Nutrition Response Testing


Nutrition Response Testing

by Dr. Randall Haas

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of illness and non-optimum health.

Our clinically proven system may be quite different from any other healing practice you have experienced. It is not one based on masking symptoms through drugs or medication but instead finding the underlying cause of the problem and helping the body heal itself. 

Factually, this is a new paradigm in healing and we believe this is Healthcare as Mother Nature Intended.

What can I expect in my first appointment?

We will have some questions for you before and during the testing. The first step involves a full health history, symptom survey, a Health Express Analysis computerized test and the Nutrition Response Testing itself. The actual procedure is simple and direct, with your body providing all the information and feedback needed. We use the extraordinary ability of the human cells and tissues to bring about healing and health improvements bringing about a Total Health Restoration for you and your entire family.

What are we testing for?

As the Doctor is using the Nutrition Response Testing he is testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the nervous system’s way of telling him what and how your organ’s and other body systems are doing because the nervous system regulates the body’s functions for each and every organ. The testing includes all organs, glands, joints, muscles and the entire body.

These reflexes are tested on the surface of the body and then the findings are analyzed and your personal Total Health Restoration program will be designed.

He will do the analysis by contacting your extended arm with one hand while contacting a specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to your extended arm and send it to the stressed organ or body part.  This will cause your extended arm to weaken and drop.  This indicates an underlying stress or other dysfunction in that area of your body which may be adversely affecting your health.

Once the underlying cause of the dysfunction is corrected using proper nutrition the “weak” muscle response in your arm will no longer occur.

Since we directly use your body and nervous system for analysis it is faster and often more accurate than lab tests.  Additionally, there are no huge, expensive machines, no drugs, surgery, nasty needles or hefty lab fees to cover.

How soon will I see improvement?

Although every case is different, we often hear enthusiastic reports from patients in as little as 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are from those who most closely follow their recommended nutritional program.

Is it Important to stick to the plan?

Generally chronic health problems do not suddenly develop overnight. They develop over years of improper nutrition and eating unhealthy, or due to taking prescription drugs, or other environmental toxins present in the body. This causes nutritional deficiencies and imbalances which then become chronic health problems. Often there are additional issues from chemical toxins to heavy metals, parasites, radiation, pollutants and other environmental health hazards.  All of these things have created your current health condition.

Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you get started on taking control of your health and get a nutrition program specifically created to fix your health issues the faster you see results.  Once you start your Total Health Restoration program if you continue your poor dietary habits and don’t use self-discipline (and our guidance) to overcome these, you may not improve as much as you’d hoped.  Full and dedicated commitment to the program is what will restore you to optimum health, vitality and well-being.

What are my chances for recovery?

Nutrition Response Testing, as developed by Dr. Freddie Ulan, has been successfully applied for nearly 2 decades to 10s of thousands of patients with a wide variety of often chronic, long-term health conditions by hundreds of Doctors and Practitioners across the United States and Canada.  After it is determined that you are indeed a case whose health condition can be significantly helped with Nutrition Response Testing in our clinical experience we don’t believe there is any healing method which could help you more than Nutrition Response Testing, Designed Clinical Nutrition and a Total Health Restoration program. If, after your first visit, it is determined you are not a case who could be helped by Nutrition Response Testing and Designed Clinical Nutrition we will not accept you as a patient. That being said, it is also our experience that the majority (90-95%) of patients that experience non-optimum and chronic health conditions CAN be helped if they choose to start on the road to true healing through our programs.

The program consists of an initial visit, a subsequent Report of Finding visit, and then a package of 12 short testing visits that begin typically as weekly, and then may be spread out based on the patient’s improvement. Additionally, a re-evaluation (both subjective and objective) to assess improvement occurs twice during the program.


Chiropractor Randall Haas D.C.

Dr. Randall Haas has been freeing people from pain since 1978 in his office in Jacksonville, FL. As a Chiropractor with experience, his professionals are committed to promoting the health and well being of his patients.

Dr. Haas uses a “whole person approach” when taking care of his patients. By combining the very best hands-on-technique, state of the art physiotherapy procedures, and providing the newest and best natural vitamins and mineral supplements on the market today, Dr. Haas is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.

Dr. Randall Haas was raised in Jacksonville and attended the Bolles School before moving to South Carolina, where he completed high school. After graduating from Wofford College in S.C. with a B.A. in government (as a Dean’s List Student), he served two years in the U.S. Coast Guard as a Dental Technician. He then enrolled in the National College of Chiropractic (near Chicago) where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree, completing the 4 year program in 3 ½ years. Again, he was on the Dean’s List and was a member of Delta Tau Alpha, the national scholastic honor society. Dr. Haas returned to his roots in Jacksonville in 1978 to open his practice.

In addition to maintaining a busy practice, Dr. Haas continues to be an active and contributing member of the Jacksonville community. He has served on the boards of the Jacksonville Zoological Society; the Southside Business Men’s Club, the Jewish Children’s and Family Services and is a past President of the Executive Association of Jacksonville. He is also a 32nd Degree mason and is a member of his synagogue’s choir. He has sung with the San Francisco Summer Civic Chorale, led by the renowned Arthur Fiedler, and with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Choir.

In constantly striving for excellence and the expansion of his knowledge, Dr. Haas regularly attends postgraduate seminars and workshops with an emphasis on nutrition and holistic health care advances.

The cornerstone of Dr. Haas’ many successes in his 34 years of practice remains that seeing each and every person as a unique individual and to give the very best care to those whom he is privileged to serve.

Breakthrough Healthcare

11481 Old St Augustine Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32258

Phone: 904-260-1993

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