Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness

Medicinal Herbs – Advantages of Using Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Medicinal Herbs – Advantages of Using Medicinal Plants and Herbs
The use and study of medicinal herbs as alternative medicine is an unproven and inexact science, though their usage has spanned through centuries. Though the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service’s National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has only been established in 1992, they’ve only begun to scratch the scientific surfaces of the study of herbal medicine. Herbal medicine and other aspects of alternative medicine have been the subject of criticism from mainstream medical professionals, even though that numerous drugs in the market being sold today are derived from plants and herbs. Aspirin came from willow bark. A heart medication called Digitalis comes from the extract of toxic foxglove flowers.
Using medicinal herbs offers a lot of advantages, but it is always ideal to consult health professionals prior to using them.
What are these advantages?
1. ) Reduced side effects – A lot of herbal medications can be tolerated by the patient without risk of any side effects, compared to those of pharmaceutical drugs. Medicinal herbs don’t contain any chemicals or preservatives which could harm the body, so long-term use is practically safe.
2. ) Low cost and affordable – Medicinal herbs, or supplements made mostly from them, are relatively cheaper than their pharmaceutical counterparts. What makes pharmaceutical drugs more expensive is that there are numerous testing, researches, and marketing that need to be done, which add to the costs of the entire drug.
3. ) Availability is not an issue – Medicinal herbs can be easily grown right in your backyard, or they can be purchased over-the-counter without the need of any prescription. Peppermint and chamomile are two medicinal herbs that you can easily grow in your backyard. In countries like India and Himalayas, these herbs are being used by the vast majority as it is their only form of medication they have access to.
4. ) They are effective in more ways than one – Medicinal herbs can do so much because of their healing properties. Compared to prescription drugs that are designed to alleviate one kind of symptom, medicinal herbs are able to tackle multiple symptoms all at once and help improve the system of the body. For example, the Gingko Biloba is a herb used for problems with the body’s circulation, but it also includes another benefit like memory enhancement.
5. ) Can be combined with other herbs or drugs– Medicinal herbs do not pose the threat of overdosing, which is why they can be used together with other herbs or drugs. However, it is ideal to consult with your doctor first if you plan to mix your drugs with herbs.
Medicinal herbs may not be as good as treating symptoms like they are at alleviating them, so when your symptoms persist, it’s time to consult your doctor.

Easy Ways On How To Fight Diabetes
While researchers continue to work on a cure for diabetes, following these tips can help you achieve wellness regardless of your condition. There are many natural steps you can take to help manage your diabetes. This article discusses some of the natural herbs and supplements you should consider adding to your diet in addition to your current plan.
When you have diabetes, immaculate mouth care is not an option if you want healthy teeth and gums. Gum disease is much more prevalent in diabetics, and great care taken with your mouth can help you to have better dental health. Careful brushing and flossing and more frequent dental visits are important as well.
A good way to minimize the impact of diabetes is to exercise more. Exercising more can increase the sensitivity of your cells to insulin, so that your body is able to take up more glucose on its own. This can reduce the symptoms of diabetes, and it allows many people to manage their diabetes by diet.
If you are going to be exercising and are diabetic be very cautious of your blood sugar levels. You will use up glucose about twenty times faster when exercising than when sedentary. Make sure you are keenly aware of your blood sugar levels so it does not get dangerously low.
To avoid developing diabetes or insulin problems if you have it already, be choosy about the kinds of carbs you eat. You do not have to avoid them. Instead you can focus on whole grains found in various bread products, pasta dishes, and even some cereals. It is not completely understood why, but whole grains seem to have a calming effect on blood-sugar levels.
Diabetes can be easily lived with if you watch your diet and take constant care of yourself by checking your blood glucose levels. If you keep a healthy diet and make sure to monitor these things, you can easily live a full and fulfilling life with having a disease such as diabetes.
Going for a walk, jog, or run with your dog, is an excellent way to exercise and help keep your diabetes under control. It will also help your dog stay at a healthy weight, which can save you both heartache and money on vet bills. You’ll motivate each other to keep going!
When needing to raise your glucose level don’t grab the chocolate. Eating chocolate might seem like a good idea to fix the bad situation, but it could make it worse. Chocolate is high in fat, which your body will absorb slowly. So eating something sugary but fat free will raise your glucose faster and safer.
If you get sick, it is important to monitor your blood glucose levels even more closely than when you are well. Being sick is taxing on the body and causes stress, which, like any stressful situation, can cause your blood glucose levels to rise. Keep a close eye on your levels and take action as necessary.
While these herbs and supplements will not cure your diabetes, they can definitely help. If you are unsure about trying these, talk about it with other people with diabetes and consult your doctor as well. Adding supplements and herbs can keep you healthy in other ways as well and help you lead a more healthier life.

Physical Therapy as Alternative Pain Relief
Source: Flickr
Many people suffer from chronic pain due to health conditions such as arthritis and menstrual cramps. while others experience acute pain as a result of injury or surgery. If you’re a pain sufferer, you have plenty of options to ease those pains. While most pain relief medications come in the form of a pill, there are a number of alternative pain relief treatments such as snake oil which is now sold various shapes and sizes.
However, before trying any of these pain relief approaches, always make it a point to consult with your doctor. Some alternative pain relief therapies may not be appropriate for you or may have serious side effects, even if they are of the non-pharmaceutical type. There are factors to be considered including medical condition as well as patient history before undergoing any treatment.
Bear in mind that not all available options are perfect alternative pain relief treatments. While a certain pain relief may work to some people, the same remedy may not work with others. There are some pain relievers that do not provide complete pain relief. You may have to try a number of different strategies and combine some of them before finding an acceptable level of pain relief. As with any treatment, there may also be risks and side effects.
Many people would do anything to find a relief for their pains. One of the advantages of trying out a number of alternative pain relief remedies is that you may find a pain relief treatment that works for you. Penney Cowan, executive director and founder of the American Chronic Pain Association advises pain sufferers to take an active part in their own rehabilitation. People should learn pain management and to know their role in how to regain control of their life in order to live with the pain which seems to have taken over.
While there is no specific cure to pain, physical therapy is very effective alternative pain relief and highly recommended. Hayes Wilson, MD, chief rheumatologist at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and national medical adviser to the Arthritis Foundation, recommends physical therapy to almost all his patients because it teaches people how to take care of themselves. He believes in the cliché, “give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and feed him for life.”
Physical therapists are like fishing instructors who teach patients the self-management skills of pain management. Therapists encourage arthritis patients how to deal with pain in a day-to-day basis by showing them how to build up strength and improve range of motion, and how to make sensible decisions about activities to prevent arthritic flare-ups.
However, keep in mind that physical therapy is not intended to act as an elixir for pain, but rather, as an alternative pain relief treatment. In the case of patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis, which can take 10 to 15 years off a patient’s life, physical therapy serves only as a supplement to immune-modulating drugs. While physical therapy can help decrease inflammation in osteoarthritis, the condition could worsen if swelling isn’t fully addressed with the appropriate medicines.

Diabetes Advice That All People Should Read
While researchers continue to work on a cure for diabetes, following these tips can help you achieve wellness regardless of your condition. There are many natural steps you can take to help manage your diabetes. This article discusses some of the natural herbs and supplements you should consider adding to your diet in addition to your current plan.
A critical tip for diabetes patients is to consistently and deliberately keep track of blood sugar levels every single day. Keeping tabs on your levels can help you prevent dangerous complications, and can help you understand the impact particular types of foods or dietary habits actually have on your health.
When you have diabetes, there are several ways that you can reduce your consumption of sugar. Instead of a sugar-laden soft drink, drink a serving of sparkling water. Substitute a bowl of frozen fruit for a bowl of strawberry ice cream. Instead of a slice of cake, enjoy a slice of cheese. Substitute a wedge of apple for a serving of apple pie.
If you have foot ulcers, ask your doctor for newer FDA approved medications. Look for gels that promote blood vessel formation and will heal the ulcers better than standard care alone. Some medications may be quite expensive at first but its price may drop in time.
If you are feeling symptoms of depression, consult with your physician. If you become depressed it will have a severe impact on how you are managing your diabetes. You will lose interest in food, have a lower activity level and increase your stress levels. Targeting these symptoms early can avoid unwanted complications later.
Accept a bathroom scale as your friend. Losing weight helps control blood glucose and reduce medication. Because your weight changes from day to day, use the scale just twice a week. Keep a log. Morning is best to reduce the influence of foods and liquids. Be naked. For consistency, stick to one scale.
If you have a family history of heart disease, strokes or hardened arteries, you should be especially vigilant in controlling your blood glucose levels. Well-maintained levels can delay the onset of these and other medical conditions, and can also decrease your odds of developing these diseases as you get older.
If you have diabetes make sure that whomever you are around is aware. In the worst case scenario that you were to go unconscious, it is best for those around you to have a clue as to why that could have happened. You can save a lot of time and ultimately your life by being sure others are aware.
When it comes to dealing with diabetes, one important point to consider is the fact that pregnancy can be dangerous both for your baby and you. When the mother has diabetes, potential risks are that the baby may be still born, larger than normal or have birth defects. The best thing you can do is try to maintain normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
While these herbs and supplements will not cure your diabetes, they can definitely help. If you are unsure about trying these, talk about it with other people with diabetes and consult your doctor as well. Adding supplements and herbs can keep you healthy in other ways as well and help you lead a more healthier life.

Pricking Your Way to Health: The Benefits of Acupuncture
More and more people are now open to the Eastern medicine and therapy, including the use of Asian styles of massage. Several types of massage originated from the east such as the shiatsu, reflexology, and the Thai massage. Aside from herbal medications originating from different parts of Asia, another exotic treatment that has achieved worldwide recognition is called acupuncture. It is one of the most common medical procedures practiced in China, Japan, Korea and other parts of the world.
Acupuncture involves the activation or stimulation of certain anatomical points in the body by use of various techniques. Medical traditions coming from Korea, China, Japan, and other Asian countries are the basis for the American practice of acupuncture. This specific health procedure includes the penetration of thin, solid metal needles that are handled manually or by the use of electrical stimulation. These needles are not that painful when inserted through the skin, but it has a different feeling with minimal pain involved. There are different experiences when this kind of medication is exercised. After being treated, some people feel energized, while others feel much more relaxed. It is important to have this medical procedure done by a professional acupuncture practitioner, since an improper placement of the needle, unnecessary movement of the patient, or a needle defect can cause pain and soreness during the course of the treatment.
Acupuncture can be used as an alternative treatment for health conditions such as postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting and for postoperative dental pain. This procedure is also useful in the healing of other health concerns like headaches, menstrual cramps, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, lower back pain, tennis elbow, myofascial pain, fatigue, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, and fibromyalgia.
This type of alternative treatment can ease the pain of the mentioned ailments above, as well as fibromyalgia. Since this illness may not be known by most people, fibromyalgia refers to a widespread of pain in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This ailment is also characterized by fatigue and numerous tender points, or certain areas in a person’s body where a slight pressure can cause pain.
Acupuncture is also used to treat several conditions just like fibromyalgia, and this can also be a form of relaxation, as stated earlier. Considering fatigue is caused by excessive exhaustion, weariness, tiredness or lethargy, the practice of this healing treatment can make the body feel relaxed and at the same time cures ailments by using these thin metal needles.
The practice of acupuncture cannot be explained fully by western health research. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, acupuncture treatment is used to achieve balance between two inseparable forces, the yin and the yang, which exist in the human body. Chinese practitioners use certain points along the so-called body meridians as targets for inserting the needles. These points correspond to a specific internal organ. The stimulation of the point brings healing to the ailing internal organ and allows the flow of internal energy or “chi” to go unhindered, resulting in perfect balance and health inside the human body. While this healing method has been used for thousands of years, it is still a subject of intense debate especially in the Western medical community.

Are Your Lifestyle Habits Killing You?
Are you one of the many Americans in life-threatening DANGER?!! Are harmful forces insidiously destroying the quality and length of your life? Do you even know whether your life is at risk?
Scientific and technological advances have greatly increased the average lifespan. With youth no longer short-lived, adults can now look and feel like they’re twenty, thirty years younger. Regardless, multitudes of Americans are excluding themselves from such opportunities. Fortitude: Health and Wellness Inc. reported that about 129 million people are overweight or obese. In 2000 17 million people had diabetes, and in 2003, only one year, 1.1 million people suffered from heart attacks. Heart disease is the first leading cause of death in the United States, and strokes are the third leading cause. It is time to become informed; often, these and many other ailments can be avoided. The fountain of youth may be only a myth. But with the right choices, you can come close to it.
An American Psychological Association (APA) survey found stress to have a direct relationship with the health problems in the country’s health concerns. Stress has the potential to impair health directly. However, as Americans handle stress with dangerous behaviors, stress indirectly becomes a major cause of unnecessary deaths. According to the American Psychological Association Practice Directorate, money, work, children, and the health problems of loved ones are the greatest causes of stress. Ironically, personal health was also included on this list. As many people worry about their own health, they in effect, increase problems and possibly shorten it. Tension and anxiety are often difficult to prevent, especially in today’s society. However, by not using the following coping strategies as stress “solutions,” Americans can greatly increase their chances of a long youthful life.
Perilous Lifestyles:
As stressful lives lead to poor nutrition, people entrap themselves within a vicious cycle. With so many people constantly on the go, eating a healthy, balanced diet has become more difficult than ever. The American Psychological Association found a direct correlation between eating fast food and levels of stress. Fast food, detrimentally high in calories, high in saturated fats, high in sugar, and low in whole grains, frequently becomes the norm. Proclaiming solutions to this nutrition deficient, too many fad diets focus on weight loss at the expense of nutrient assurance. According to the APA survey participants, one out of every four people relied on “comfort foods” when feeling stressed. Prolonged periods of anxiety cause the body to feel tired. Popular “comfort foods”, such as chips and ice cream, which contain un-complexed carbohydrates and high levels of fat, fail to serve as good energy-sources. The mere short boosts of energy caused from high sugar contents only leaves the body with greater feelings of exhaustion. Insomnia, mood swings, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weakened immune systems have a tendency to result from the combination of stress’s negative blood-sugar affects and the addition of a high-sugar diet. Needless to say, further complications, such as depression, diabetes, and obesity, often develop. Within an environment of such poor health, chances of congested heart failure greatly increase. The APA survey found that sixty-five percent of people whom relied on “comfort foods” were overweight and had twice the chance of potential obesity. Obesity, America’s severe growing epidemic, continues the negative chain by exposing the body to even further health complications.
Nevertheless, healthy, low-risk lifestyles need more than nutritious food in the diet; vitamins and supplements are essential. Today’s society makes it virtually impossible for even the most dedicated health food loyalist to receive all proper nutrients from food alone. For one it becomes more and more difficult to find healthy quick, dining-out food, but the hectic schedules of personal and professional life greatly decrease consistent home-cooked menus. Secondly, popular un-organic methods of growing, raising, and processing inevitably lose some of the natural nutrients. While compensating for nutrients lost and ignored in meal plans, vitamins also serve as natural and holistic alternatives to medications and offer solutions to medication shortcomings. There are many naturopathically trained physicians that can construct vitamin programs suited for individual needs.
Drastically causing health complications and premature deaths, cigarettes continue to bring a great threat to society. Even with all the research proving their dangers, cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are still used by a large percentage of Americans. Often attracting people bothered by stress, cigarettes too can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Including problems such as depleted bone density, emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease, the risks of tobacco are innumerable. Until the elimination of tobacco, Americans will never achieve the possibility of a long healthy life.
Sedentary jobs and interests focused around televisions, video games, and computers continue to decrease activity levels. Public and personal transportation enables greater distances to be covered, and the transportation modes of walking and bicycles become less frequent. However, although societal changes largely reduce exercise opportunities, Americans must find ways to remain active. The lack of exercise is greatly responsible for the rapidly increasing rates of American obesity. Further, without activity people will not have the strength or endurance to maintain youth or longevity. Walking wherever possible and exercising at a gym serve as alternatives. Not only offering countless health benefits, but exercise also provides positive outlets to diminish stress. Activities such as yoga offer exercise while directly aiming at stress reduction.
Stress may be overwhelming, but the health problems caused from unhealthy reactions may be deadly. Modern society may pose an increasing number of obstacles, but you do not have to become a victim. By choosing nutritious foods, vitamins and supplements, and exercise and by avoiding tobacco, a long life of youth is more possible than ever. Start avoiding or reversing the danger in your life today.

Safe Alternative Methods to Quit Smoking
With countless individuals hooked to cigarette smoking, it’s no wonder many are overwhelmed with products and programs that would supposedly help smokers quit their addiction. It’s no surprise that many smokers who want to kick the habit are also trying alternative methods to help them achieve their goal. Acupuncture and aromatherapy are some of some forms of alternative medicine that are used by many individuals who want to quit cigarette smoking. Understanding these methods are essential in a smoker’s goal to quit the habit.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which is commonly used to beat addictions which may include smoking. It is said that acupuncturists use thin needles to activate the body’s “qi” or health energy. Nourishing the “qi” which supposedly flows through the body through defined pathways called meridians is the main focus of acupuncture. According to Chinese medicine, addiction like smoking may hamper the flow of the “qi” and lead to illness. Recent medical studies suggest that this form of ancient treatment may indeed help an individual quit smoking. Acupuncture has been shown to increase the levels of endorphins in the body. Endorphins or endogenous morphins are the body’s natural pain killer which may also soothe nicotine cravings. Many medical experts recommend this method for individuals who want to quit cigarette smoking.
Aromatherapy is also an ancient form of medicine that originated from Egyptian and Roman cultures. In those times, plant oils as well as flowers were used for medicinal as well as fragrant purposes. It is said that the scent of essential oils may enable the lymphatic system, nervous system, and circulatory system to work properly. When this is achieved, the mind and the body may function at optimum levels and relieve stress in the process. According to many studies, many individuals smoke to relieve feelings of stress. Relieving stress through alternative means such as aromatherapy may aid individuals who want to cut the habit.
The said benefits of alternative medicine in terms of quitting cigarette smoking are not conclusive and need more studies to be verified. Individuals who want to engage in alternative methods to quit smoking should seek the approval of doctors before taking them. Some so-called alternatives have not been properly tested for safety and effectiveness. Some essential oils used in aromatherapy may cause bleeding in the uterus and cause miscarriage.
Alternative medication cannot do all the work for individuals who want to quit cigarette smoking. The best and effective way to quit smoking involves determination, discipline, and commitment to stop the habit permanently. Engaging in alternative methods can help smokers cut the habit by making them more comfortable and complacent to adjust to life without cigarettes.
If this form of medication does not work, smokers may also use scientifically proven over-the-counter products and prescription drugs that are designed to quit smoking. Quit smoking products are available in pills, patches, gums, and many more. These products, however, should be used with extreme caution because of the side effects that they may bring. The approval of doctors should be sought before taking quit smoking products. With the right tools and attitude, quitting cigarette smoking can be achieved permanently.

Don’t Let Diabetes Take Over Your Life – Follow This Excellent Advice
While researchers continue to work on a cure for diabetes, following these tips can help you achieve wellness regardless of your condition. There are many natural steps you can take to help manage your diabetes. This article discusses some of the natural herbs and supplements you should consider adding to your diet in addition to your current plan.
When it comes to dealing with diabetes, one important point to consider is to make sure that you sign up for any sort of membership that your local stores provide. For any diabetes related goods, you can save big time by using the offers the store offers through its exclusive club.
Be careful with alcohol, as it can cause hypoglycemia (very low blood glucose). Glucose levels at or below 70 mg/dL can harm you. You are at greatest risk if you take insulin or pills such as meglitinides or sulfonylureas. On the other hand, carbohydrates in beer, sugary mixed drinks and sweet wines may actually raise your blood sugar. Drink slowly, moderately and only with meals.
To help avoid spiking blood sugar levels in a diabetic condition, carefully monitor your carbohydrate intake. Although carbohydrates play an important role in your body, they can also cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is a good idea to identify which foods are rich in carbohydrates and to watch your daily consumption of those foods.
Diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake, and bread is a major player in a typical American’s diet. Try to find a bread with at least 5 grams of fiber AND protein per slice so that eating it is validated by the nutrients it’s carrying. Also avoid preservatives as they’re not healthy either.
Healthy carbs in the diet are important for someone who has diabetes. Carbohydrates contain necessary vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, which are needed for a truly balanced diet. For people with diabetes, limiting carbs can lead to headaches and reduced energy. Fruits and whole grains are good, healthy sources of carbohydrates.
When one has diabetes it is very important for them to monitor their blood sugar levels frequently through out the day. By doing this they will ensure that everything is as is should be or if they need to do something to regulate it. This is an important thing to do.
When you have diabetes, you probably have a team of doctors helping you out. You need to make sure that all of your doctors are on the same page, and are communicating with each other in a manner that puts your best interests first. Be assertive when it comes to your health care.
Eating out at restaurants or getting take out is not only bad for a Diabetic’s health, but also their checkbook. Save money and your blood glucose level by eating at home instead. You can find many copycat recipes online for all your favorite foods, and even healthier versions which are better for you.
While these herbs and supplements will not cure your diabetes, they can definitely help. If you are unsure about trying these, talk about it with other people with diabetes and consult your doctor as well. Adding supplements and herbs can keep you healthy in other ways as well and help you lead a more healthier life.

Why Preventive Care is Important in a Healthcare Plan Provider
More and more progressive healthcare plan providers are offering patients preventive care options. This helps offset the number one concern of most consumers – cost.
When shopping for health insurance or any sort of healthcare plan, most consumers seek to protect themselves and their families from the potentially disastrous cost of major illness and hospitalization. Hence, preventive care is often an overlooked benefit that many consumers may not give sufficient consideration.
Following are some benefits of preventive care that you should consider when looking for a health insurance or a healthcare plan.
What is Preventive Healthcare?
A broad definition of preventive healthcare is “measures taken to identify life-threatening illnesses or habits with an eye towards curing, modifying and preventing them.” In other words, preventive care can be anything that helps you stave off illness and live a healthier lifestyle.
Why Preventive Healthcare is Important
Preventive healthcare is important for three reasons:
Early Detection Saves Lives: This is perhaps the most important reason to look for a healthcare plan that offers some measure of preventive healthcare options.
Annual mammograms, pap smears and colon-cancer screenings are all examples of preventive measures that help to save lives. Many life-threatening illnesses have silent symptoms. They only way to detect them is through some type of early detection test.
Take heart disease, for example. The American Heart Association estimates that roughly half of all deaths from this disease are sudden and unexpected. When you consider the great strides that have been made over the last 25 years in preventing and treating this disease, early detection can make all the difference in how well you will survive a heart attack, or whether you will even have one at all.
With illnesses like this, preventive care takes advantage of the advances in medical technology, detecting problems – or assessing the likelihood of problems – before they become life-threatening illnesses.
Modifying Behavior Leads to a Healthier Life: Preventive healthcare encourages many to lead healthier lifestyles. Getting regular exercise is one of the easiest things anyone can do to achieve overall better health. Many healthcare providers encourage this by offering discounts on gym memberships, yoga classes and other types of regular workout programs.
Another popular lifestyle change program that providers encourage is a smoking cessation program. Cigarettes are extremely addicting, and many smokers try for years to quite before they succeed. The benefits of quitting can prevent many healthcare problems, from lung cancer and heart disease, to stroke and heart attack, to many respiratory illnesses.
As the ultimate goal of all preventive care is to help patients live longer, healthier lives, amenities like this are natural offerings by healthcare plan providers.
Preventive Healthcare Saves Money: Preventive healthcare allows policy holders to get the most value for their healthcare dollars. This is because preventive care is usually much less expensive than treating a disease down the road.
To encourage this, comprehensive information is needed to make informed decisions. Forward-thinking healthcare providers offer members integrated solutions, like up-to-the-minute health information, medical alerts, drug recalls, wellness assessments and more.
This puts the information that members need right at their fingertips, allowing them to be an active participant in their ongoing healthcare.
Preventive care helps people to actively manage their overall healthcare. By encouraging regular checkups, regular screenings and an overall healthier lifestyle, individuals maintain better overall health, feel better, and minimize their health care costs throughout their lifetimes.

Simple Sources Of Alternative Energy
There is a lot of talk in the world today about the energy crisis and about ways that we can contribute to the solution. I don’t know about you, but I get overwhelmed and tired when I hear about the nearly endless amount of problems that threaten our environment each day. I am tired of hearing about global solutions that are aimed at making massive changes. Instead, I want to hear about the small changes that I as an individual can make that will help our energy crisis. So I’ve done a little research for your sake and mine, and I’ve come up with a few basic methods of alternative energy that almost anyone can follow.
First, and rather obvious, is to drive your car as little as possible. I hate hearing about solutions that are so unrealistic that they will never happen. You know as well as I do that we cannot all stop driving our cars every day. But maybe, just maybe, we can all look for small and simple ways to carpool and to cut down on the amount that we need to drive. Do you have a neighbor that works with you? If so, then contribute to alternative energy by carpooling and leaving one of the cars at home. Or even better, look for every chance to walk or ride a bike. I think we get caught up in all of the scientific terms about energy resourcing that we forget the most true source of alternative energy: ourselves. The more we can use our physical bodies, the better health we will be in and the more we will be contributing to the international effort to save energy.
Other simple methods of going for alternative energy are to shut off lights during the day and let the natural light of the sun brighten up your room or office. I cannot tell you how many homes and offices I have entered in the middle of the day that had lights blaring while the sun was beating in from outisde. So take a good look around you and see what extra lights and other appliances you have plugged in that you really don’t need to use. The chances are high that everyone reading this has a few small ways that they could save energy each day.
Looking for various alternative energy sources is what will save the world. Like candlelight? Then consider using candles to light your room at night while you read. The world may not be changed by one more order from the government, but it just might be changed as individuals do their part in helping find and use methods of alternative energy.