
7 Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water Daily
In most tropical countries where coconut palms grow in abundance, coconut water has always been used as a refreshing drink and a health enhancer. The people of the Pacific Islands respect the coconut and use all of its parts for food and medicine.
It is only recent that this delicious natural beverage has started receiving the attention it clearly deserves. If you are not familiar with this drink, coconut water is the nearly colorless liquid contained within a coconut. Although it used to be referred to as the milk of coconut, or coconut milk, earlier, it is not to be confused with the white milky liquid extracted from coconut meat.
In its natural form, coconut water is a light, mildly sweet drink with a very slight nutty taste. It cannot compete with sodas or sports drinks in sweetness, but this pure drink is surprisingly satisfying and packed with electrolytes. Coconut water from fresh, tender coconuts is the best, but it is now available bottled, with or without added sugar and flavors. The best, of course, is the 100% natural, with no added sugar or other preservatives or coloring.
Here are seven reasons why you will want to learn more about this amazing tropical gift from nature…
- Rich in Nutrients.
Unlike any other beverage on the market, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Because of its unique composition, coconut water can be enjoyed by individuals with varying medical conditions.
- It’s low in calories.
Unlike plain water, coconut water is not entirely calorie-free, but at 42 calories per serving (240g) it’s still a pretty low-calorie drink. This makes it an awesome replacement for any one of your regular, sugar-sweetened drinks and when used like this, coconut water can help you reach your weight loss goals.
- It contains antioxidants.
Coconut water contains a lot of antioxidants, which help prevent the damage to our bodies caused by free radicals. Free radicals are produced by your own metabolism, so there’s no other way to neutralize the damage, except making sure you consume enough antioxidants in your diet. And coconut water can help you with that.
- Picture-Perfect Skin.
For those with acne or other blemishes on the surface of the skin, topical application of coconut water can go a great distance as it has the ability to clear up and subsequently tone the skin. It also moisturizes the skin from within if ingested orally and eliminates large amounts of oil. This explains why products such as facial creams, shampoos, conditioners and lotions that contain traces of coconut extract are more effective.
- Reduces Blood Pressure.
In many instances, a disproportionate level of electrolytes can result in high blood pressure. Because coconut water contains an adequate supply of each, it can be used as a balancing mechanism. In some instances, it is recommended that coconut water be consumed at the start of each day to foster the balance of these electrolytes.
- Compatible with Human Blood.
Since it is isotonic to human plasma, coconut water can be used in extreme emergencies to quickly rehydrate the human body if administered intravenously. It is not uncommon for the drink to be used in poorer, third-world countries to save human lives.
- Cytokinins
The hormones that help plants grow, also known as cytokinins, are also found in coconut water. These compounds are believed to have antiaging and cancer-fighting properties. However, to date no major studies have shown that coconut water wards off cancer.
With SO MANY MORE reasons that are not listed here, it is a no brainer to add drinking coconut water to your daily routine! Even if you don’t have a specific condition, adding pure coconut water will improve overall health and energy. It is truly a gift from nature that should be respected.

Amazon Delivers Organic Whole Foods
Amazon announced that certain members of its Prime subscription program can order Whole Foods items to be delivered within two hours! The program debuts in several neighborhoods in Austin, Dallas, Virginia Beach, and Cincinnati. Delivery is free for orders over $35—not exactly a challenge when you’re buying healthy and delicious products for you and your family when you’re on the go! If you’re crunched for time and having a dinner party you can expedite one-hour delivery of fresh produce for $7.99, in many cases less than the cost of an Uber to the grocery store and back. Ahh, convenience.
When Amazon spent $14 billion on Whole Foods last year in its largest-ever acquisition, I have to admit, I did not like the idea. But now as it’s actions are coming to play I realize all of the benefits this could have to certain families and homes. As we live in such a fast paced world convenience is our best friend, so having fresh organic food delivered to our door step for free (with our Amazon prime membership) is just another perk that we can reap in this technological world.

Pantry, Fridge and Brain – oh my!
Pantry, Fridge and Brain – oh my!
By Dr. Mark Hyman
Today’s fun brain health challenge is all about the kitchen. It’s important to remember that the food industry holds your kitchen hostage. No doubt, your cupboards and pantry are filled with ultra-processed fare. Detoxifying your kitchen allows you to escape these shackles and transform your kitchen into a place of wellness. A healthy kitchen provides the foundation for a healthy gut and a healthy you.
If you make your kitchen a safe zone with only foods that nourish rather than harm, then you will automatically make the right choices. If you fill it with crap, you will eat crap, no matter how much willpower you have.
The first step is to detoxify your kitchen. Toss the junk food! If it’s not there you won’t eat it. It’s that simple. If you have to get in your car and drive five miles, you probably will skip that donut, cookie, or ice cream. You are removing ways to unconsciously sabotage yourself.
I’ve created a four-step process to effectively detoxify your kitchen and restock it with healthy foods.
Step 1: Set aside an hour to purge your kitchen.
Schedule it into your planner if you need to. This requires some detective work. Read food labels for added sugar and other junk ingredients that don’t belong in a healthy kitchen. Get a large garbage bag ready (rinse out containers and recycle if you can) to dump the junk. It might take longer depending on how much hidden junk and toxic ingredients lurk in your cupboard or fridge.
Step 2: Scrutinize labels.
Ideally, you’ll replace anything that is questionable with real fresh or whole foods without labels. A fresh avocado or kiwi doesn’t come with a nutrition facts label, a barcode, or ingredient list. If you decide to keep foods with labels, follow these rules.
Focus on the ingredient list, not the “nutrition facts” that are mostly designed and developed under huge food industry lobby efforts to confuse and confound your efforts to eat healthy.
If you don’t recognize a word, can’t pronounce it, or it is in Latin, or you don’t have it in your cupboard and wouldn’t use it in a recipe—maltodextrin, for instance—then don’t use it.
On every ingredient list, note that the most abundant component is listed first. The others follow in descending order by weight.
Be conscious of ingredients that may not be on the list. Some may be exempt from labels. Get rid of these foods.
Beware of foods with health claims on the label. These claims usually signal a marketing ploy to make you think they’re good for you when they’re really just healthy pretenders. Things like sports beverages, energy bars, and even multigrain breads (which often contain high-fructose corn syrup) fall into this category.
Step 3: Ditch These Foods
When you detoxify your body, you eliminate harmful toxins. Likewise, when you detoxify your kitchen you’ll want to get rid of any food that contains these harmful ingredients.
You probably know obvious sugar culprits, but be aware of hidden sugars that lurk in salad dressings, processed foods, drinks, and even “healthy” foods like cereals and wheat. Sugar goes by many aliases. Just as boys named Andrew often go by Andy or Drew, sugar might be called organic cane juice, honey, agave, maple syrup, cane syrup, or molasses. There are 257 names for sugar, most made from corn with names that you wouldn’t recognize—like maltodextrin—which make you fat and addicted. Look carefully at condiments like salad dressing, barbecue sauce, or ketchup, which are often traps for high-fructose corn syrup.
Bad fats. Don’t be afraid of fat. Fat doesn’t make you fat, but the wrong fats can wreak serious metabolic havoc. Toss out any highly refined cooking oils such as corn and soy, fried foods you may have stored in your freezer, and margarine or shortening. These have dangerous trans fats that create inflammation and cause heart disease. Scour labels for the words “hydrogenated fat” (another phrase for trans fat), which has finally been declared not safe for consumption by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Artificial sweeteners. Throw out food with artificial sweeteners of all kinds (aspartame, NutraSweet, Splenda, sucralose, and sugar alcohols—any word that ends with “ol,” like xylitol or sorbitol). Stevia may be better than aspartame, but only whole plant extract, not PureVia and Truvia, which are made by Pepsi and Coke and are chemical extracts of stevia. Use very sparingly. A new non-caloric sweetener that comes from monk fruit that’s rich in antioxidants can also be used in small amounts. But remember, any sweetener can make you hungry, lower your metabolism, create gas, and store belly fat. I’m not a big fan of any of them.
Anything with ingredients you can’t pronounce. If you purchase something with a nutrition label, there should be less than five ingredients on it and all things that a third grader would understand like “tomatoes, water, salt.” Focus on the ingredient list, not the “nutrition facts,” which are mostly designed and developed under huge food industry lobby efforts to confuse and confound your efforts to eat healthy.
Any potentially questionable food or ingredients. Seemingly safe foods like spices and seasonings can contain maltodextrin, autolyzed yeast extract, and even high-fructose corn syrup that have no place in a healthy kitchen.
Step 4: Stock Up on These!
Now that you’ve purged unhealthy foods, you want to replace your refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, and cupboards with fresh, healthy foods. These are the ones you’ll want to load your kitchen with:
Non-starchy veggies are freebies. Eat as many as you like! Limit fruits because they increase your insulin levels. Berries are your best bet. When possible, choose organic, seasonal, and local produce. When you can, avoid the most pesticide-contaminated fruits and vegetables by consulting the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list ( and instead choose from the “Clean Fifteen” list featuring the least contaminated options. Just make sure you’re buying unseasoned or unsweetened varieties. Also check out your local farmer’s market or community supported agriculture (CSA). You can find the one closest to you at
Dry foods. These staple foods usually have a longer shelf life and include raw or lightly roasted nuts and seeds, and legumes.
Herbs, spices, and seasonings. You’ll want to have a range of pantry ingredients, including seasonings and spices, on hand. Buy organic when you can. Because you only use a little of some of these, they tend to last a long time so you get a lot of value from them. Among my favorites include extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, and seasonings and spices. Just read your labels to ensure they don’t contain hidden sugar, gluten, or other problematic additives.
Get in the habit of keeping your fridge and freezer stocked with these items. When selecting beef or meat, choose grass-fed, hormone-free, or organic, whenever possible.
Optimal protein choices include:
• Pasture raised chicken and eggs
• Grass-feed meat (beef, lamb, bison, buffalo)
• Wild or sustainably farmed, low-mercury seafood (like sardines, salmon, herring, flounder, clams, crab, oysters, perch, pollock, shrimp, sole, squid, trout, whitefish, etc.).
Be sure to avoid those fish that are high in mercury, such as tuna, swordfish, and Chilean sea bass.
With these strategies, you’re ready to begin detoxifying your kitchen. Your brain and gut will be glad you did!
Mark Hyman, MD
Wishing you health and happiness,
PS: If you missed the whole series of the Broken Brain episodes click here to order and watch at your convenience!

Food Healing to Conquer ANY Disease
Food Healing to Conquer ANY Disease
By Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack
Jeff Primack has taught Qigong for 20 years to over 50k people at Qi Revolution conferences. He is author of “Conquering Any Disease”, a science-supported medical textbook endorsed by doctors that give food functions and protocols to help people reverse epidemic diseases of today.
What if Clogged Arteries and Parkinson’s were caused by the same oxidative force?
FREE RADICALS in food are the real villain and lack an electron, thus robbing electrons from healthy cells causing cholesterol to crystalize and brain to form plaque. Oxidation is the death mechanism. What turns an apple brown is the same force hardening brain in dementia and Parkinson’s. Luckily, God has a plan for our healing with food as medicine.
ELIMINATING FRIED FOOD is more important than being organic.
Top scientists of “International HNE Club” published their latest findings that cholesterol hardens when oxidized by free radicals. French fries in America were found to possess extreme levels of free radicals, HydroxyNonEnal (HNE). In addition to causing cholesterol hardening, HNE radicals high in all fried foods, cause DNA oxidation, which leads to replication of cancer cells instead of healthy cells. 2017 science on fats makes it clear the importance of cutting out fried foods, akin to smoking cigarettes.
Butter, coconut and olive oil produce less free radicals when heated.
These oils are made of saturated & monounsaturated fats that don’t oxidize easily. Canola and soybean oils have more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are unstable oxidizing faster. In the “Conquering Any Disease” book I provide evidence for returning to a high saturated fat diet and avoiding processed oils.
Aside from cooking oils, we get free radical exposure being near car exhaust and factories.
Only a high-phytochemical diet can give you effective protection from radical oxidation in your body. Humans can run marathons looking for a cancer cure, yet by avoiding fried oils and eating superfoods humans reverse cancer. Our food protocol for cancer has been used by hundreds of Qigong students with success since 2005. There’s an emphasis on foods to detoxify, but the real effects come from rebuilding blood and reversing oxidation with electron-dense pigments.
Pigments are colorful due to having DOUBLE BONDS, which contain four electrons that can be used to “quench radicals”.
Neutralization of free radicals by electrons in food pigments is the best way to avoid disease. America is on a low pigment diet! Black sesame seeds contain Melanin, a pigment stored by the Substantia Nigra in the brain where dopamine is made. Colorful pigments in hair signal fertility and many foods are proven by science to regrow hair, such as red onions and red apples.
Carotenoids have the BRIGHTEST COLOR of all pigments and no other molecule is more healing.
Eye health, vision and fertility are restored by eating them and they protect against sunburns. Egg yolks have 1mg of lutein per yolk to give it that vivid yellow. Spinach has 10x more lutein than egg yolks by weight, however recent science shows the egg was far more bioavailable. This is because carotenoids are fat soluble and made more bioavailable in the presence of oil. Cooked carrots are shown to have greater blood plasma absorption of betacarotene than raw in humans. I suggest both raw and cooked to obtain maximum benefits.
RED carotenoids neutralize free radicals 2x faster than Orange and 4x faster than Yellow!
There is a hierarchy and RED is best. Lutein (yellow pigment) has 10 double bonds in its chromophore. Betacarotene (orange) has 11 double bonds and Lycopene (pink) has 13 double bonds. Does it surprise that pink with 13 double bonds is a more effective electron donor than orange with 11? RED FOODS are the most profound evolution to the human diet. When Italy began making tomato paste it spawned great thinkers and strong men. Only peppers (cousin of tomato) evolved the deep red carotenoid called, CAPSANTHIN. I think pepper’s carotenoids being the reddest are the most healing.
Since learning the importance of RED carotenoids I’ve made Pepper Paste hundreds of times! I have a pepper problem…
We give fresh “Primack Pepper Paste” samples to every person who attends Qi Revolution. Unfortunately, people can’t buy it yet, but we show everyone how to make it. Tomato paste, sauce and ketchup are next best sources. Claudia Gabrielle MD, Ivy league educated doctor, says she learned more on Food-Healing at the Qi Revolution than in medical school! We invite you, the seekers of truth, to be educated and learn Food as Medicine.

Organic Foods: Why You Shouldn’t Let the Cost Turn You Away
Organic Foods: Why You Shouldn’t Let the Cost Turn You Away
Are you interested in improving your health? If you are, there are a number of steps that you can take. With that said, a great way to get started is by eating organic foods. There are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. One of those many benefits is that you are eating foods that are not made with artificial additives. This is only seen with organic foods. Many claim that eating organically is a great way to improve health and overall wellness.
As previously stated, eating organic foods is a great way to stay healthy. With that being said, many of the individuals who first examine organic foods are a little bit turned off by the cost. Typically, you will find that organic foods cost more than other traditional food products. Unfortunately, many find this a turn off and decide not to start eating a full organic diet. Of course, the decision to do so is yours to make, but you should not let the cost of organic foods turn you away. There are a number of reasons why organic foods are more than worth their costs and a few of the reasons why are highlighted below.
As previously stated, organic foods are healthy to eat. This, in turn, means that you can work to improve your health by eating them. Since organic foods are natural, you do not have to worry about artificial additives. As for fresh fruits and vegetables, organic foods are not treated with pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, we do not truly know the full extent of what many pesticides and other similar chemicals can do to our bodies. That is why organic foods are a popular option for many, as some just aren’t willing to take the chance. If you are one of those individuals, the costs of organic foods are more than worth it.
As for why organic foods cost more money, there are a number of different reasons. For starters, it is important to know that a lot of time and hard work is required to make organic foods. Many are surprised to learn this, as many suspected just the opposite. Organic foods must undergo rigorous tests to be considered certified organic. This requires a lot of equipment upgrades and inspections. Many of the farmers who now produce organic fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, usually didn’t start out doing so. Farmers who make the switch to organic foods, often find themselves spending a considerable amount of money on upgrades, which can have an impact on the cost of organic foods, especially those that are sold directly by the farmers.
Another one of the many reasons why you should not let the costs of organic foods turn you away from eating healthy is because there are a number of steps that you can take to save money. For starters, it is a good idea to carefully choose the organic food stores that you shop at. Look for stores that sell organic foods at everyday low prices or stores that are known for having weekly or monthly sales. Stocking up when you find a great deal is another one of the many ways to save money when looking to eat healthy, but while on a budget at the same time. Organic food coupons can also be used. Organic food coupons can sometimes be found in many food stores, online, and in weekend newspaper inserts.
As you can see, there are a number of different reasons why you should give organic foods a close look, despite their high costs. Organic foods are ideal for individuals of all ages, which is great if you are looking to improve the health of your whole family, not just your own. Even with an increased cost, especially when compared to other foods, organic foods are still popular. This is largely due in part to their large number of benefits, which as previously stated, include one hundred percent natural foods.
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Improve Overall Health with Tomatoes
Source: Flickr
Tomatoes have countless health benefits that have made it a significant addition of diets throughout the medical world. It is low in calories, and are considered as an excellent food for people who want to lose weight and improve their overall health. Because of its nutritional benefits, tomatoes are considered by many as a medicinal food. Lycopene, one of the most potent antioxidants in nature are found it tomatoes. Antioxidants are important in both humans and plants and may help prevent cell damage that can be caused by oxidative stress. Lycopene is vital antioxidant that helps fight cancerous cell formation and other kinds of health ailments. This component is responsible for the tomatoes’ red color and also contains its disease-fighting properties. Lycopene is essential in preventing the development of many cancers and other health ailments.
Examples of cancers that can be prevented by tomatoes are:
Breast cancer
Cervical cancer
Colon cancer
Esophagus cancer
Pharynx cancer
Prostate cancer
Mouth cancer
Rectum cancer
Stomach cancer
In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are also high in vitamins A and C, this fruit is also cholesterol free. The vitamin content of this fruit is adequate for keeping individuals healthy, many health studies show that one tomato is enough to supply the human body’s daily vitamin C requirement. These high levels of vitamin C help the body increase its immune system naturally. This fruit also contains folic acid, which is considered by many health specialists as a necessary component for the recovery of human body cells. Other nutrients like sodium phosporus, calcium, magnesium, oxalic acid, and sulfur can be found in a single tomato. Tomatoes are beneficial to the heart and its juice is used by many to treat high blood pressure. Unlike several vegetables and fruits, some of the health benefits of tomatoes seem to be boosted whenever they are cooked, especially when it comes to prostate cancer prevention. This kind of cancer is the most frequent cancer experienced by many men.
Some medical studies suggest that regular tomato consumption may promote proper prostate function, In addition to cancer prevention, tomato can also reduce excessive prostate enlargement, which is very common in men beyond 50 years of age.
Tomatoes are used as a skin care alternative because of the antioxidants it contains. It brightens dull skin and other skin imperfections because of the vitamin C it contains. The calorie content of tomatoes makes it a favorite alternative for skin care. It also contains vitamin A, C, E, K, B1, B6, B3, B2, iron, manganese, and potassium. These components are necessary for building healthy skin. These natural acidic properties of tomato rids the skin of excessive oil and also takes off the natural dead cells, shrunk pores, and also tones skin.
One of the primary reasons for adding fruits and vegetables like tomatoes in one’s diet is they contain many phytochemicals. Because of these phytochemicals, vegetables may prevent the body from getting various ailments that is the reason why it is very important to consume plenty of vegetables in one’s food regimen because of the mineral content.

Improving Eating Habits Can Be Easier Than You Think
Americans, now more than ever, recognize the need to change the way they eat. From reducing fat and sugar intake to cutting carbs, many are looking for extra steps they can take in the kitchen to improve their overall health.
In fact, a recent survey administered by Opinion Research highlights this trend, revealing that 86 percent of Americans believe there are dietary changes they could be making to improve their well-being. Despite this desire to take the necessary steps, 63 percent indicated they still struggle with ways to eat healthier.
When it comes to specific reasons behind the difficulty in changing cooking and eating habits, 70 percent of respondents believed eating healthier will prevent them from enjoying their favorite foods, followed by a belief that eating healthy takes too much time (59 percent) and a fear that choosing healthy foods will change the taste of what they eat (51 percent).
“Americans today are really open to advice and solutions on how they can improve their eating habits and live longer, healthier lives. While the majority of us desire improved health and wellness, we all know it’s tough to break everyday patterns that require giving up our favorite foods,” said Crystal Harrell, Ph.D., Procter & Gamble Health Sciences Institute.
Achieving healthy eating is easier than most realize, according to Harrell. Whether picking up food at the grocery store or through the drive-thru, Americans can take simple steps to make their food choices healthier-without sacrificing time, flavor and any other concerns they may have.
One easy way to add more health to your diet is to increase fiber intake. While research indicates fiber may help prevent a variety of health conditions, 95 percent of Americans today are not consuming their daily fiber requirements. The National Fiber Council recommends people receive 32 grams or more of fiber per day; however, according to Columbia University, typical consumption of fiber averages 10 grams to 15 grams daily. That’s less than half the recommended allowance.
Jackie Newgent, a registered dietitian and chef, offers the following tips on easy ways to add more fiber to your diet:
• Next time you order pizza, forgo sausage or pepperoni and create a “salad” pizza instead-choose vegetables like artichokes, onions and tomatoes. Try whole wheat crust, too.
• If you’re more in the mood for Chinese, choose steamed tofu and vegetables over fried meat dishes. Request brown rice in place of white, too.
• Always have some cans of beans on hand. Use them in your favorite soup, salad or pasta sauce for a quick fiber fix.
• Feel like having fruit juice? Drink water to quench your thirst, then enjoy a whole piece of fruit for extra fiber and chewing satisfaction.
• Incorporate a fiber supplement such as Fibersure into your meals. From the makers of Metamucil, it’s an all-natural, clear-mixing powder that’s flavor-free, nonthickening and quickly dissolves in water or most other liquids and won’t change the flavor or texture of your recipe. Whether you add it to your salad dressing, stir-fry or glass of water, each heaping teaspoon instantly adds five grams of fiber.

What Is Glyconutrition?
Glyconutritionals are receiving a lot of reviews and continued studies. It has been shown through various studies that glyconutritional products can help the body. As a result, there are many products now available on the market as glyconutritional supplements.
What exactly makes something a glyconutritional? Something is said to be glyconutritional if it contains glyconutrients. You are probably wondering what glyconutrients are. Any nutrient that is obtained through natural plant sugars is called a glyconutrient.
Some people believe that glyconutritients can help your body not only lose weight, but also turn fat areas into muscle areas. There are still studies being conducted to see how well this entire process works together.
There are basically eight glyconutritients that scientists know about. These include:
– Fucose
– Galactose
– Glucose
– Mannose
– N-AcetylGalactosamine
– N-AcetylGlucosamine
– N-AcetylNeuraminic acid
– Xylose
You can see from the names of the eight glyconutrients that doctors and scientists are not advocating that you start tossing mounds of regular and refined sugars on your food and in your drinks. The suggestion is that if you intake glyconutritions, that you can help your body as a whole.
All of these eight glyconutritients make up any glyconutritionals that you might come across. They are not processed and refined sugars. These eight glyconutritients come from plants. Since the eight glyconutritients come from plants and can essentially be reproduced, you will find that there are numbers of glyconutritional products available on the wellness market today. Companies are making pills and even teas that have glyconutritional claims to them.
How do you decide if glyconutritients are right for you? The first step is to consult with your health care provider. Can you go off of insulin if you have a glyconutritional supplement in your diet? Many people are hoping to leave insulin with these products, but again, it is imperative that you talk to your health care provider. The two of you together and with careful blood sugar monitoring can determine if glyconutritional supplements would help to lower your need for insulin. You never want to just stop taking insulin and try something that is supplemental.
Will glyconutritional products replace the need for exercise? Some people are wondering this since there is claims that glyconutritional products help the body to build muscle. The simple answer is no. Your body will always need some form of exercise to maintain your general overall wellness. Read various reviews and research results that are not dependent on selling glyconutritional products, E-books, or DVDs. There are many benefits from glyconutritients, but this is not a new cure of nutrition.
You can benefit as a whole while making sure that the eight glyconutritients are in your diet and you can even buy a glyconutritional supplement. Also, remember there is no magic cure for anything. It takes good solid science, eating healthy, and plenty of exercise to maintain overall general wellness.

Glyconutrients – How Much To Take?
Before we address the obvious question about how to take glyconutrients, let’s first discuss briefly what they are.
Glyconutrients, are 100% vegetarian based derived entirely from plants & seaweeds. They combine aloe based saccharides with fucose-rich Undaria pinnatifida. They are Gluten Free; and usually contain arabinogalactan. Arabinogalactan has shown some immune-enhancing activity in the laboratory, particularly with regard to the stimulation of human natural killer cell cytotoxicity.
Glyconutrient products are specifically designed to enhance cellular communication. True wellness begins at the cellular level. Think about it? If your body is made up of millions and billions of cells that need to talk to each other, wouldn’t it do its job better if the communication was better? Glyconutrients have amazing research behind them.
Glyconutrients are typically, sold in a bulk powder, capsule, or liquid medium. I have chosen to only discuss the dosages for bulk powder and capsules, because I believe that liquid supplementations are subject to oxygen and free radical contamination and should NOT be consumed.
Bulk Powder Recommended Use:
One scoop (1/2 teaspon) twice daily mixed with your favorite juice, tea, or water. In trials, the glyconutrient powder has been proven to be safe, & non-toxic, with no known side effects (up to at least 60 scoops per day).
Capsule Recommended Use:
Two capsules twice daily on an empty or full stomach taken with a full glass of water. In trials, Glyconutrient capsules have been proven to be safe, & non-toxic, with no known side effects. (up to 20 capsules per day).
There is an excellent book on the market entitled ‘In Search of Manna’. You can buy it at It contains doctor recommendations for ’emergency’ dosages of glyconutrients based on specific auto immune disorders. The recommendations based above are for maintenace dosages or healthy people that want to maintain good health.

Reasons Why You Must Take Goji Berries
Reasons Why You Must Take Goji Berries
Goji berries are bright orange-red berries that originated from China. Since people knew that it offers some health benefits, it has been included in most cultural medicines in the past. Over time, people and medical professionals have tested and discovered that Goji berries offer countless health benefits like being able to control diabetes and high blood pressure, fighting age-related eyes problems, reducing inflammations and a lot more. Today, Goji berries are either eaten raw, cooked or dried and are even developed in herbal teas, wines, medicines and juices. Well you shouldn’t wonder why it has been popular these days. And if you want proof, then here are some of the reasons why you should take Goji berries.
Goji berry is considered a super food. For a certain food to be considered a super food, it has to be proven that it’s full of nutrients and can offer us a lot of health benefits. For instance, it’s loaded with antioxidants that helps slow down the aging process. Actually, it contains five times more antioxidants than other berries. Goji berries are also rich in essential fatty acids such as polysaccharides, beta-carotene, amino acids, dietary minerals, vitamins A, C, E, B1, and B2, protein, alpha-linolenic acid and more. With the combination of all these nutrients, your health is boosted so you don’t get sick quickly.
Goji berries offer a lot of medicinal benefits. As stated earlier, it has been utilized in the ancient times as a form of remedy of certain conditions. Today, Goji berries have shown to help and boost the functions of the kidneys and liver. It’s also shown to fight inflammation like skin allergies and asthma. Since it contains phytochemicals, it works effectively in reducing blood pressure. Phytochemicals are likewise effective in preventing cervical cancer, which is the second most common cancer of women today. Plus, it works to fight insomnia, chronic liver conditions, diabetes, anemia, and more. Even patients with cataract find Goji berries as beneficial.
Goji berries work effectively as a natural weight loss food. For those who want to lose weight in a natural and healthy way, you should start to consider including Goji berries into your diet regimen. It has shown to be helpful in losing weight as it contains fiber, helps convert food into energy rather than storing it as fat, and also helps boost the metabolism rate.
Goji berries contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Goji berries do not only contain a lot of nutrients but in the right amounts needed by the body to do its normal functioning. This includes 11 essential mineral, 18 different amino acids which makes it a rich source of protein, 6 vitamins, 2 necessary fatty acids specifically linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid, high amounts of antioxidants, 8 polysaccharides and 5 monosaccharides and more.
Even with all these seemingly flow of potentials and health benefits, it’s always important to look over your total overall wellness. That means that you should consult your doctor and discuss the role of the fruit in your physical health. Remember that Goji berries are not to be considered as substitutes for medications. They are only to be used as a means of prevention or can be taken together with the treatment. Those reasons discussed above are just general reasons why we should consider taking Goji berries. With all of the health benefits it can give us, no wonder it has been considered a wonder fruit in this generation. Try taking this fruit today and experience the countless benefits it can give you. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and famiy!