
Cinnamon: For Spice and Good Health
The aromatic scent of cinnamon is powerful because it makes many people feel warm and fuzzy. The health benefits of cinnamon have taken the backseat in favor of its spice properties. Many health experts claim that a dash of cinnamon can be a way to add flavor to many dishes and at the same time improve one’s health in many ways. For centuries, cinnamon has been used for traditional medicine and other therapeutic purposes. Many studies have supported the ancient health claims of this spice. Cinnamon is most known to medical experts because of its ability to fight fungal infections, prevent ulcers, treat tooth decay and gum disease, and alleviate gum disease.
Recent studies show that cinnamon can be used as an alternative medicine for heart health. Before stating the connection between heart health and cinnamon, the causes of heart disease should be tackled. The common causes of heart disease are:
· Tobacco smoke – Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factor for cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease. People who smoke cigars or cigarettes have increased risk of acquiring coronary heart ailments.
· High cholesterol levels – As one’s cholesterol levels rises, so does the risk of heart disease. Age, sex, and diet are some of the factors that determine one’s cholesterol level.
· Lack of physical activity – Physical inactivity is one of the the major factors for developing heart disease. Heart disease is characterized by deposits of fatty substance, cholesterol, and other substances that may block the lining of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
· Obesity and excess weight – Excess weight increases the work load of the heart and raises the blood pressure and cholesterol level. As this happens, the risk of heart disease heightens.
In addition to this factors, an individual’s response to stress can be a contributing factor. Some health specialists have noted the relationship between coronary heart disease and stressful lifestyle. For example, stressed people may start to smoke. Drinking too much alcohol can cause heart failure and eventually lead to stroke. It can contribute to obesity, alcoholism, and accidents.
Cinnamon can be used as an alternative to treat heart disease. This spice supports healthy blood sugar levels and also improve cholesterol levels. Cinnamon can reduce diabetes because an active molecule in cinnamon called proanthricyanidin. This molecule functions by activating insulin receptors within the cell, therefore facilitating the cell to use glucose for energy. Therefore lowering glucose and lipid workers. Cholesterol and diabetes are the common risk factors for heart disease.
In addition, cinnamon has antibacterial-inflammatory attribute that can reduce joint and muscle pain, especially the ones associated with arthritis. Many studies show that diabetics should take daily dose cinnamon may regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can also benefit one’s health by improving the body’s circulation. It also improves the digestive system and relieve many stomach discomforts. Studies add that a daily dose of cinnamon may relieve pains associated with their menstrual cycle.
While cinnamon can give many health benefits and improve overall well-being. The best options are taking cinnamon supplements or eating half a teaspoon of cinnamon than what individuals normally eat. Lastly, advice of medical specialists should be considered before trying cinnamon supplements and other forms of alternative medicine. Because side effects and interaction with other drugs may take place.

Health Benefits of Bitter Melon
Source: Flickr
Many vegetables are known for their numerous health benefits. Diets composed of more vegetables can reduce the risk of chronic disease and other health ailments. Vegetables can supply the body of necessary nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are vital for development and maintenance of the body and internal organs. In addition, many vegetables contain disease-fighting phytochemicals that can help reduce the risk of different kinds cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
One such health-promoting vegetable is called bitter melon or bitter gourd (Momordica Charantia). Aside from being a food source, bitter gourd is also used as a source of alternative medicine. This vegetable grows in tropical areas like East Africa, Asia, South Africa, and the Caribean. It is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, beta carotene, and phosphorus. Improving the body’s insulin levels is one of the primary health benefits of bitter melon. Many researches shows that this vegetable increases the production of beta cells in the pancreas which leads to improvement in the insulin production of the body. Aside from insulin production, bitter melon is also used to treat sores, eczema, leprosy, skin infections, and even leukemia.
Bitter melon is said to be a remedy for infections associated with retroviruses, including the ones that cause Human Immunodeficiency Disease (HIV). It is said that this vegetable can also destroy strains of herpes virus. Bitter melon has been used as a folk remedy to treat infections and other diseases. In addition to these properties, leaf extracts of bitter melon have indicated antibacterial activities against e.coli, a specie of bacteria that can live in the lower intestines of mammals and human beings. This bacteria is responsible for urinary tract infection and gastrointestinal ailments. It is also used as potent antihelmintic (drugs that destroy parasitic worms) substance that eliminate worms from the intestinal tract. For external use, bitter melon has been acknowledged to heal skin eruptions, chapped skin, burns, hemorrhoids, and psoriasis.
Because of the health benefits of bitter melon, it is now widely used as a dietary supplement. Over the years, health researchers have verified the efficacy of the bitter melon as an alternative medicinal product. Bitter melon capsules are now available in the market as alternative treatment for diabetes, viruses, colds, and other ailments. However, these products should also be used with certain precautions because it may also cause side effects and may interact with certain over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and other herbal medicines.
Pregnant women are not encouraged to use this product because it may cause uterine contractions. Bitter melon should not be used by hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) individuals because it may worsen or cause lower blood sugar levels. In addition, diabetics who use prescription hypoglycemic drugs or insulin should avoid bitter melon or bitter melon supplements, unless prescribed by a physician. People with cirrhosis of the liver and medical history of hepatitis or HIV should also refrain from using this herb.
While many health experts are already praising bitter melon for its health benefits, the said supplement should not be regarded as a stand-alone medicine and should be taken only with the approval of doctors and other health experts.

Bitter Melon as Diabetes Treatment
Source: Flickr
Bitter melon or Momordica Charantia is a vegetable which grows in tropical areas like East Africa, Asia, South Africa, and the Caribbean. This vegetable is rich in iron, beta carotene, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other dietary fibers. In many countries, it is also used as an herbal medicine due to its properties that help improve insulin production. Clinical studies show that bitter melon increases the production of beta cells in the pancreas which leads to improvement in the insulin production of the body. It is also believed to be beneficial for the liver and can act as an anti-tumor agent. Because of its health benefits, bitter melon is used by many as an alternative treatment for diabetes.
Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by the presence of high levels of blood glucose and by the secretion of excess glucose in the urine. This ailment develops because of relatively low levels of insulin which leads to irregular carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. Diabetic persons feel hungry and thirsty most of the time. In addition, these people get easily tired physically and mentally. They may also suffer from constipation, excessive itchiness around the genital area, and general weakness. Other body parts that are affected by diabetes are the heart, kidney, eyes, blood vessels, and the nerves. In addition to these health effects, diabetes is one of the major causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence among men.
Diabetes causes impotence because it alters the body systems such as the circulatory, nervous, and the endocrine system. The organs in these systems all work in harmony to let blood flow into the penis so erection can take place. Higher levels of glucose caused by diabetes damages the blood vessels and the nerves. Complications in the state of blood vessels may hamper the flow of blood to the penis, hampering erection. In addition, a number of medical studies show that diabetic persons are more likely to have low testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible enhanced libido, energy, and other reproductive health concerns. Men with type 1 diabetes are more likely to become impotent once they reach 40 years of age.
Many health experts are recommending the use of alternative medicines like better melons for diabetic management. Many studies show that bitter melon is able to reduce the blood sugar levels in the body. Charantin, polypeptide P, and oleonolic acid glcosides are some of the ingredients of bitter melon that are essential in diabetes treatment. Charantin consists of mixtures of natural steroids which are shown to reduce blood sugar levels in the body. Polypeptide P, contains alkaloids that can also promote healthy blood sugar levels. Oleanolic acid glycosides, on the other hand, may prevent the retention of sugar from the intestines. Improvements in these area leads to improved insulin levels in the body
Diabetes can be treated with alternative medicine and adjustments in lifestyles. Many health experts advice diabetic persons to include bitter melon in their diet to reduce their intake of anti-diabetic drugs. This alternative healing method, however, should not be regarded as a stand-alone treatment.

Better Heart Health May Come From Candy
HDL, LDL, triglycerides – the acronyms and terms of the cholesterol debate are becoming part of our everyday language.
Americans are bombarded with reports to raise their HDL (the “good” cholesterol) and lower their LDL, or “bad.” While the terms can be difficult to remember, many already know that cholesterol levels need to be controlled to improve heart health and overall wellness.
To do this, many are watching their diets while also checking with a health care professional for the best strategies. But for many, maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is difficult and often expensive. Prescription treatments for cholesterol can cost several hundred dollars per month, by some estimates.
In response to these concerns, Mosaic Nutraceuticals, a Dallas-based company, has come up with a way to address the cholesterol issue. Wrapped in a soft candy chew, “Lipotrene,” Mosaic’s aid in promoting cholesterol health, is an option for those wanting to control their cholesterol without pills or expensive prescriptions.
“People have to watch their cholesterol in order to maintain good heart health. People also like candy,” said Charles Townsend, chief executive officer of Mosaic. “We took these two issues and combined them into Lipotrene, which is loaded with the natural cholesterol control agent Policosanol.”

The Good and Bad Side of Ginseng
Source: Flickr
The use of herbs and other alternative medicine is a long-time approach to strengthen the body and promote overall health. Alternative medicine involves practices that are used as replacements for conventional medicines. Many people prefer to use them instead of over-the-counter medication based on the belief that these alternative medicines do not bring any side effects. People have used herbs for centuries to treat disease and other infections. Herbs contain many active substances that can trigger side effects or interact with drugs, supplements, or other herbs. This is the reason why herbs should taken with extreme care and caution.
Ginseng is one of the famous alternative medications used to treat stress, anxiety, fatigue, and other physical illness. It contains combinations of carbohydrate compounds, nitrogenous compounds, and other necessary vitamins and minerals. Ginseng is used to treat fever, fatigue, respiratory tract disorders, and other illness. In addition, this herb supports cancer treatment. It helps rebuild cells and give strength to muscles, which are necessary for cancer treatment. Other benefits may include increased vitality, extended endurance, relieved body stress, balanced metabolism, and many more. Ginseng is also a treatment for sexual health because it helps cure sexual dysfunction for both sexes. This herb can be an alternative for women who suffer from post-menopause symptoms. Ginseng is most famous because of its ability to slow down the aging process, it is used as a supplement in various anti-aging medicines. Many alternative drugs like ginsengs are out in the market to boost energy, concentration, and enhance physical or cognitive performance. Many ginsengs are believed to act as tonics that improve the body’s balance, enhance stamina, and resistance to diseases.
The health benefits of ginseng have been proven by medical researches. However, this herb is not a perfect herb. Just like any over the counter and alternative medicines, there are possible side effects that can be encountered while using it. The most usual side effects of ginseng are:
· High blood pressure
· Insomnia
· Restlessness
· Anxiety
· Euphoria
· Diarrhea
· Vomiting
· Headache
· Nosebleed
· Breast pain
· Vaginal bleeding
In addition to these side effects, large amounts of ginseng can cause trouble to individuals with diabetes. Ginseng may lower blood sugar levels, and possibly result to lessened blood sugar levels. Too low blood sugar levels may result to shakiness, sweating, distorted speech, loss of muscle control, and confusion. Unregulated cases of extremely low blood sugar may lead to unconsciousness and even death.
There are possibilities that ginseng can lead to unwanted health effects when it is mixed with other substances. Caffeine, for instance, when taken with ginseng may cause excessive nervousness and irritability. Beverages with caffeine like coffee, tea, and sodas should not be consumed with ginseng. Some interactions with herbal products and medications may be severe than others. Seeking advice from medical specialists is the best way to avoid harmful interactions. Medications currently taken, including supplements, vitamins, and over the counter products are factors that should be considered before taking herbal medication.

Glyconutrients – The next generation of supplementation
If you or somebody you care about is struggling with fatigue, autoimmune disorders, or a life threatening illness, glyconutrients can help. These all natural plant based ‘raw materials’ help support your body’s ability to produce special structures called glycoproteins. Glycoproteins directly affect the ability of your cells to communicate with each other so they are functioning correctly. Everybody responds and fights disease the best when your cells are communicating effectively.
Most bodies’ do not metabolize food and nutrients correctly b/c their body is “out of balance”. The glyco proteins in Glyconutrients, provide your body the raw materials it needs to encourage your body to ‘self-correct’ any imbalances.
“Your body is an amazing health machine that can heal itself of disease if you give it the proper nutrition.”
Glyconutrients should be taken in conjunction with a GOOD multi-vitamin. They are not a replacement for a healthy diet and multi-vitamin supplementation. The addition of Glycontrients to your diet will enhance the efficacy of your wellness regime (proper nutrition and vitamin supplementation).
What do Doctors Say about Glyconutrients? “The biggest revolutionary change in the war against disease is represented by glyconutrients. Glyconutrients are taking their place as one of the pivotal classes of nutrients. I know this not only because of the medical studies but also by the profound effects it has had toward promoting health in my patients that had been lacking over the past 20 years”. — Michael D. Schlachter, M.D., Board Certified Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease Clinical Instructor, University of Nevada Medical School.
Harper’s Biochemistry, a textbook used by many of the top medical schools in the U.S., was rewritten in 1996 to add an entire chapter listing the 8 necessary glyconutrients… mannose, galactose, glucose (the only glyconutrient still plentiful in our modern diets), fucose, xylose, n-acetylglucosamine, n-acetylgalactosamine, and n-acetylneuraminic acid. The co-author of Harper’s, Dr. Robert Murray, was so impressed with the company we listed for you to obtain your glyconutrients that he now is on their Board of Medical Directors.
Glyconutrients are the next generation of wellness supplementation. We have just started to understand the many benefits of them. The research reported in the last two decades has fueled a new approach towards wellness and ignited a new sense of hope with many of the world’s leading immunologists, researchers, and doctors.