Healthy Tips While Traveling

Whether we are searching for big city lights, natural starlight, or we’re headed home for the holidays, a full tank of gas in the car and a packed suitcase means an adventure lies ahead. When we’re at home we try to live consciously, and we care about a healthy gut as well as a healthy wallet. Why does it seem to fly out of the window when we’re on the road? Healthy choices while on the road ARE possible! For your body and your wallet! I’m going to share some of my tips and tricks for healthy traveling!


Pack Up Your Pantry
A healthy travel time starts at home in your pantry! Before you get going – pack some supplies from your pantry to get you through on the road. Depending on where I’m going or how long I’ll be on the road I typically take some (or all) of the following items to reduce that footprint.

Health Conscious/ Trash Reducing Travel Checklist:
• Reusable food and sandwich wraps (I prefer this bee’s wax wrap)
• Reusable water bottle (preferably glass)
• Glass canning jars with lids
• Glass storage containers with snap on lids (trust me on this one)
Eco friendly spork
• Small cooler and ice packs
• An extra trash/recycle bag to store your waste while on the go

Traveling can be rough on your gut! When we disrupt our daily routine, we need to be more aware of maintaining healthy habits. Your gut is happiest when you give it familiar foods. And road tripping demands planning, so it’s best to plan ahead for a healthy gut and an active brain when you’re on the road! Here are some must-have items that I always bring with me:

Leftovers– Your stomach likes what it already knows! Healthy left overs can make your day of travel feel familiar. You can even use glass jars to pack salads or complete meals.
Nuts and Seeds– I love to make a smoothie before I hit the road and hemp and chia seeds are very my personal favorite to load up on before I hit the open road. Nuts and seeds are packed with minerals, proteins, and healthy fats keeping you full and feeling great. They are the perfect snack.
Fruits and Vegetables– Oranges, apples, carrots, celery sticks, and snap peas are great travel snacks. Each of these snacks give you healthy gut fiber and keep well while traveling.
Hummus– Keep it cold or use it quickly but this adds nutrition (and flavor!) to all kinds of foods
Avocados– The perfect snack. Need I say more?

Traveling through the US you can expect to traverse through a food desert. This makes it important to do your homework and map out where the food oases are—and where they aren’t. One thing you can do is research farmers markets or local co-ops in towns and cities. If possible try to aim to travel through these places during hours where markets are open. Also, be sure to look at seasonal markets and hours so you don’t find yourself out of luck.

Another thing I love to do is look for farmer stands selling fresh fruits and veggies right off the side of the road/exit! I often find that these sweet little places have tons of locally sourced treats you might never see in a city market. Plus, visiting local vendors can be a great way to support local business, get to know towns and connect with the community, even though you are just passing through.

Embrace Flexibility and Expect Surprises!

Sometimes when we’re on the road it seems to demand compromise. The more you know about what resources you have and the more prepared you are, the better you can feel about the choices you make!
But don’t panic! Every year more and more of these superstores (Wal-Mart, Costco, Target) stock and label organic and locally grown products. While this may not be your cup of tea, they are an option and something to keep in mind if you are in a bind on the road. Plus more and more restaurants and chains are following suit by offering plant based options and antibiotic GMO-free ingredients, as well as supporting pasture-raised farmers.

But remember, when you plan ahead and map your gut healthy, cross country culinary course you will have the potential to save a lot of time on the road (and money!) And you may have more chances to find a scenic spot off the next exit or highway to picnic, discover, and refresh.

Happy Traveling!

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Traveling at night I like carrots or celery because the crunch of the bites keeps me more alert than a soft juicy peach.

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