Ditch The Dairy

Dairy products seem to be controversial today. Is it natural to eat dairy? A common argument with vegan activists is that it is unnatural to consume dairy. Humans are the only species that consume the milk from another animal. The main carbohydrate in dairy is lactose, a “milk sugar” that is made of the two simple sugars glucose and galactose. Today, about 75% of the world’s population is unable to break down lactose as adults.  People who are lactose intolerant have digestive symptoms when they consume dairy products. This includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and related symptoms.

If you cut dairy out it can have benefits such as CANCER PREVENTION. Prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers have been linked to dairy consumption.  And if you’ve read The China Study, you’re aware of the link between casein (the main protein in milk) and cancer. If you haven’t read it please go to my shop page and READ it! D. T. Colin Campbell says casein is one of the most significant cancer promoters ever discovered. Think about how much America consumes milk, yogurt, and cheese. No wonder there is a cancer epidemic! Childhood diets rich in dairy products are associated with cancer in adulthood. It’s time this STOPS!

They also say cheese is VERY addictive, it’s just as addictive as crack. In fact, the reason is because of that chemical casein. It spikes dopamine receptors and triggers that addictive element.

In just one cup of vanilla ice cream, per the USDA nutrient database, there are 273 calories, and almost 50% of them come from fat (14.5g), most of which is saturated (9g). The rest of the calories are mostly sugar and about 7% of calories are coming from protein. Casein, or the main dairy protein, has been shown to dramatically affect cancer promotion in experimental models and be significantly worse than plant proteins at raising cholesterol levels.

You have to decide for yourself what risks you want to take. Would you be happy with the risk associated with 3 cigarettes a day? A cup of ice cream a day? Would you be happy with not breathing as well or chronic sinus problems (if you smoked), or struggling with weight and other health problems (daily ice cream)?

As Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has said, the most dangerous phrase we have is “This little bit won’t hurt”. In reality that little bit might hurt quite a lot…

Dairy causes Osteoporosis. Seems counterintuitive because we’ve grown up thinking drinking milk is good for our bones. So, why do the countries that guzzle the most dairy have the highest osteoporosis rates? When we eat diets high in animal protein (dairy included) our bodies become acidic and calcium is drawn from our bones to neutralize that acidic environment- cheese is especially acidic. Ditch the dairy (and the meat) to help maintain a more alkaline state in your body!

All the dairy we consume can pack on that cholesterol and saturated fat to one’s diet, which can cause Heart Disease. A plant based diet has been shown not only to prevent heart disease, but it can also REVERSE it.

Dairy has no fiber, and neither does meat. This can cause Constipation! So ditch those laxatives and change your diet! You’ll poop easy! There, I said it.

The mass production of dairy requires cows being stressed out to unnatural and unfathomable levels. The stress results in mastitis in the cows- which require Antibiotics and Hormones, which make their way into the milk markets. As well, synthetic hormones are commonly used in dairy cows to increase the production of their milk. Do you want to drink growth hormones and antibiotics? Do you want your children to?

Bottom line- Ditch the dairy. Your body will thank you.

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