
Spirulina For Protein
“Spirulina” sounds so much better than “pond scum,” but that’s actually what the popular supplement really is — a type of blue-green algae that grows naturally in oceans and salty lakes in subtropical climates. When harvested correctly from non-contaminated ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available.
Yes, it’s one of the most potent foods on the planet. And yes, it has health benefits that are truly mind blowing. But seriously speaking, eating an algae is just kind of weird, right? Well, maybe it is weird until you realize that spirulina has the highest protein content, gram for gram, of any food on the planet
Many people promote Spirulina as a treatment for a range of metabolism and heart health issues, including weight loss, diabetes and high cholesterol, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). People may also recommend Spirulina as an aid for various mental and emotional disorders, including anxiety, stress, depression and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
An Antioxidant Powerhouse
One of the health benefits of Spirulina comes from its antioxidant properties. Spirulina protects our cells by warding off inflammation and other dis-eases in the body. Spirulina has been shown to positively reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering “the bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body while promoting HDL “the good” cholesterol. In higher doses, spirulina could reduce blood pressure.
It’s Full Of Protein
Anemia is a fairly common ailment which can lead to fatigue due to a reduction in hemoglobin or red blood cells in the blood. When one’s diet is supplemented with spirulina, it has been documented that an increase in the content of hemoglobin in red blood cells occurs.
It is truly “a miracle from the sea”

Wheatgrass For Energy
If you haven’t done so already it’s time for you to step into your local juice bar and experience the blissful kind of energy you’ll get from a shot of wheatgrass. It can do much more than keep you healthy it will give you a surge of energy and improved sense of clarity and focus. Wheatgrass is abundant with vitamins minerals enzymes and chlorophyll. When you drink it you get the plants vital life energy-tapped at its peak. Wheatgrass juice is a favorite all-purpose remedy for a wide variety of conditions.
Feed Your Brain
The chlorophyll in wheatgrass fuels the body with oxygen, thanks to its ability to increase red blood cell health. Oxygen is vital to many body processes, especially for the brain, which uses 25 percent of the body’s oxygen supply. Wheatgrass is, quite literally, brain food.
Reduce Fatigue
When you experience fatigue, your body is likely deprived of rest and is dealing with a weakened immune system. Not only does chlorophyll boost the immune system, it also helps to increase oxygen supply in your body’s cells and tissues, contributing to cell regeneration, which heals the body and reduces fatigue symptoms. Chlorophyll is also naturally regenerative for the adrenal glands, according to Ellen Tart-Jensen, Ph.D, D.Sc. Boosting the adrenal system is crucial for sufferers of chronic fatigue.
Treat Skin Diseases
Wheatgrass can be used to treat skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. While no clinical studies have been conducted as yet to support this, many testimonials of home treatments with wheatgrass seem to prove this claim.
There are several ways you can go about using wheatgrass for your skin. Pour wheatgrass juice into a few holes in an ice cube tray, freeze, and rub a cube across blemishes on your skin as well as on any scars or damaged areas. Alternatively, you could pour a cup of wheatgrass juice or powder into a warm bath and soak your body in the bath for at least 30 minutes.
Prevent Cancer
Wheatgrass’s anti-cancer benefits stem from its blood oxygenating ability; cancer thrives in a low-oxygen environment, so wheatgrass may contribute to cancer prevention in this way.
In addition, Parikh notes, “Wheatgrass has enzymes that fight carcinogens and reduce the toxic load of radiation, pollution, and heavy metals.”
Just remember that since wheatgrass’ ability to oxygenate the blood is activated with exercise, pair your wheatgrass shots with your favorite workout.
Treat Arthritis
Health experts believe wheatgrass is effective in treating arthritis. A 2012 study in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research showed that rheumatoid arthritis patients who followed a raw vegetarian diet rich in lactobacilli saw decreased symptoms, and that nearly half of these benefits were due to the increased consumption of fermented wheat drinks, wheatgrass drinks, fiber, and iron.
Chlorophyll is thought to fight inflammation, which is associated with joint pain and may be the reason wheatgrass is so helpful in these cases.
Prevent Tooth Decay
Gargling and rinsing the mouth with wheatgrass juice freshens the breath and helps to reduce inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and periodontitis

Flush Beats a Full House

Our world is overflowing with food from every nationality on our dinner plate. We are so involved with our food as a form of recreation, and the center of our social life as entertainment that we’ve forgotten the importance of not eating. The relationship of food to our health has been blurred by our fast-paced lifestyle and advertising. Despite all our technology, we are plagued by a long list of diseases, many of them fatal, which modern medicine cannot cure. Lung cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and others were not prevalent half a century ago and are directly linked to our diet and lifestyle.
What is Juice Fasting?
According to Steve Meyerowitz, better known as “Sproutman” in his book “Juice Fasting & Detoxification”, fasting is simply a rest from food. It is uncanny that such a simple technique can work for such complex diseases. But it is true! The reason is our bodies are natural healers. Nature is both complex and sublimely simple. It works in minute mysterious ways that even modern science cannot fathom. Without obstacles in its way, our bodies will automatically seek health through the process of eliminating poisons and balancing chemistry. There is a vital force within us that can heal and when that vitality is not exhausted by physical activity, drained by the task of digestion or overwhelmed by stress, it is available to heal. Fasting, essentially promotes self-health by casting off poisons. It is not so much a cure as it is an opportunity for rejuvenation, provided the essential organs have not been irreversibly damaged by disease or medical treatment.
How ironic something so old works
on problems so new and
unfortunate that it is so ignored.
Sproutman’s research in his book shows that fasting still works for our modern ailments caused by our 21st century excesses. It is, in fact, our oldest health remedy. He quotes it is mentioned throughout the book of Exodus. Moses, Elijah and Jesus all fasted for up to 40 days. And Jesus speaks directly about fasting and diet in the Essene Gospel of Peace, he said. (The latter differs from the New Testament in that it is a direct translation from the Aramaic text held in the library of the Vatican.) To this day Jews fast as a means of atonement. Christians fast during Lent. Moslems during Ramadan and Hindus fast routinely. Fasting was also advocated by Plato and Hippocrates and the Egyptians used it as a cure for syphilis. In modern times, the practice of therapeutic fasting was rekindled by a naturopathic physician, Dr. Isaac Jennings, in 1822, says Sproutman.
The principle of fasting is health restored through cleaning. Our bodies have a limited capacity to store and/or to eliminate non-digestible or foreign matter taken in through the diet. These materials, if left to circulate through the system, are toxins. Our diets are filled with preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, pesticides, insecticides, rancid oils and other indigestible chemicals that overload our kidneys, bowels, skin, lungs and liver. As this toxic load accumulates from years of bad diet and pollution, it begins to interfere with normal functioning and our elimination becomes impaired. This toxemia is the cause of disease.
A sick person’s system is filled with poisons from the diet pollutants, lead, arsenic, medication, nicotine, cellular and metabolic waste products from wrongly combined foods, addictions to sweets, coffee, cigarettes and excessive eating – not to mention inadequate nutrition. The body discharges poisons in any way it can. A cold is merely a relief valve to relieve the lungs, blood, liver and lymphatic system of congestion. Stress combines with diet to compound the effects of this overload by impeding the normal flow of impulses. The nervous system can then no longer properly conduct the flow of vital energy to the various glands and organs. Lack of clarity, confusion, frustration and instability result. If ignored, these poisons become entrenched in the body and in time develop into chronic pathologies. Fasting reverses this toxic trend and liberates stored poisons.
I bet you never knew flushing could be so powerful, did you?
Thanks to Sproutman for pointing out that the beauty of fasting lies in its simplicity. Although some think it is dangerous, their perspective has more to do with their fears and lack of knowledge. He calls it a harmless practice that just about anyone can do. It is accepted and practiced in most countries as well as by the world’s major religions. In contrast to expensive medical treatment, doctors, labs, insurance premiums, and hospitals, fasting is something you can usually do yourself. Juice fasting is an ideal way for first timers to start. Unlike water fasting, juice fasting supplies calories and nutrition and protects you against the stresses of work and activity. Juices are the concentrated nutrition that nourishes you and provides the stamina you will need without necessitating much alteration of lifestyle.
Nothing is more nutritious than juice.
Once you extract the liquid from these vital foods,
you can absorb up to 99% of the food value, even with weak digestion.
The beauty of juicing is that it barely takes any digestive energy at all. It condenses pounds of valuable food into a single glass. Cancer research has acclaimed beta-carotene, the form of vitamin A in carrots, as a cancer-fighting nutrient. Spinach, parsley, beets, peppers and other greens are all nutritious. Spinach actually has more protein and vitamin A than carrots. Adding a lemon or lime to strong greens can eliminate the bitter taste and adding beets and carrots makes the juice quite tasty. Though there are thousands of recipes, we just mixed vegetables together depending on our mood. I enjoyed the beauty of the colorful assortment gracing my kitchen; especially the colorful chards, and the fresh scent of these aromas.
How We Started – Our Benefits.
The first thing we did when we found out my partner had cancer was to start juicing. One of the best resources to motivate you down this path is to watch the free version of Fat Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Gross on Netflix. Without knowing of my partner’s cancer, after watching this movie, my 12-year-old son actually started the initiative and said, “Mom, we need to start juicing”. Perfect words to my ears. Then our 45 day juice fast and our health began!
If my 12-year old son can juice 2 meals a day
for 45 days and love it, I know you can enjoy using the healing power
of fresh juice to feel young and look great!
Juicing for us was much like a “runners high”. The first few days were difficult and then it felt like we could go on forever. So we just kept running with it. The first couple of days our stomach growled as our bodies adapted. We drank so much juice so packed with nutrients that we weren’t really hungry. But that didn’t stop the mind games from rehearsing the taste of our old habits and the desire for food until we got used to it. The second and third days left us feeling a little weak wondering if we were cut out for juicing – was it just for those with more fortitude – or could we really do it? But then we soon reached a plateau, euphoria, and the “runners high” where nothing was going to stop us and we didn’t want to stop.
Run Forest Run.
The toxins were being released from our bodies, our energy returned, we experienced better focus and clarity, our skin was softer, we lost weight, we felt renewed, more alive, and empowered.
And then, after 45 days, just like Forest Gump
decided in the middle of the desert one day it was time to stop,
our bodies had enough and we just stopped juicing; just like that!
God knows best so there must be more to the connection of 40 days and fluids than we realize. We juiced and detoxified and received great benefits in our healing. I wish the same for you which is why I created a website to take the guess work out of what to do.

The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy.
The common uses of group hypnosis for group therapy has indeed broadened it’s scope in the field of science, more specifically in treatment and therapy programs.
The most common reason for many people undergoing group hypnosis for therapy is the fact that hypnotherapy is a very natural process which does not involve the administration of habit-inducing drugs, thus , no chemical side effects and is somewhat inexpensive.
Among the most reputable successes of hypnotherapy is with alcoholism.
Many patients have significantly broken off the habit from alcohol and those who undergo hypnosis therapy are more likely to have successfully passed through the addiction stage and tests have concluded, based on follow up programs, that subjects are able to sustain the effects of the therapy sessions for two to three years.
Other behavioral problems that hypnosis has been found therapeutically beneficial is on appetite control or weight loss, where subjects who undergo treatment are twice as likely to lose weight compared to those taking weight loss and diet programs.
Better yet, where subjects usually lose momentum into their weight loss program, subjects that have undergone hypnotherapy were able to significantly lose more pounds over an extended period of time.
Hypnosis has also been known to successfully treat younger patients who used to suffer from regular bedwetting and nail-biting.
Although these two conditions are not regarded as health problems, but can sometimes be very annoying and troublesome.
Several tests regarding the treatment of these conditions have significantly produced positive results on the subjects and have freed them from the habit of nail-biting and bed wetting.
Smokers also stand to benefit most from hypnosis, as numerous researches and findings indicate that a significant number of population of smokers have significantly broken off the smoking habit after several hypnosis intervention sessions.
Another proven therapy process that have successfully gained good headway is the therapy involving patients with asthma, where success rates are more than half of the population tested for their responses to hypnosis therapy.
An average of 80% of patients, both young and old alike, have sustained the momentum of their hypnotherapy treatment and several researches who studies the progression of the effects of hypnosis, revealed that during the eighth, sixteenth and 24-month follow-up observation period, these patients have consistently maintained abstinence from smoking.
Hypnosis has also been used to treat insomnia, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, phobias, pain management and a whole lot more.
Not only is it used for treatment, hypnosis is also being adopted for wellness and health programs like relaxation and stress reduction, increased concentration, building self-confidence, concentration for sports activities, especially among athletes and personal improvement programs.
The possibilities are endless, but still, there are many people who fail to achieve their goals through hypnosis, not because the process is ineffective for them, but because of frustration and disappointment over hypnosis not being able to immediately produce the results after one session.
Another would be the fear of the unexpected, since many people still have the tendency to establish their won fear knowing that their minds are being explored through hypnosis.
Still, it would be best to assume that these can all be allayed with the proper understanding and knowledge of hypnosis and the common uses of hypnosis for group therapy will continue to benefit thousands of people all over the world.

Good Nutrition: Tips For A Healthy Body And Long Life!
Eating right is a link to your weight and your health. Keep yourself as healthy as you can be with the tips and tricks in this article. You should have no more excuses for not knowing what kinds of things you should be eating for proper nutrition.
Reducing the amount of fish you eat or eliminating it entirely can help you avoid dangerous chemical contaminants in your diet. Fish are near the top of the food chain, so pollutants tend to build up in their tissues. Many fish contain dangerous levels of mercury and other toxic chemicals in their flesh.
Don’t feel like you have to completely eliminate fats to have a healthy diet. Cutting back on healthy fats is actually unhealthy, and can have a negative effect on your muscles, bones, joints, and major organs. Keep your fats healthy for optimum benefits. Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the way to go.
It is always a great idea to avoid eating junk food. Not only does junk food have poor nutrition values, but also it is often times loaded up with toxins and preservatives. Find better alternatives when you get a sweet tooth, fruits offer you a great escape, and milk chocolate is a healthier alternative to other junk foods.
Part of getting good nutrition is eating your fruits and vegetables. You should be eating around 5 servings every day. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber, vitamins and beneficial antioxidants. Eating like this will fill you up fast, and they are low in calories, so if you are watching your weight, they are also the perfect food.
Beware of new marketing ploys to market high fructose corn syrup, also known as HFCS. The marketers are now switching the name of HFCS to “corn sugar” this is a misnomer, as HFCS is not a natural corn product. The industry has to combine chemicals such as lime and mercury with corn to extract the sugars from the corn. Satay away from this stuff!
Smoothies are essentially a mix of fruit juices mixed with pulp. We all need to eat more fruits, because they have the antioxidants needed to keep us healthy and youthful. Smoothies are an easy way to take in these amazing antioxidants. Put your favorite three fruits in a blender and blend them with your favorite juice – orange juice tends to work really well. Voila! Instant smoothie!
Peaches are a popular fruit among many peoples around the world. When eaten with the skin, they are extremely high in fiber, Vitamin A, and potassium. They are delicious eaten out of your hand, but you can also make preserves or pies out of them. They are closely related to nectarines.
A great nutrition tip for people who are out grocery shopping is to never shop while you are hungry. Shopping while you are hungry is a recipe for disaster as you are extremely vulnerable to give in to your temptations and buy unhealthy food. Always try and shop on a full stomach.
Health and wellness can so easily be linked to our nutrition. It is no wonder that we have a growing fascination with food and supplements. Keeping the information given here in mind when you are shopping and eating should help you stay on the right track towards better eating.

Juicing To Improve Your Overall Health
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLGzpvFhXnE&w=420&h=315]
Juicing seems to be growing in popularity, as many people have realized the tremendous benefits gained from juicing fresh fruits and vegetables right in their own home. The nutrients in fresh juice are readily absorbed by your body and will give you a fantastic boost in meeting your dietary needs. Find out more about juicing for your health.
Buy a juicer that does NOT heat up any parts near the items being juiced. The heat can cause the juice to begin oxidation, leading to a breakdown of the nutrients in it. Choose a juicer that says specifically that the parts touching the juice will remain cool throughout the juicing process.
It is nearly impossible to be health conscious about all your meals, so a good way to approach your juicing diet is to follow the two thirds rule. By paying attention to the healthiness of your breakfast and lunch, you ensure that you are eating healthy two thirds of the day. This paves the way for social or momentary lapses in your diet at dinner.
When juicing with leafy greens such as kale or chard, consider adding cucumber to balance out the flavors. Cucumbers also have a ton of nutrients and vitamins in them which are super healthy for you, so they’re a great addition to any juice. Throw in a fruit for sweetness and you’ll have one heck of a nutritious but tasty drink!
Buying a masticating juicer will allow the juice you make to have it’s nutrients break down much slower, meaning you can take your time in drinking it or even store it for a while. It will also leave as much of the natural nutrients intact as possible, giving you the most healthy juice to drink.
A great juicing tip is to not be alarmed if you see any pulp in your juice. Not only is it normal for pulp to be in juice, it enhances the flavor and also provides more nutrition. If you want the most nutrition out of your juice, keep the pulp.
When juicing soft fruits such as melons, peaches and strawberries it is good to know that the resulting juice will be thicker as opposed to juicing hard fruits such as apples. A good way to have great juice is combining both of these juices. This will create balance and will result in a much better texture.
If receiving nutrition in an easy way is a reason for trying out juicing, it is a good idea for you to learn what vitamins and minerals are in the fruit or vegetables that you would be using. This way, you will be able to pick the right produce for the nutrition that you want to receive.
As you can see, juicing provides a fun and easy way to maximize your nutritional intake, assuring that you receive all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs each day. This simple process, allows you to create a variety of tasty, nourishing beverages, for a lifetime of wellness.

Everyone And Their Mother Is Juicing, So Why Aren’t You?
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SaAwmLzWck&w=420&h=315]
Drinking fresh fruit and vegetables is one of the best things you can do to improve your health and wellness. When beginning to incorporate juicing into your lifestyle it is important that you research the health benefits derived from different types of fruits and vegetables so that you can make the best juices for your particular health needs. This article contains a number of great juicing tips.
Wheat grass offers a lot of health benefits, but it also has a very strong taste. Make sure your juicer can handle it, then start adding it in small amounts and increase the amount with each new batch. The benefits of wheat grass juice are numerous, and are a key ingredient if you are juicing for health reasons.
Substitute meals on occasion with your juicing. There are multiple servings of fruit and vegetables going into your mix and this can equate to a very healthy meal. Occasionally substituting a juice blend for a meal will reduce the amount of nontraditional ingredients you are consuming from processed foods and you will get more than enough nutrition.
In regards to juicing, it is important to consider the fact that you are creating a natural and cheap anti-aging product. This is important to consider when you weigh the costs of a juicer and produce, against how much you may pay for other methods of staying young, such as creams or medicines.
To entice kids to join you in your juicing adventures, start with smoothies. You can add honey, yogurt, or even fruit sherbet. Always start off with at least one vegetable or fruit in the smoothie, so that when you try adding different items it won’t taste much different than the first smoothie you’ve given to them.
Remove pits and seeds from your fruits before juicing them. Hard pits, like those found in peaches, will leave unpleasant chunks in your juice and can damage the blades of your juicer. Other seeds, such as apple seeds, may actually contain chemicals that are harmful. It’s best to remove them beforehand.
Be aware that wheat-grass is actually gluten free so if you know someone or if you suffer from a gluten intolerance you are free to use wheat grass in your juicing. The benefits from wheat grass are incredible so give it a shot and start incorporating it into your juicing endeavors.
When it comes to juicing, one thing that you want to keep in mind is that you want to make sure that all of your ingredients are correctly prepared before entering in the juicing machine. This is important so that you do not harm your juicing machine as well as so that you do not introduce seeds and peels into your juice.
As was mentioned in the beginning of this article, juicing and adding fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet is one of the best things you can do to improve your health. In order to get the most from juicing, you should research the benefits that different types of fruit and vegetable juices offer. The advice from this article will help you ensure that you juice intelligently.

Goji Berry Juice: Superiority Over Other Juices
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWvnzDknQOU&w=420&h=315]
Countless benefits of fruit juices have been promoted for overall health and wellness. Despite the availability of various over-the-counter drugs and supplements, fruit juices are still the preferred means of getting an extra energy boost. The goji berry juice is the latest addition to the long list of so-called super-drinks that have gained the recognition of many health experts. Celebrities like Madonna, Elizabeth Hurley, and Gene Simmons are said to include goji berries in their diet for its health properties. Enhanced immune system, anti-fatigue effects, weight-loss, and free radical prevention are some the primary health benefits of goji berry juice.
Many stories throughout time have been talked about the goji berry juice benefits. The goji berry traces its origins in the valleys of the Himalayas, China, and Mongolia. This berry is known in Asia as a very nutritious food and have been used as part of traditional Chinese medicine for about 2,000 years because of its natural health benefits. Goji berry juice are said to contain many antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients. Several Chinese studies show that the goji berries are rich in antioxidants and other components that have the ability to eliminate the development of many forms of cancer. It said to contain 19 amino acids that help improve metabolism, regulate blood pressure, and control body weight. These essential amino acids also help fight premature aging.
Traditional health benefits of goji juice include the following:
Strengthens the heart and alleviate heart palpitations
Fights insomnia and forgetfulness
Contains polysaccharides which control the pituitary glands that produce HGH (human growth hormone) which is a powerful anti-aging hormone
Can be used by pregnant women to alleviate morning sickness
Can help improve sexual performance
Boosts the function of the immune system
Has some anti-cancer properties and has been successfully used to treat hepatitis-B
Has been used successfully for weight loss
Helps the body detox, cleans the blood and build the immune system
The health benefits of goji berry juice have been reflected in many medical conditions. This juice may help control obesity, age-related macular degeneration, restore hair color, improve the immune system, treat sexual dysfunction and infertility. Studies show that people who added goji berry juice to their daily food regimen experience a sense of well-being.
Many nutrition books have suggested that the goji berry juice is one of the most significant discoveries in decades. Because of the anti-aging and other health benefits of this juice it has gained superiority among many kinds of juice. This juice may increase energy vitality and lead to improved overall health and well-being.
However, it is important to make sure that one’s goji berry juice contain berries from the Himalayan regions to make sure that these berries contain the polysaccharides that are thought to be the key to the health benefits the goji berry may provide. Many versions of this drink are not 100% goji juice and may contain apple or grape juice. To receive its health benefits, 100% pure Himalayan juice should be consumed.