Health Guides

Clean 15 and The Dirty Dozen
Most people have a preference as to the fruits and vegetables they like to eat, but don’t eat nearly enough veges or include enough variety. The typical veges are iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, and green beans. Sadly, lettuce and tomatoes are #1 only because they are used on most fast-food hamburgers. Broccoli & beans are often soaked in sauces, smothered with cheese, and over cooked.
There are so many other veges available today that will help you increase your daily intake. Look especially for locally grown and in season vegetables for maximum freshness and nutrients As you expand your horizons & put more fruits and veges into your diet, you may choose to go organic. If cost is a concern, the following are the produce items that should be purchased organically because they have the heaviest pesticide load.
This list is updated yearly by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and can be found at By using the lists as a guideline, consumers could potentially reduce pesticide exposure by almost 90%.
Here are the past top twelve “dirtiest” and the fifteen “cleanest” fruits and veges most commonly found in the market.
The dirty dozen list is laden with pesticides and other chemicals so you are best buying organic. These are: apples, peppers, blueberries, celery, grapes, cucumber, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, potatoes, strawberries, and spinach. Most of these foods are generally consumed with the skin on. Rinsing reduces but does not eliminate pesticides. Peeling helps but valuable nutrients often are lost as well. Above is the clean list: asparagus, avocado, cabbage, cantaloupe, kiwifruit, eggplant, mushroom, watermelon, grapefruit, onion, mango, peas, sweet potato, corn, and pineapple.
Why Care About Pesticides?
Small does of pesticides & other chemicals can cause lasting damage to our health, especially during fetal development and early childhood. Children are generally more sensitive to chemicals. Any allergy issues & minor behavioral complaints can clear up quickly by converting to an organic diet.
Scientist now know enough about the long-term consequences of ingesting powerful chemicals to advise that we minimize our consumption of pesticides.
What’s the Difference?
EWG research has found that people who eat the twelve most contaminated fruits and veges consume an average of ten pesticides a day. Those who eat the fifteen least contaminated, ingest fewer than two pesticides daily. The Guide helps consumers make informed choices to lower their dietary pesticide load.
The Case for Organic
Organic food is produced using farming systems that don’t rely on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or genetic modification. This results in foods that contain a higher level of nutrients, which some people say also taste better. In non-organic produce delicate vitamins such as vitamin C are often depleted.
Eating organic should be seen as a long-term investment in your health, not a fad or a quick fix. The effects can’t always be seen immediately, but there’s evidence to show that a reduction in chemical load can assist in the prevention of certain cancers.
Get Value for Money
When it comes to buying organic, you need look no further than your local supermarket. But, while this is convenient, you can’t beat your local farmers markets for value. You can participate in local co-ops that will deliver organic veges directly to your door at a low price with high quality great fresh selections.
Another way to get organic fruit on a budget is by buying frozen. Berries are snap frozen at their freshest, so they retain their high levels of vitamins & antioxidants.

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
If you’ve ever experienced acid reflux you would know it can be painful. Acid and foods can splash back up into the esophagus and cause a burning pain, belching and in some more severe cases chest pains. I recently got diagnosed with acid reflux as I was feeling that burning feeling almost every time I ate! As with most people with acid reflux it is to no surprise that what we eat can affect the acidic levels in our body, and we should try to avoid foods like citrus, tomatoes and drinking coffee. It is also suggested to keep a low carbohydrate diet. I wanted to share with you six ways you can alleviate acid reflux naturally.
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar– Apple cider vinegar helps calm and support your stomach and digestive system. I suggest you mix one tablespoon in five ounces of water and drink it quickly as you may not like the taste! But it is one of my favorite fast acting remedies.
Drink Fresh Pineapple Juice– A cup of fresh pineapple juice can help ease the effects of heartburn and acid reflux because pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelian can help you digest proteins and can help with that awful burning feeling. A refreshing remedy!
Ginger– Another great at home remedy is freshly ground ginger. Most people use ginger tea as it helps with digestion and soothes the stomach and intestines. Eating ginger on its own has really great healing properties as it contains gingerol, an anti-inflammatory compound that is known to soothe digestion.
Aloe Vera– You’ve heard that when you get a sunburn aloe vera acts as a coolant on the skin. Well it has the same effect for our digestive system. It cools down the stomach and provides relief for heartburn and acid reflux. Although you should know that you should only use aloe vera juice as it is specifically for internal use!
Avoid acidic drinks– Time to throw away those sodas in your fridge! That’s right, that soda for lunch could be the cause of your acid reflux, not to mention it’s other dangers. Instead drink lots of water, green tea, and coconut water, and limit coffee. Instead of drinking coffee as your morning routine try some other products such as BioCoffee, the only alkaline coffee on the market and Culbeans Black Bold rich Arabica fine powdered coffee infused with 6 organic mushroom extracts (both of these products can be found on Amazon). I’ll admit I’m not a coffee drinker but my partner is and he loves both of these products and has switched to them – no small feat since he loves his black coffee.
Change your diet– Potentially the most obvious remedy. When you lower your acid intake your stomach has a chance to process the food and drinks you ingest making your heartburn disappear and your body operates at a higher level. An acidic body can lead to many complications and not just acid reflux or heartburn.
I hope these simple yet effective remedies can provide you with some relief and puts you on the road to feeling better. As someone who has suffered from acid reflux I realize how annoyingly painful it is and I wanted to reach out and share some of my natural remedies. Let me know how they work for you!
Must Have Kitchen Gadgets!
I get asked all the time “Barbara – what kitchen items do you use to make your daily diet so healthy and convenient” so I figured I would write about our must have gadgets in the kitchen and a little about what they can do for you as they have done so much for my family and I over the years! Seriously guys- these gadgets literally helped save my partners life!
Let’s start with the Berkey Water Filter. It’s very, VERY important to me to have filtered water in my home especially when I’m consuming it. That’s why I love the Berkey Water Filter as it provides the ultimate waterborne contaminate removal. I live in Florida so that’s another added bonus to this filter. In case of any emergency the Berkey Water Filter gives you the ability to utilize almost any outside natural water source and transform it into the best tasting, purest drinking water possible. All while using a natural method without the use of chemicals or complicated processes. A must have!
Speaking of water I also love to have a hot cup of tea. Whether it’s in the morning or if it’s late at night and I’m snuggled up with a book to read – a hot cup of tea is just so comforting. That’s why I love my hot pot it boils water extremely fast making it super convenient to make a quick cup of tea! Also works especially well on the go.
On the note of herbal tea, my French press is great. It’s perfect for herbal teas or fresh ground coffee. You simply add your herbs, tea leaves or coffee grounds, cover with the lid and allow it to steep for the appropriate amount of time. The herb infused tea literally will make you happy.
Another product I adore is my coconut jack! Most coconut lovers can’t enjoy the fresh coconut water and the delicious coconut meat because they don’t have the right coconut opener tool. I personally buy a few coconuts at the farmers market and other stores every chance I get because it is extremely healthy and delicious! You can read all about why coconut water is one of the most hydrating substances you can drink! You can read all about why coconut water is one of the most hydrating substances you can drink here.
When it comes to alkalizing my body a few products I love to use are the citrus spray, citrus juicer and the ice trays with a lid.
I love the citrus spray because you can just insert the downward spiral point directly into the fruit and twist it and you have pure citrus spray. I like to spray citrus on my salads, soups, fish, and poultry dishes. No chemicals need to be in citrus spray and this gadget assures I’m getting the freshest possible option. I also like to juice a citrus fruit like lemon and put the lemon juice in the ice tray and use the citrus ice cubes for my water so it adds a good flavor and also alkalizes your body! A win-win! This juiceman juicer is also a wonderful tool to make fresh juices at home.
When I’m making a “pasta dish” for dinner I like to use this vegetable spiralizer! It’s a MUST have if you simply want to cut the grains out. I know some of my friends are sensitive to gluten and like to keep a low carb life style and this spiralizer is a wonderful tool to keep their taste buds happy. The spiralizer is perfect for making noodles out of zucchini or squash! We love our “pasta” nights!
When you’re in a hurry making dinner fast and efficient yet healthy can be a difficult task. That’s why I love my mandoline slicer. This innovative gadget allows you to operate in record time and is a must have for kitchen enthusiasts like myself!
I get a lot of questions about juicing because a huge part of my partner and I’s journey to regain health was dedicated to juicing. This Breville Juicer literally saved my partners life and has brought my family and friends health. There are so many recipes for delicious juice that you can have throughout your day. If you are trying to get healthy it is an injustice to yourself to not have one of these in your homes!
My vitamix is definitely my favorite gadget in my kitchen. It is restaurant grade and makes the best, silkiest smoothies ever. I also LOVE making hot soups with this mixer in a matter of minutes. It allows me to make healthy non-diary alternatives and frozen treats and my family and I use it every day!
My vitamix scale helps me step-by-step through recipes, helping me meal plan and stick to my nutritional goals, preparing my shopping lists, and more! I can personalize my recipes using the app and it counts servings, ounces, and even calories! I know I personally used to have a problem with over portioning my meals, with this scale it’s not an issue any more!
Another staple in my household is the pressure cooker! Especially on my busy weekdays I can still create healthy and enticing meals. It traps steam inside while building pressure to increase cooking temperatures which will allow the food to cook twice as fast! The results are delicious healthy meals because it holds up to 90-95% of nutrients. I personally love making vegetable soups and stews- they turn out amazing guys, I highly recommend!
The final tool I wanted to mention is the Excalibur dehydrator. This is such a nifty gadget to have because it can “cook” your vegetables and give them a super crispy texture while keeping all of the nutrients the vegetable has to offer. Dehydration is the healthiest, easiest, and most economical way to preserve foods, also! All you have to do is load the trays and set the temperature, and the dehydrator dries the contents of all trays evenly so everything’s done at once. Dehydration concentrates the natural flavor, sweetness, and aromas of your food. Leaving you with a flavor that’s far healthier than high-fat snacks and high-sugar candies that are filled with chemical preservatives.
I hope this article helps you understand what these kitchen gadgets can do and where you can get them at the best price. The health journey is riveting and I look forward to hearing your stories of health and wealth!

5 Risky Behaviors
Many people are searching for ways to live healthier.
Most know that this can easily be achieved through proper nutrition and regular exercise, but few really know what proper nutrition really means.
However, there are also many other factors that have an effect on your health, and some may be easily overlooked. Here are 5 risky behaviors that can harm your health.
1. Smoking
It’s no secret that smoking kills. Despite the fact that people are aware of all the health risks associated with smoking, many still do it. It is without a doubt one of the unhealthiest habits in today’s society and a hard habit to quit. This habit can literally cost you your life.
While lung cancer is often associated as the most significant risk with smoking, in fact there are many other conditions that are caused by cigarettes that can debilitate and result in premature death.
I’ve witnessed this first hand as smoking had a major contribution to conditions that led to my late husband’s stroke and then death. Sometimes, our choices debilitate us in the interim before death when it is too late to do anything to prevent the conditions that result.
Some of the most notable health risks associated with smoking include respiratory problems, such as chronic bronchitis, kidney cancer, leukemia, infertility, stomach cancer, oral cancer, throat cancer, and an increased risk of stroke and heart disease.
2. Excessive Drinking
Alcohol is a substance that is meant to be consumed in moderation. Did you know that alcohol is actually considered poison by the body? This is why the body prioritizes its metabolization before anything else.
Having a drink with your friends once in a while or a glass of wine with dinner is totally acceptable and actually good for the heart.
However, if you start drinking in excess and especially as a coping mechanism for problems in your life, then you’re going to be facing a much bigger problem.
Many people overlook the risks that go along with excessive drinking, even though there are a lot of them. Some of the best known health risks of alcoholism include dementia, colon cancer, liver disease, stroke, depression, liver cancer, hepatitis, anxiety and premature death, just to name a few.
3. Eating In Front Of The TV
This is something that many people do, but while it can greatly contribute to poor health, may be easily overlooked. Instead of taking the time to really enjoy their food, most people would rather wolf it down while watching a movie or TV show. However, there are several health risks that are associated with this activity.
First off, it will draw all your attention to the TV instead of your food, which will make you eat more than you should or normally would simply because you do not pay attention to how much you have eaten.
You will be so distracted by what you’re watching that you won’t even see how much you’ve eaten until it’s all gone. If you enjoy eating junk food while watching TV, then you will most likely form a habit of doing this, which means that you will bring a few snacks with you every time you want to watch something, even when you’re not particularly hungry.
4. Drinking Calories
Nowadays, many people find water to be boring, so they avoid drinking it every chance they get. This has been made worse with many companies now making flavored water.
Nevertheless, soda is still the most famous substitute for water, even though it is loaded with calories, sugar, and chemicals and so harmful for you. And diet soda is harmful too.
Not only are these beverages filled with sugar and unhealthy chemicals, but they will also make you drink your calories instead of eating them, adding inches to your waistline, and getting nothing in the way of nutrients for your body.
The next time you want to buy a can of soda, make sure to think twice about whether you really need those extra calories and harmful toxins.
5. Having Too Much Junk Food
Having too much junk food in your house is a bad idea. Simply by knowing that you can get a junk food snack anytime you want will make it hard for you to resist the temptation to indulge in unhealthy foods.
It’s always easier to grab a bag of chips than to cook a healthy meal in order to satisfy your hunger. However, this will only make you lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
Instead, you should throw away all of that junk food and keep healthy stuff on hand.
I know first hand how hard it can be to figure out what to do and eat to make lasting changes to better your health, especially if you are facing a life threatening situation. That is why I dedicated so much of my time to share our experiences and my years of research with you for FREE so you don’t have to do it alone.

The Many Uses Of Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has a wide array of health benefits between health and skin and uses for your home. I have been using coconut oil for years and the benefits it has provided me through the years inspired me to write this article. This tropical oil is a superfood with a powerhouse of uses in cooking, beauty recipes, natural remedies and around the home. Here are some of my personal favorite uses!
- Use coconut oil to moisturize and nourish skin– Many people like to use coconut oil as a natural moisturizer. Its natural antioxidant properties make it great for stopping wrinkles and skin irritation. Coconut oil makes an excellent eye-make up remover. It is naturally a low SPF sunscreen when used topically. You can mix coconut oil with essential oils to use as massage oil. It also acts as a lubricant that won’t disturb vaginal flora. As for dry skin you can mix coconut oil with salt and create a scrub to remove dry skin on the body
- Coconut oil for hair– This nourishing oil has been used for centuries in hair and its unique fat composition makes it especially beneficial for certain hair types. Use as a hair mask, hot oil treatment, or in homemade hair products. You can rub it into your scalp daily to stimulate hair growth. This also makes as a great anti frizz treatment. You can also rub on your nail cuticles to help your nails grow too!
- A natural bug repellant– Mix with catnip, rosemary, or mint essential oils to use as a natural bug repellant.
- Mental Boost- Studies show MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides, also called MCFAs) which affect the body differently than short and long chain fats, may contribute to focus and mental performance.
- Digestive Help- Coconut oils concentration of beneficial fats in coconut oil makes it helpful for digestion. Its antimicrobial properties can help fight irritation and infection in the gut from Candida.
- Hormone Support- Getting the wrong kinds of fats can create havoc on hormones. Coconut oil contains specific fats that support the body’s natural hormone production.
- Immune Support- The MCT’s (including lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid) have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that make it beneficial for immune support.
- Great Source of Healthy Fats- Over 50% of the fat in coconut oil is lauric acid. In fact, coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid after breast milk.
- Great Fat for Cooking- Coconut oil is stable oil that doesn’t break down easily at high temperatures like other oils do. It doesn’t go rancid easily and has amazing nutritional properties. It is great for cooking eggs, stir fries, grain free baked goods, and practically any other cooking use!
Coconut oil is used for many natural remedies. Some of the favorite natural remedies include:
- If rubbed on the inside of your nose it may help alleviate allergy symptoms
- The antibacterial properties make it helpful topically to kill yeast infections
- Coconut oil can help psoriasis or eczema
- Helps reduce the appearance of varicose veins when used topically
- Has antimicrobial properties and beneficial fats that make it a powerhouse in the oral area
- A tablespoon melted into a cup of warm tea can help sooth a sore throat
- Can help resolve acne when used regularly
- Can reduce the itch in mosquito bites
- It’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lessen arthritis
- Blend a tablespoon into hot tea to help speed recovery from the cold or the flu
- Can make a homemade vapor rub
- Can be used internally and externally to speed recovery from UTIs
- Naturally clears up sores
- Can be used as a diaper cream
- Can speed up ear infection healing
- Soothes chicken pox or poison ivy
- Can be used on skin to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy
- With apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for lice that actually works
Nutritional Profile of Coconut Oil
Part of the reason coconut oil is such a powerhouse superfood is its unique nutritional profile. It was avoided and shunned for years because of its 92% saturated fat content but recent research is showing this stigma was unwarranted.
Here’s why:
Most of the fats in coconut oil are saturated but they are in the form of MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides, also called MCFAs) which affect the body differently than short and long chain fats. The MCTs are composed of:
- Lauric Acid- This beneficial fat makes up 40% of the total fat composition, making it one of nature’s highest mineral sources. The body converts lauric acid to monolaurin, which is beneficial for immune function.
- Caprylic Acid- Another healthy fat with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
- Capric Acid- This converts to monocaprin in the body and has immune boosting and antimicrobial properties.
Types of Coconut Oil
There are several choices when it comes to using this healthful fat.
You’ll find:
Unrefined Organic Coconut Oil
Considered the gold standard. This type of oil offers to most of the benefits listed above. It is extracted from the fresh coconut using a wet-milled fermentation process that protects the beneficial properties of the coconut. This type of coconut oil has been found to have to highest antioxidant levels. This process does use heat but studies show that it doesn’t harm the oil or reduce nutrient levels. In fact, the heat may be beneficial to create higher quality oil.
“Extra Virgin” Oil
The gold standard for olive oil but not coconut oil. This is produced by cold-pressing the oil and does not preserve the antioxidants well.
Refined Coconut Oils
Refined coconut oil is often tasteless and has no coconut smell. It is usually heated, bleached, and deodorized. Healthy options are available but many refined coconut oils do not have the benefits of unrefined.
Fractioned Oil or MCT oil
Fractioned oil or MCT oil is a liquid oil that does not get solid below 76 degrees like unrefined oil does. It doesn’t contain all of the beneficial properties of unrefined coconut oil but is higher in brain boosting fats.
So What Type of Coconut Oil Should You Use?
For external uses, expeller pressed, fractionated or other types of refined oil will work, but for internal use, an unrefined organic oil is best.
Allergic To Coconut?
So coconut oil is amazing, but a lot of people are allergic or intolerant to it. I’m often asked what alternatives there are to coconut products for those who are allergic. Those who can’t tolerate coconut may find these alternatives helpful:
- Oils: Instead of coconut, try using palm oil or animal based fats like lard butter or tallow. These fats are solid at room temperature like coconut oil and substitute well in recipes. In recipes calling for a liquid oil, avocado oil and sesame oil substitute well.
- Flour: Coconut flour is a great grain-free high-fiber flour, but those who can’t tolerate it can experiment with almond flour.
- Milk- Coconut milk is a common alternative for those who can’t tolerate dairy products but pecan milk, cashew milk, and almond milk are good alternatives. Rice milk is also an option for those with nut allergies.
With so many amazing uses for coconut oil you can see why it is a no brainer to make this a staple in your household!
Coconut Oil Secret Exposed Click Here to read! Plus Four “Common Yet Dangerous” Oils You Should Never Eat… If You Want To Heal, Beautify and Restore Your Body!

Biofeedback (Infographic Included)
By Marcus Clarke
Good health extends far beyond just looking good. It means empowerment for the body, mind and spirit and not only looking good, but feeling healthy and strong. Biofeedback is a non-invasive form of treatment that allows you to strengthen your body by practicing your mind. Although initially created as a progressive relaxation therapy, biofeedback is increasingly applied as a treatment for many other medical conditions including gastrointestinal problems and neurological disorders.
This form of therapy makes use of biofeedback machines that administer sensors and electrodes in order to evoke bodily responses. The responses include changes in sweat gland activity, heart rate and temperature which are measured and recorded by biofeedback therapists. These measurements are used to find more appropriate treatments and rehabilitation exercises to treat specific problems.
Biofeedback makes use of relaxation and mental techniques to train the brain to respond differently to outside factors. This allows patients to better control the body’s response to stressors and limit the occurrence of high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome and other commonly occurring symptoms.
Biofeedback is safe to use at home and offers a great substitute treatment to the usual drug-based therapies. Have a look at the informative infographic from below to better understand how biofeedback therapy can be used to empower your body, mind and spirit.
Marcus Clarke has a degree in psychology, a masters degree in health psychology and has worked within the NHS as well as private organizations. Marcus started psysci a psychology and science blog in order to disseminate research into bitesize, meaningful and helpful resources that are interesting and insightful and often help people on the right track to improving their lives.

How To Say NO To GMOs
GMO “Genetically Modified Organism”
Or as I like to call it “Franken-food”
In the U.S., GMOs are everywhere in our supply chain. 75-80% of all conventional, processed foods contain some form of GMOs according to the Grocery Manufacturers. In this post, I can try to guide and inspire you to avoid GMOs at all costs.
It is debated when GMOs were first developed. Traditional breeding of seeds and animals where pollen from one plant passes to another by wind or insect or hand, or by cross-breeding of animals to improve the quality of meat and milk cannot naturally occur with GMOs.
GMOs are genetically engineered by introducing cloned DNA into various plants and animals in a laboratory. The new genetically modified plant or animal is now introduced into the food chain
GMO plants can withstand direct herbicide applications that can produce their own insecticides to kill insects trying to eat the plant or seed from the plant and can also eliminate weeds from fields.
“Monsanto and other biotech companies claim genetically modified (GM) crops have no impact on the environment and are perfectly safe to eat. I think otherwise.
Federal departments in charge of food safety in the US and Canada have not conducted tests to affirm this alleged “safety,” but rather have taken the industry-conducted research at face value, allowing millions of acres of GM crops to overtake farmland.
These foods, largely in the form of GM corn and soy (although there are other GM crops, too, like sugar beets, papaya and crookneck squash), can now be found in the majority of processed foods in the US.
In other words, if you eat processed foods, you’re already eating them… and these crops are already being freely planted in the environment. But what if it turns out that Monsanto was wrong, and the GM crops aren’t actually safe…
This is precisely what a number of scientists have been warning of for years, and the latest to sound the alarm is Dr. Mae-Wan Ho of the Institute for Science in Society, who has concluded that, by their very nature, there is no way GMOs (genetically modified organisms) can be safe”.
Here’s how you can say NO to GMOs
• Buy food labeled “100% organic” or labeled by the 3rd party non-GMO project. These are the ONLY labels that legally guarantee food is 100% non GMO.
• Buy meat that say the animals were fed 100% organic fed or grass-fed/finished. Or better yet, find a local farmer.. Be sure to ask them if they’re committed to producing non GMO products.
• Buy 100% organic eggs that state “from 100% organic feed.” Safe grocery store brands include Organic Valley, Eggland’s Best, and Land O’ Lakes Organic eggs.
• Buy 100% organic dairy products (grass-fed is even better) or European products from Switzerland and Greece (100% non GMO) and France (mostly non GMO). Kalona Farms, Organic Valley, Trader Joe’s, and Whole Foods’ 365 Brand are safe brands.
• Shop at farmer’s markets and remember that most produce is safe non GMO, even conventional varieties, with the exception of corn, radicchio, beets, Hawaiian papaya, zucchini and yellow summer squash.
• Organic whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are safe. One caveat… conventional rice which has been contaminated with GMOs. Buy organic rice only… safe brands include Lotus and Lundberg.
• Keep eating out to a minimum.
• Avoid processed and packaged foods/beverages that are not non GMO.
Avoiding GMOs is also made easy by looking at the packaging or produce stickers with at least one of the following:
• USDA Organic Seal
• Other organic designation (organic food must be non-GMO, but unless the product is labeled, not all non-GMO products are organic)
• Non GMO project seal
• “Non GMO” on packaging
• “Non GMO” on ingredients list
Corn and soy are the most common GMO foods, and if the package isn’t marked Non GMO, and contains any soy or corn ingredients, you can be almost certain it DOES contain GMO ingredients (if the product is certified Organic you can rest assured that nothing in it will be genetically modified) These are common ingredients made from corn, soy, and a few other crops that are often genetically modified:
Baking Powder
Canola Oil
(Rapeseed Oil)
Caramel Color
Corn Flower
Corn Syrup
Cottonseed Oil
Food Starch
Artificial Flavoring
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrogenated Starch
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Malt Syrup
Malt Extract
Milk Powder
Modified Food Starch
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Soy Flour
Soy Isoflavones
Soy Isolates
Soy Milk
Soy Lecithin
Soy Oil
Soy Protein
Soy Sauce
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Vegetable Fat
Vegetable Oil
Yeast Proteins
I hope this article gives you some insight on what GMOs are and how/why to avoid them.

Healthy Tips While Traveling
Whether we are searching for big city lights, natural starlight, or we’re headed home for the holidays, a full tank of gas in the car and a packed suitcase means an adventure lies ahead. When we’re at home we try to live consciously, and we care about a healthy gut as well as a healthy wallet. Why does it seem to fly out of the window when we’re on the road? Healthy choices while on the road ARE possible! For your body and your wallet! I’m going to share some of my tips and tricks for healthy traveling!
Pack Up Your Pantry
A healthy travel time starts at home in your pantry! Before you get going – pack some supplies from your pantry to get you through on the road. Depending on where I’m going or how long I’ll be on the road I typically take some (or all) of the following items to reduce that footprint.
Health Conscious/ Trash Reducing Travel Checklist:
• Reusable food and sandwich wraps (I prefer this bee’s wax wrap)
• Reusable water bottle (preferably glass)
• Glass canning jars with lids
• Glass storage containers with snap on lids (trust me on this one)
• Eco friendly spork
• Small cooler and ice packs
• An extra trash/recycle bag to store your waste while on the go
Traveling can be rough on your gut! When we disrupt our daily routine, we need to be more aware of maintaining healthy habits. Your gut is happiest when you give it familiar foods. And road tripping demands planning, so it’s best to plan ahead for a healthy gut and an active brain when you’re on the road! Here are some must-have items that I always bring with me:
• Leftovers– Your stomach likes what it already knows! Healthy left overs can make your day of travel feel familiar. You can even use glass jars to pack salads or complete meals.
• Nuts and Seeds– I love to make a smoothie before I hit the road and hemp and chia seeds are very my personal favorite to load up on before I hit the open road. Nuts and seeds are packed with minerals, proteins, and healthy fats keeping you full and feeling great. They are the perfect snack.
• Fruits and Vegetables– Oranges, apples, carrots, celery sticks, and snap peas are great travel snacks. Each of these snacks give you healthy gut fiber and keep well while traveling.
• Hummus– Keep it cold or use it quickly but this adds nutrition (and flavor!) to all kinds of foods
• Avocados– The perfect snack. Need I say more?
Traveling through the US you can expect to traverse through a food desert. This makes it important to do your homework and map out where the food oases are—and where they aren’t. One thing you can do is research farmers markets or local co-ops in towns and cities. If possible try to aim to travel through these places during hours where markets are open. Also, be sure to look at seasonal markets and hours so you don’t find yourself out of luck.
Another thing I love to do is look for farmer stands selling fresh fruits and veggies right off the side of the road/exit! I often find that these sweet little places have tons of locally sourced treats you might never see in a city market. Plus, visiting local vendors can be a great way to support local business, get to know towns and connect with the community, even though you are just passing through.
Embrace Flexibility and Expect Surprises!
Sometimes when we’re on the road it seems to demand compromise. The more you know about what resources you have and the more prepared you are, the better you can feel about the choices you make!
But don’t panic! Every year more and more of these superstores (Wal-Mart, Costco, Target) stock and label organic and locally grown products. While this may not be your cup of tea, they are an option and something to keep in mind if you are in a bind on the road. Plus more and more restaurants and chains are following suit by offering plant based options and antibiotic GMO-free ingredients, as well as supporting pasture-raised farmers.
But remember, when you plan ahead and map your gut healthy, cross country culinary course you will have the potential to save a lot of time on the road (and money!) And you may have more chances to find a scenic spot off the next exit or highway to picnic, discover, and refresh.
Happy Traveling!

Omega Fatty Acids To Feed The Brain
You’ve probably heard the terms “fatty acid” and “omega 3” before, but do you know what a fatty acid is or why our bodies need it? What about the different types of fatty acids, what foods you can naturally find them in and how much your body needs to live a long, healthy life?
Fatty acids are important for all systems of the body to function normally, including your skin, respiratory system, circulatory system, organs and your brain. There are two fatty acids, termed essential fatty acids (EFA) that your body does not produce on its own. EFAs have to be ingested.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are more commonly sought after because our bodies cannot produce these alone, which is why they’re called “essential.” Typically, they’re derived from plants and fish oils. A recent survey suggests that as much as 10 percent of all supplements consumed are omega-3s from fish oil supplements.
Remember that our bodies produce omega-9 fatty acids on their own, so no need to overdo it, but you can replace some of the other oils and fats in your diet with these on occasion.
The two essential fatty acids that the human body cannot produce are the omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acid, which are important for brain development, immune system function and blood pressure regulation.
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important. They can have all sorts of powerful health benefits for your body and brain. It is an essential fatty acid that plays an important role in brain function and may help you fight against cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends a diet in which fatty fish, like salmon, herring, sardines and tuna are consumed at least twice a week.
Research on the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acid have shown that it may be useful for supporting the following:
- Asthma
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Some Cancers
- Skin Disorders
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Attention Disorders
- Depressive Disorders
- Macular Degeneration
- Digestive Difficulties
Omega-3 fatty acids are found naturally in:
- Grains
- Spirulina
- Brazil Nuts
- Hempseed Oil
- Mustard Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Chia Seed Oil
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Canola Oil (Rapeseed)
- Green Leafy Vegetables
- Raw Walnuts & Walnut Oil
- Flaxseeds or Flaxseed Oil
So as you can see, adding omega fatty acids to your diet is extremely beneficial in achieving a Complete Healthy Life!

5 Easy Steps to Create the Habit of Health Each Morning
5 Easy Steps to Create the Habit of Health Each Morning
Take just 30 minutes each morning when you first wake up to go through this quick 5-step routine to see health shifts.
1. Drink 16 Ounces of Water Upon Waking. Some people like to add a squeeze of fresh lemon, or apple cider vinegar, or even a drop of essential oil. Room temperature is considered best. This flushes out toxins, helps digestion, and hydrates you. My partner and I personally put organic sulfur in our water every morning and evening. Sulfur promotes oxygen transport across the cell membrane.
2. Prayer and Gratitude. Anchor your desired mindset for the day by connecting to yourself and to the Creator, giving thanks for all your blessings and creating a positive attitude. Reading a devotional with my son helps me create positive thoughts. Praise the Lord who heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:3.
3. Gentle Movement. Take a short walk or stretch. Bounce on a mini-trampoline or use some dumbbells. Just a few minutes of some kind of physical activity, even low impact, is an awesome way to get your blood pumping and wake up.
4. Drink a Healthy Nutritional Juice or Smoothie. Once you are back from your walk or exercising make yourself a juice or smoothie. This also gives my sulfur the time it needs to work. If you decide what recipe you will make the night before, it will be even easier to just “do” it. I put organic chia seeds in ours almost every morning for energy and detoxing. Sometimes I use hemp seeds instead of the chia seeds.
5. Read some health tips. Read a little every day from a trusted source to further your education on health tips relative to your situation.
Why? Because good health is a marathon, not just a sprint, of daily education and daily practice of good habits.
This step goes towards the habit of increasing your mastery and knowledge and making it a priority every day. After all, you can’t just watch a few videos and/or read a couple of articles and become an expert. It takes time. But get started today! When you do, you will be amazed how far you can come in a short amount of time to learn how to prevent and overcome diseases.
5 Tips for Setting Yourself Up for Success
It can be a challenge to incorporate changes into your life. So, here are some tips and tools for making the above 5 steps as easy as possible to add into your day.
1. Note how you feel before you begin to encourage progress. You may be sleeping better, feeling less achy, less brain fog, more energy, but don’t take it for granted. Some things you might want to consider: weight, waist measurement, stress level, sleep quality, eating habits, overall mood, attitude.
2. Make a decision to do these new habits for at least 21 days. Perfection doesn’t matter; just keep trying to do better if you fall short. If it takes 21 days to form a habit, commit to doing each of the 5 steps at least 21 days.
3. Note how you feel as you go on. At least once a week, evaluate any and all changes to your original starting point.
4. Mentally evaluate every day. Take some time each day to reflect on your progress. Reward yourself for success. Decide on areas that need improvement.
5. Get others to participate with you. It could be work teammates, family, or friends to be accountable and encouragement to each other’s health.
The success tips are optional, of course… if you can only do the 5 daily morning steps, that alone will make a world of difference.
Here’s to the best investment you can make: YOU!
Imagine if we could start our own daily habit of health movement.
This is how my partner and I began our journey and before long his cancer was gone and so were my diseases.
So why not start today?
I’m so thankful for the benefits of healing that we’ve received that I’ve dedicated much of my time to helping others learn how to rid their body of diseases and dis-eases so they can have a longer and more productive life, free of pain.