Alternative Health

Anti-Aging Tips for Baby Boomers in Retirement
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Many baby boomers in retirement are becoming more and more concerned with their health needs. Aging has become a reality, so they must take steps to improve or maintain good health and slow the aging process.
According to a recent study by Herbal News Magazine, baby boomers born between 1948 and 1953 evaluated their general health more poorly than their elders, based on a similar study conducted in 1992. Perhaps this happened because the Baby Boom generation was generally less physically active than their elders had been, both at home and at work. Less physical activity and poor eating habits have led to many cases of diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure among baby boomers in retirement.
Fortunately, it’s not too late for baby boomers to become pro-active in their own physical well-being. These anti-aging and health tips can help.
Use Herbs to Supplement Diet
Herbs have been around since the earth’s beginnings and can often be found in seasoning and spices we use, plants, many organic foods, and herbal supplements. With the onslaught of pharmaceutical companies and modern medicine, herb use for anti-aging and good health dwindled for a while. But now, baby boomers are realizing the many benefits of holistic health and that herbs offer an affordable alternative to many prescription or over-the-counter drugs.
Some popular herbs for enhanced health and anti-aging include oregano, alfalfa, wheat germ, Echinacea root, fenugreek, arginine, witch hazel, cinnamon, cardamom, dill, peppermint, thyme, ginseng, ginger, rosemary, black pepper, green tea, cat’s claw, and many others. Ginger, for instance, is an antioxidant that helps cleanse the colon, stimulate circulation, and reduce spasms and cramps. It also helps reduce hot flashes and indigestion. Alfalfa detoxifies the body and works as a natural diuretic, hormonal balancer, and cholesterol reducer. Cinnamon enhances the metabolism to help with weight loss, and it is recommended for fungal infections, digestive problems, diabetes, yeast infection, and other ailments. The list of herbs available today goes on and on.
Baby boomers in retirement can see a holistic doctor or one that specializes in homeopathy to discover herbs or alternative medicines that will work best for them.
Natural Healing
Another way baby boomers can improve health and prolong the aging process is through natural methods and remedies for healing. The “ancients” often turned to natural remedies for healing because they didn’t have a doctor’s office or local hospital nearby. Today, many people turn to drugs, which only treat the symptoms, not the problem. Though some diseases and sicknesses do require pharmaceutical drugs, there are many conditions that could possibly be healed naturally. Natural healing is available for many ailments including colds and congestion, back or neck pain, stress and tension, headaches, circulatory problems, and others.
There are several natural healing methods. Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy in which fine needles are used to unblock energy in the body so the healing process can take place naturally. Chiropractic methods include re-aligning or adjusting skeletal systems in the body to help the body release blockages and heal itself. Cranial sacral is the process of adjusting or aligning the bones of the skull to help with headaches, chronic pain, joint syndrome, or injuries to the head or spine. Massaging is a natural healing method in which the hands are used to gently release stress and tension through motion and pressure on certain muscles. Other natural healing methods include Rolfing, Shiatsu, reflexology, and the healing touch.
Choose All-Natural Beauty Products over Chemically-Based Products
Chemically-based beauty products might work wonders at enhancing beauty for now, but long-term use can actually speed up the aging process. Some products that promise beauty might actually dry or damage the skin, damage hair, and cause pre-mature wrinkles. Luckily, there are many organic beauty products available in lotions, shampoos, make-up, bath oils, and soaps to help skin stay beautiful and to reduce signs of aging. These are made of natural ingredients instead of dangerous toxins that can be absorbed into the body through the skin.
Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, and Relaxation
Three other key factors to good health for baby boomers are physical activity, healthy eating, and relaxation. Baby boomers in retirement can still be active doing the things they love such as walking or jogging, riding a bike, gardening, traveling and sight-seeing. Also, they can eat healthier by choosing foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Finding a way to relax each day is also important for good health. A soothing bath in natural bath oil, reading a book, spending time outdoors on a swing… all these offer time to relax and clear the mind of the day’s stressful activities.
These methods have helped many people, but a doctor should be seen with any serious illness. Herbs and alternative medicines are not automatic cure-alls, but are meant to enhance health and help the body heal itself of minor illnesses.
Baby boomers in retirement don’t have to stand by and watch their health go downhill. The Internet is a great resource to get started and research different herbs and their health benefits. It’s time to take action with these natural health and antiaging tips!

Alternative Therapies For Asthma Treatment — Biofeedback Holds Promise
Source: Flickr
Are there effective alternative therapies for asthma? Many researchers believe biofeedback holds promise as a way to help asthma patients.
What is biofeedback all about? It involves measuring a person’s body processes like heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, etc and providing this information to the person in real time. This creates awareness of these processes and in turn, can help the person gain conscious control over related body functions.
For instance, scientists have shown that a person can consciously influence his heartbeat. In fact, some studies at the National Institutes for Health have indicated that patients can be trained even to lower their blood pressure.
Biofeedback training is part of what is called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It was Dr. Neal Miller, a neuroscientist at Yale who first said that it is possible to exert conscious control over automatic body functions. The scientific and medical establishment of the time scoffed at his statement and held that such things are impossible.
However, subsequent research by several groups has shown that control over unconscious body functions is indeed possible. Many patients have found relief from migraine using biofeedback training. Some researchers are studying the possibility of using biofeedback as the main treatment for high blood pressure problems.
How does biofeedback apply to asthma?
During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways are inflamed and contracted. If these muscles can be relaxed, air would flow more freely into the lungs and the distressing symptoms of asthma would be alleviated. Biofeedback systems train the patient to accomplish just that.
In addition, asthma patients often have abnormal breathing patterns. The Society for Applied Psychotherapy and Biofeedback says that ‘barrel breathing’ is one such pattern. This is when the asthmatic takes in a deep breath and then doesn’t fully breathe out. Instead, they take several shallow in and out breaths without emptying their lungs completely.
As a result, their lungs can’t be refilled with fresh air since they never empty fully when breathing out.
Using a process called pneumographic biofeedback, asthma patients learn to recognize their altered heart rates that occur during barrel breathing. And they learn to change their breathing pattern to lower their heart rate as well as improve oxygen intake.
Some studies have concluded that this type of biofeedback treatment not only reduced the symptoms of asthma but also brought down lung inflammation and resistance to normal breathing. The heart beat variability biorhythm treatment has also resulted in lowered medication use and better pulmonary function.
The National Institutes of Health advices asthma patients who wish to use biofeedback training to work with a competent trainer and to keep their doctor fully informed. The latter is important because asthma patients should be monitored regularly and medication may need to be adjusted from time to time.
Overall, biofeedback treatment is one of the more promising alternative therapies for asthma.

The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi
Source: Flickr
More and more people are looking at the different alternative health therapy options these days. In this article, I write about the health benefits which using tai chi can bring. I hope you enjoy the read.
Tai chi is the most popular exercise in the world today. It is relatively new to the western world but is becoming more and more popular. The two thousand year old Chinese martial art is quite simple to do and has many benefits.
I have been attending tai chi classes for around a year now and it has massively helped me to control my anxiety and stress levels. Stress has been a big factor in my life and I have always struggled to think in a positive way. I now try many alternative treatments to manage my stress including meditation and tai chi. Both work very well for me.
I was introduced to tai chi by a friend. I must say that I did not really know much about it before this. He told me that it had helped him no end in controlling his depression. His name is John and he has many issues in his life which not only affect his self-confidence but also makes him very depressed at times. John has been attending tai chi classes for nearly two years and has seemingly become a new man. For whatever reason he did not tell people about what he was doing. On a night out I mentioned to him that he had been a lot happier in the recent months. This is when he talked to me about tai chi. He also asked if I would like to attend the classes with him, which I duly agreed to. I am very glad that we had this conversation as I can also quite easily spiral into a state of depression.
It may be a piece of mind thing as I know that I will be attending a tai chi once a week, but I am now very able to deal with stress and am far less anxious than I ever used to be.
People have also mentioned that I look far healthier and even that I look younger than before. This is supposed to be another benefit of tai chi, it helps to delay the aging process. This is good for somebody like me as people always thought that I was around five years older than I actually was.
Other health benefits of tai chi:
Helps to keep people mobile well into old age
Helps to improve balance
Helps to reduce asthma
Helps people to recover from certain injuries
Helps to boost the immune system
Helps to lower blood pressure
In conclusion, if you are like me and are a person who is always stressed out and often depressed, tai chi could be the answer for you. Give it a go and it could change your life.
It goes without saying that tai chi is not for everybody and I would also recommend meditation, reflexology, aromatherapy, and hypnotherapy.
I am a person who likes to try new things as I am always trying to improve my life. I want to live a long, happy and stress free life. Using these forms of alternative treatments is helping me to achieve this at the moment.
Steve Hill

Alternatives to Detoxification Methods
Source: Flickr
There are many people who insist that detoxification of the body is essential to keeping your body clean of foreign substances and making yourself healthier. However, there are plenty of other ways to accomplish these same goals without going through specific rigorous and intense detoxification instructions. Even though detoxification methods have proven themselves effective, and thousands of people do adhere to them, here are some other detoxification methods that you may or may not have thought about.
This alternative detoxification method is already used by very many people throughout the world, and it is a very old practice that has recently been popular in Western society and the United States. The principle of aromatherapy, though, rests on the fact that breathing in vapors and scents through certain aromas will help the body rid itself of the toxins. These specific aromas that can be used can usually be purchased at health food and other grocery stores. Some of the aromatherapy can be used while giving yourself a hot bath or shower. If taking a bath then the oils and vapors can be added directly to the water that you’re soaking in. People believe that the toxins in the body will leave once the water, vapors, and oils are soaked into the skin, as well as breathed in through the nose. Aromatherapy definitely is an interesting alternative to following rigid detoxification methods, though, and there are people all over the world that claim that it works just as well, if not better.
Just like aromatherapy, acupuncture was used in Eastern societies many centuries ago and it has come to Western societies today in order to bring good health to everyone. Acupuncture can be used as an alternative to detoxification because it is believed that the needles that are placed in the skin have something to do with the pressure points on the body. These pressure points, though, the pressure of the needles, will be able to relax and detoxify the body. There are all sorts of people who perform acupuncture on a regular basis, and many people contend that acupuncture is an excellent alternative to drinking natural juices, soups, and other raw vegetables for a whole week, which is what many detoxification methods require.
Healthy Diet
Among other things, studies have shown that people who engage in healthy diets will be healthier than others across the board. Millions of people continue to eat healthy everyday, having whole wheat sandwiches instead of Big Macs, cooking eggs instead of eating restaurant eggs, as well as just eating better in general. Putting yourself on a healthy diet will probably benefit you more than any other detoxification method ever could simply because you are not restricting yourself to what you can eat. On the other hand, detoxification methods usually call upon the body to give up food for one or two days while pureed and blended juices need to be digested.
All in all, though, these are some definite alternative detoxification methods that truly work. Even though many people still engage in detoxification methods because they work, it is certainly nice to know that there are other alternatives available.

Alternative Herbal Medicine: 100% Natural Home-Made Remedies
A fever, flu, or a sore throat doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be going to the hospital to have a doctor look at it. It would be safe to say that you will only be wasting your money for being diagnosed with a mild fever and prescribed with expensive medicines just to get it out of your system. A solution to common health-related problems can be easily found in your family kitchen — alternative herbal medicines that you can easily make in the comforts of your own home.
Alternative Herbal Medicine Facts
It is a proven fact that herbal medicines are very safe to use. Doctor approves them for their patients to assist in recovery. You can either purchase herbal diet supplements from health shops in your area or you can make some for yourself in your family kitchen.
Keep in mind, however, that not all herbal supplements sold in the market today are safe to use. Due to its popularity, there might be scammers out there that replicate a product with no health value in it whatsoever. Consumers need to check the labels carefully to ensure that it came from a credible pharmaceutical company or better make your own herbal concoction at home using 100% natural ingredients.
Preparation Is Important
Preparation is very important if you plan to make your own herbal remedies at home. Make sure that your ingredients are clean and fresh. Ladles and pans should not be made of metal or stainless steel materials to avoid chemicals being included in the mix. You might also want to check out some tips and tricks on how to properly prepare and process your herbal remedy for better results.
Anti-Oxidants – Garlic, Onion, And Pepper
Most of the spices found in our kitchen are anti-oxidants. You can practically see a lot of diet supplements that offers to get rid of nasty toxins out of your system — they are expensive yes, but they do work. You can get the same out of your kitchen ingredients without having to dish out your savings for it. The good part about it is that you don’t have to worry about side-effects — what you take in is 100% natural.
Kitchen spices like garlic, onions, and pepper seeds are great anti-oxidants. You can include them in your daily meals or you can concoct a health drink out of it. Clean them thoroughly and chop them up. Cook them up in boiling water and let it stew for a few minutes. Drain it with a strainer and you have an anti-oxidant drink ready for you use.
The Best Medicine – Ginseng
Ginseng is one of the widely celebrated herbal medicines used today. Asians and North Americans use it extensively for their healing arts — from ancient time to the present. This is mainly used to help a person relax and adapt to any forms of stress. The root is a known panacea that can help the body recover from any types of disease.
It has been known to be used for enhancing physical and mental performance — usually for added stamina without any side-effects. Ginseng can also lower cholesterol level of patients with high-blood pressure and can improve the body’s natural resistance to common health problems. You can use it as a tea or stuff it in a bottle with water to age for a more potent brew.

Like Magic Discover A Weight Wathcers Alternative
Like Magic Discover A Weight Wathcers Alternative
If you’re looking for a weight wathcers alternative, there may be more choices that you have available to you than you realize. No matter what your weight loss goals may be, you can search for a weight wathcers alternative that suits your lifestyle and budget. And the good news is that the alternative you select can work to help you lose the weight safely and in a manner that will help you to maintain your ideal weight in the future.
There are so many dieting alternatives on the market today it is no wonder that some people find it very confusing and difficult to choose a program that will work in helping them to lose weight. If you have been searching for an alternative dieting program that will help you lose weight but haven’t found the right program for you, rest assured that your search is not in vain and that there are programs that you can use to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.
If you are searching for a weight wathcers alternative, the first step is to recognize the difference between the successful alternatives and those that are just designed as a competitive money-making alternative that may not work for you. The next step in choosing a weight wathcers alternative is to make sure that it is designed to work with your body type and eating lifestyle. Even the best weight wathcers alternative won’t work if you can’t maintain the diet’s requirements.
Understand that the dieting industry has many weight loss alternatives that are currently on the market and that many of these alternatives are not approved nor endorsed by the FDA and other authorities that test such programs to ensure their safety and success rates. This means that whatever weight wathcers alternative you select, you want to be sure that it is a tested program that has produced successful results. You can search for blind and double blind results that let you know you aren’t the first person to try your particular alternative and to see some of the different body types that have been helped by following the alternative.
Starting a new dieting program of any type is a life change. Don’t feel like it has to be done overnight or that there won’t be challenges to face. Do believe in yourself and your ability to find the right program for you and to stick to that program for your health and to keep you healthy for those you love and care for.
Schedule milestones along the way and reward yourself as you reach each of those points. When you reach your ideal weight, plan a party or vacation to show off your new body to the world around you. Know that there is a weight wathcers alternative that’s just right for you and it is available for your use and ready when you are so if you’ve been waiting for the right time, that time is here!

The Power of Natural Alternative Medicine – Part 1
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. “…Thomas Edison, 1902.
We have many different options for healthcare today, but the focus will be on biologically based treatments and prevention. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) defines the scope of biologically based practices to include, but is not limited to, botanicals, animal-derived extracts, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, prebiotics and probiotics, whole diets, and functional foods.
But first, let’s take a look at the different philosophies of healthcare practiced today. Allopathic, alternative, complementary, integrative-what does it all mean? Each includes many different kinds of therapies, and although alternative, complementary and integrative are sometimes used interchangeably, the general focus of each is different.
Allopathic medicine focuses on disease and the treatment of the physical body with drugs and surgery. These are conventional physicians with the title of M.D. that are universally recognized as having a medical degree.
Alternative medicine includes those therapies not generally recommended by allopathic physicians. It includes Energy Medicine, Ethnomedicine, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homeopathic Medicine, Botanical or Herbal Medicine, Bio molecular Medicine, Manual Medicine, Spiritual Medicine.
Complementary medicine includes therapies used by both alternative and allopathic physicians. It includes Exercise Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Nutritional Medicine.
Integrative medicine is the attempt to integrate the many philosophies of medicine, allopathic, complementary, and alternative, to treat the whole person, physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual.
Many people are hesitant about trusting their healthcare to anyone other than an allopathic physician. But did you know that Naturopathic Medical Doctors are the only physicians who receive complete training in conventional medicine as well as natural medicine? Licensed Naturopathic medical doctors (N.M.D./N.D.) attend a four-year graduate level Naturopathic medical school where they are educated in all of the same basic sciences as a conventional M.D. In addition to this training, they are extensively educated in the philosophy and implementation of safe and effective natural therapeutics with a strong emphasis on disease prevention. Unfortunately, some states do not yet offer licensing for Naturopathic Doctors.
Allopathic physicians and pharmaceutical drugs are, and always will be, necessary for acute, emergency medical care and trauma, as well as for conditions that cannot be controlled with lifestyle changes, good nutrition and supplements. But many conditions can be prevented and controlled with lifestyle changes and biologically based medicine. Just as many pharmaceutical drugs can interact with other drugs, some biologically based supplements may interact with drugs and cause side effects, so a healthcare provider should always be consulted before adding supplements to the diet. In some cases, alternative therapy may actually have beneficial synergistic effects in conjunction with existing medical therapy, even when not feasible as a replacement.
Biologically based medicine is not new. It was practiced for thousands of years before pharmaceutical companies began manufacturing the first synthetic drugs. In addition, many of the pharmaceutical preparations used around the world are based on plants. As late as the 1930’s, the formulation of about 80% of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs began with a natural compound. Today, about 25% of prescription drugs contain active ingredients derived from plants.
The United States has the most advanced medical system in the world, yet the population is increasingly turning to natural healing methods. However, the U.S. still lags behind world stats. A survey of 31,000 U.S. adults conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics in 2004 showed that 35 percent use some form of complementary and alternative medicine. Today, the World Health Organization estimates that herbal medicine is still the primary source of health care for approximately 80 percent of the world’s population.
Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States. These diseases and other chronic diseases such as obesity, depression, metabolic and digestive disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and fibroids, account for 7 of every 10 deaths and affect the quality of life of 90 million Americans. Chronic diseases are among the most prevalent and most costly, yet they are the most preventable.
Conventional physicians treat chronic diseases with expensive pharmaceuticals that may temporarily relieve the painful or uncomfortable symptoms, but the drugs do nothing to resolve the underlying cause, and may actually cause other side effects and serious problems. Because nutrition affects our immune system, organ function, hormonal balance and cellular metabolism, many of these chronic conditions and diseases can be traced to a nutrition deficiency. When the deficiency is not corrected, symptoms begin to appear and eventually lead to disease and premature aging.
Many pharmaceuticals can effectively be replaced with multi vitamin supplements, botanicals, amino acids, prebiotics and probiotics, fresh foods and functional foods for both prevention and treatment. Because herbs work synergistically, combinations of herbs with similar properties enhance the properties of each. This is why choosing a product containing a combination of different herbs is usually more effective than choosing individual selections. An example of this is the combination of valerian, passion flower and hops to promote relaxation and restful sleep. All three have a relaxing effect on the body. Valerian relaxes muscle tension, while hops relaxes the nervous system, and passiflora acts as a sedative. Popular alternative medicine company Melaleuca even offers a product called RestEZ that offers a supplement that contains all three natural sleep enhancers: valerian, passion flower and hops.
In part two of The Power of Natural Alternative Medicine we will discuss the regulation of nutritional supplements and little known history of natural medicine.

Discount Health Benefits Plans: A Sensible Alternative To Traditional Insurance Plans
A recent poll revealed that over 70% of Americans are either uninsured or underinsured. Surprisingly, the majority are from middle class households. Many of who are not offered health benefits by their employer or whom can’t afford the high-priced insurance premiums being offered.
In some states, there is an epidemic of children whose teeth are slowly rottening due to the lack of proper dental care. To help bring relief to this growing crisis, discount health care benefits providers have emerged. These companies do not provide health insurance, but they give an alternative that allows consumers to receive discounted fees per service. Unlike traditional insurance plans, these companies often have little or no exclusions, such as pre-existing conditions. Another plus is that consumers with immediate health care needs, can usually be seen by a doctor without having to wait for their coverage to “kick in”.
A potential drawback to discount health benefits plan is that consumers will pay for services upfront or at the time of service; unless other arrangements are made with that individual provider. This, in contrary to paying a co-pay or deductible at the time of service. Consumers with flexible spending accounts or medical savings accounts will be able to take advantage of this circumstance.
In some situations, depending on your health care provider’s policies, consumers have been able to use both the discount health plan alongside their insurance for even deeper savings. For example, you go into the dentist office for an extraction. The bill is $300. You hand your discount card to the insurance department, she gives you the discount, which normally ranges from 50 – 80%. This cuts your bill by up to $240! Leaving you with $60 left to pay. You pay the $60. Then file a claim with your insurance company for the $60. Let’s say your insurance company pays 80% of your bill. They will refund you $48 (80%), leaving you with a net bill of only $12, for what would have cost $300 normal price, or $60 with your insurance alone.
While some consumers are struggling with the high and growing price of insurance, others are discovering the savings of discount health benefits plans. By the year 2010, it is predicted that consumer driven health care, will be the future, leaving traditional insurance plans, to be a thing of the past.

Natural Healing Method Using Alternative Herbal Medicine
Medical practitioners of the Orient are know to incorporate natural healing methods with alternative herbal medicines. Instead of undergoing expensive medical treatment using synthetic and modern technologies, many find the natural method along with alternative herbal medicine a cost-effective solution to achieve the perfect health.
The belief of natural healing involves the use of 100% natural techniques and ingredients to promote better health. Synthetic medicines and modern medical technology are known to have side-effects that may prove to be fatal if not properly administered or performed.
The Benefits Of The Natural Healing Method
The natural healing method delves into the capability of the human body to adapt and recover without any outside help. Our bodies are equipped with its own defense mechanism towards illnesses and diseases. The method aims to strengthen this ability to boost the immune system to fight off health-related problems without any side-effects or complications.
Natural healing doesn’t only deal with physical health problems. In fact, it has been documented and proven that this method can also be used for mental and emotional ailments. Certain herbal compounds are known to induce relaxation to help a person deal with stress without having to take in synthetic products that can cause side-effects to crop up during use.
Certain plant extracts and aroma can directly affect the mind when inhaled and is most often used on patients suffering from behavioral problems. There are also some plants that can help the body relax when applied directly on the skin — like peppermint extract that can relax tight muscles that is usually attributed to stress. Natural healing method with herbal medicines can also help in weight loss programs for a slimmer and healthier body.
The art of acupuncture originated from the Chinese. It delves into the energy pathways in the human body called meridians. The oriental health experts believe that ailments and diseases are caused by blocked meridians that disrupt the flow of positive healing energy from circulating throughout the body.
Needles charged with positive energy are inserted into these meridian points to clear up the blockage, as well as to stimulate the flow of healthy energy deep within the body. Certain herbal medicines and concoctions are administered to their patients to increase the volume of healing energy for a full-body recovery.
Reiki and Qi Gong
Reiki and Qi Gong involve the healing of an individual using the positive energies of both the practitioner and those that stem from the universe. The practitioner of the art inscribes symbols upon the afflicted area on the human body and directs their energies into it for healing. Herbal medicines are given to their patients to amplify these positive energies for the treatment to yield beneficial results.
Proper Use Of Herbal Medicines
Despite the safe and beneficial results of using natural healing methods with alternative herbal medicine, there is a possibility that some adverse reactions might take place that might become a problem when left unchecked.
Despite the natural ingredients used in herbal products, we can never deny the fact that our body’s chemistry might react to it. There are even some natural healing methods that might cause problems instead of getting rid of it.
Such is the case; it is very important to consult an expert first before undertaking this solution. Have a full body check-up with your doctor and subject yourself to a complete laboratory exam to determine whether your body can use the treatment method safely or not.

Cinnamon: For Spice and Good Health
The aromatic scent of cinnamon is powerful because it makes many people feel warm and fuzzy. The health benefits of cinnamon have taken the backseat in favor of its spice properties. Many health experts claim that a dash of cinnamon can be a way to add flavor to many dishes and at the same time improve one’s health in many ways. For centuries, cinnamon has been used for traditional medicine and other therapeutic purposes. Many studies have supported the ancient health claims of this spice. Cinnamon is most known to medical experts because of its ability to fight fungal infections, prevent ulcers, treat tooth decay and gum disease, and alleviate gum disease.
Recent studies show that cinnamon can be used as an alternative medicine for heart health. Before stating the connection between heart health and cinnamon, the causes of heart disease should be tackled. The common causes of heart disease are:
· Tobacco smoke – Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factor for cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease. People who smoke cigars or cigarettes have increased risk of acquiring coronary heart ailments.
· High cholesterol levels – As one’s cholesterol levels rises, so does the risk of heart disease. Age, sex, and diet are some of the factors that determine one’s cholesterol level.
· Lack of physical activity – Physical inactivity is one of the the major factors for developing heart disease. Heart disease is characterized by deposits of fatty substance, cholesterol, and other substances that may block the lining of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
· Obesity and excess weight – Excess weight increases the work load of the heart and raises the blood pressure and cholesterol level. As this happens, the risk of heart disease heightens.
In addition to this factors, an individual’s response to stress can be a contributing factor. Some health specialists have noted the relationship between coronary heart disease and stressful lifestyle. For example, stressed people may start to smoke. Drinking too much alcohol can cause heart failure and eventually lead to stroke. It can contribute to obesity, alcoholism, and accidents.
Cinnamon can be used as an alternative to treat heart disease. This spice supports healthy blood sugar levels and also improve cholesterol levels. Cinnamon can reduce diabetes because an active molecule in cinnamon called proanthricyanidin. This molecule functions by activating insulin receptors within the cell, therefore facilitating the cell to use glucose for energy. Therefore lowering glucose and lipid workers. Cholesterol and diabetes are the common risk factors for heart disease.
In addition, cinnamon has antibacterial-inflammatory attribute that can reduce joint and muscle pain, especially the ones associated with arthritis. Many studies show that diabetics should take daily dose cinnamon may regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can also benefit one’s health by improving the body’s circulation. It also improves the digestive system and relieve many stomach discomforts. Studies add that a daily dose of cinnamon may relieve pains associated with their menstrual cycle.
While cinnamon can give many health benefits and improve overall well-being. The best options are taking cinnamon supplements or eating half a teaspoon of cinnamon than what individuals normally eat. Lastly, advice of medical specialists should be considered before trying cinnamon supplements and other forms of alternative medicine. Because side effects and interaction with other drugs may take place.