to transform lives for the better. You can make peoples dreams come true and it is because of you that they will live longer, happier and more productive lives.

Herbalife and Shapeworks have earned the trust of their clients and the respect of their competitors. Most herbal diet programs model themselves after the Herbalife Company but never quite achieve their stature in the industry.

Every product that Herbalife creates is all natural. They use a combination of different herbs and botanicals that work in conjunction to assist the dieter in meeting their weight loss goals. Shapeworks is just one of their many effective products but it is one of the best by far. In fact, it might just be their crowning achievement. It is a multi step program that uses meal replacement shakes and supplements as part of a comprehensive diet plan.

One of the major ingredients that the body needs most when dieting, is protein and every product that Herbalife Shapeworks develops contains the right amount protein. It not only keeps your muscles from deteriorating when dieting, but it also controls hunger. Herbalife has scientists and researchers who work round the clock to develop new and innovative products.

Herbalife Shapeworks is a revolutionary product that has already helped thousands of people meet their weight loss goals. Their products are tasty and the instructions are easy to follow. And most importantly there is always someone available to answer any questions that you may have regarding the Shapeworks weight loss program.
