Natural Health And Wellness

Are Your Lifestyle Habits Killing You?
Are you one of the many Americans in life-threatening DANGER?!! Are harmful forces insidiously destroying the quality and length of your life? Do you even know whether your life is at risk?
Scientific and technological advances have greatly increased the average lifespan. With youth no longer short-lived, adults can now look and feel like they’re twenty, thirty years younger. Regardless, multitudes of Americans are excluding themselves from such opportunities. Fortitude: Health and Wellness Inc. reported that about 129 million people are overweight or obese. In 2000 17 million people had diabetes, and in 2003, only one year, 1.1 million people suffered from heart attacks. Heart disease is the first leading cause of death in the United States, and strokes are the third leading cause. It is time to become informed; often, these and many other ailments can be avoided. The fountain of youth may be only a myth. But with the right choices, you can come close to it.
An American Psychological Association (APA) survey found stress to have a direct relationship with the health problems in the country’s health concerns. Stress has the potential to impair health directly. However, as Americans handle stress with dangerous behaviors, stress indirectly becomes a major cause of unnecessary deaths. According to the American Psychological Association Practice Directorate, money, work, children, and the health problems of loved ones are the greatest causes of stress. Ironically, personal health was also included on this list. As many people worry about their own health, they in effect, increase problems and possibly shorten it. Tension and anxiety are often difficult to prevent, especially in today’s society. However, by not using the following coping strategies as stress “solutions,” Americans can greatly increase their chances of a long youthful life.
Perilous Lifestyles:
As stressful lives lead to poor nutrition, people entrap themselves within a vicious cycle. With so many people constantly on the go, eating a healthy, balanced diet has become more difficult than ever. The American Psychological Association found a direct correlation between eating fast food and levels of stress. Fast food, detrimentally high in calories, high in saturated fats, high in sugar, and low in whole grains, frequently becomes the norm. Proclaiming solutions to this nutrition deficient, too many fad diets focus on weight loss at the expense of nutrient assurance. According to the APA survey participants, one out of every four people relied on “comfort foods” when feeling stressed. Prolonged periods of anxiety cause the body to feel tired. Popular “comfort foods”, such as chips and ice cream, which contain un-complexed carbohydrates and high levels of fat, fail to serve as good energy-sources. The mere short boosts of energy caused from high sugar contents only leaves the body with greater feelings of exhaustion. Insomnia, mood swings, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weakened immune systems have a tendency to result from the combination of stress’s negative blood-sugar affects and the addition of a high-sugar diet. Needless to say, further complications, such as depression, diabetes, and obesity, often develop. Within an environment of such poor health, chances of congested heart failure greatly increase. The APA survey found that sixty-five percent of people whom relied on “comfort foods” were overweight and had twice the chance of potential obesity. Obesity, America’s severe growing epidemic, continues the negative chain by exposing the body to even further health complications.
Nevertheless, healthy, low-risk lifestyles need more than nutritious food in the diet; vitamins and supplements are essential. Today’s society makes it virtually impossible for even the most dedicated health food loyalist to receive all proper nutrients from food alone. For one it becomes more and more difficult to find healthy quick, dining-out food, but the hectic schedules of personal and professional life greatly decrease consistent home-cooked menus. Secondly, popular un-organic methods of growing, raising, and processing inevitably lose some of the natural nutrients. While compensating for nutrients lost and ignored in meal plans, vitamins also serve as natural and holistic alternatives to medications and offer solutions to medication shortcomings. There are many naturopathically trained physicians that can construct vitamin programs suited for individual needs.
Drastically causing health complications and premature deaths, cigarettes continue to bring a great threat to society. Even with all the research proving their dangers, cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are still used by a large percentage of Americans. Often attracting people bothered by stress, cigarettes too can actually increase feelings of anxiety. Including problems such as depleted bone density, emphysema, lung cancer, and heart disease, the risks of tobacco are innumerable. Until the elimination of tobacco, Americans will never achieve the possibility of a long healthy life.
Sedentary jobs and interests focused around televisions, video games, and computers continue to decrease activity levels. Public and personal transportation enables greater distances to be covered, and the transportation modes of walking and bicycles become less frequent. However, although societal changes largely reduce exercise opportunities, Americans must find ways to remain active. The lack of exercise is greatly responsible for the rapidly increasing rates of American obesity. Further, without activity people will not have the strength or endurance to maintain youth or longevity. Walking wherever possible and exercising at a gym serve as alternatives. Not only offering countless health benefits, but exercise also provides positive outlets to diminish stress. Activities such as yoga offer exercise while directly aiming at stress reduction.
Stress may be overwhelming, but the health problems caused from unhealthy reactions may be deadly. Modern society may pose an increasing number of obstacles, but you do not have to become a victim. By choosing nutritious foods, vitamins and supplements, and exercise and by avoiding tobacco, a long life of youth is more possible than ever. Start avoiding or reversing the danger in your life today.

Mineral Cosmetics – The Right Makeup Choice
Are you wearing chemical cosmetics but do not want to wear it any more. Do you feel the need of an alternative make up item, which can replace that synthetic and chemical makeup? If yes, then mineral cosmetics are an alternative for you. No matter in which age group you are, either you are in your teens or grown up adult or an old aged person.
The natural mineral cosmetics are useful to all. These cause no side effects.
Yes, you can say good-bye to those cosmetic makeup boxes and hello to Mineral Cosmetics, which will take care of you better. Not only you, other members in the family can use these mineral cosmetics and your friends will start asking for it. Mineral cosmetics are excellent caretakers for your skin. These will keep your skin young, shiny and beautiful.
Now, you will definitely be interested in knowing, what are mineral cosmetics?
Mineral cosmetics are prepared from naturally occurring substances. As the name suggests the source of these substances are different naturally found pigments from the earth. Mineral cosmetics are perfect solutions of the type, which do not block the skin pores. These also do not penetrate your skin. The non-pore clogging i.e. non – cosmodegenic property of mineral cosmetics differentiate it from other ordinary cosmetics. Any person can use mineral cosmetics; these are harmless and make skin healthy and beautiful. Since mineral cosmetics do not contain any harmful substance, any person can give these a try.
So ladies / women / girls if you want to look beautiful and need a healthy skin, the mineral make up is for you. By mixing some common simple materials you can prepare your mineral makeup kit. And once you will apply it the result will be great and you will stick to it for always. The mineral makeup is highly adaptable. One single pot / mineral makeup kit can work as your eye shadow, lipstick, nail polish, blush and eyeliner. Only you need to change the makeup brushes and few extra items.
For your wellness, mineral makeup is extremely good; it has no side effects and gives your body a good look and health. At the same time, if you are wearing mineral makeup, you will have enormous energy and confidence in you.
So it is for everyone and anyone.

Full Body Massage Uncovered – Part 1
A full body massage is a systematic, therapeutic stroking and kneading of your body’s muscles. There are many benefits that can be gained through regular massages including the most basic pay-off which is relaxation. But there are also additional benefits that lots of people aren’t even aware of. Aside from the physical benefits of massage which can greatly help to reduce pain and inflammation in some parts of the body, it is also beneficial for your mental health because it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those two factors alone can cause many other problems in your body.
Did you know that stress-related disorders are the basis for between 80 and 90 percent of the complaints that people visit their family physicians about? Human touch is a one of the best methods involved in the healing process, but the problem is, it’s not a method commonly practiced in modern medicine. A natural human instinct is to reach out to another person when you’re feeling overwhelmed. And if you’re like most people, you need an outlet for your frustrations, worries and concerns. Having someone to listen to you can be very comforting, but that doesn’t always solve the problem. Actually, one of the complaints heard frequently by massage therapists is that physicians don’t touch their patients any more.
What’s interesting is that years ago, massage was a big part of nursing. Apparently, there used to be a much higher level of personal care with a lot more touch involved – wellness expressed through massage. But now, especially with the recent shortage of nurses, they are for the most part, as busy as the doctors. Modern nurses are performing procedures and writing charts just like the physicians do, in addition to dealing with the patient’s insurance policies and companies. There isn’t, and hasn’t been, much opportunity for nurses give their patients massages for some time. Some believe that massage is crucial to the healing process and not only in a hospital atmosphere either.
Massages in general and specifically full body massages, have become increasingly popular over the years. More and more people are taking advantage of getting a massage on a regular basis. As a result, these lucky individuals live a less stressful life with a major reduction in anxiety levels, which brings about a better, overall sense of well-being. Massage simply enhances your general health – both physically and mentally.
If you haven’t tried a full body massage, it is highly recommended that you do. It’s a great way to get started on a path to healthier living and reaping the all of the benefits that a massage has to offer. After all, you owe it to yourself, don’t you?

Organic Foods: Why You Shouldn’t Let the Cost Turn You Away
Organic Foods: Why You Shouldn’t Let the Cost Turn You Away
Are you interested in improving your health? If you are, there are a number of steps that you can take. With that said, a great way to get started is by eating organic foods. There are a number of benefits to eating organic foods. One of those many benefits is that you are eating foods that are not made with artificial additives. This is only seen with organic foods. Many claim that eating organically is a great way to improve health and overall wellness.
As previously stated, eating organic foods is a great way to stay healthy. With that being said, many of the individuals who first examine organic foods are a little bit turned off by the cost. Typically, you will find that organic foods cost more than other traditional food products. Unfortunately, many find this a turn off and decide not to start eating a full organic diet. Of course, the decision to do so is yours to make, but you should not let the cost of organic foods turn you away. There are a number of reasons why organic foods are more than worth their costs and a few of the reasons why are highlighted below.
As previously stated, organic foods are healthy to eat. This, in turn, means that you can work to improve your health by eating them. Since organic foods are natural, you do not have to worry about artificial additives. As for fresh fruits and vegetables, organic foods are not treated with pesticides and other potentially harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, we do not truly know the full extent of what many pesticides and other similar chemicals can do to our bodies. That is why organic foods are a popular option for many, as some just aren’t willing to take the chance. If you are one of those individuals, the costs of organic foods are more than worth it.
As for why organic foods cost more money, there are a number of different reasons. For starters, it is important to know that a lot of time and hard work is required to make organic foods. Many are surprised to learn this, as many suspected just the opposite. Organic foods must undergo rigorous tests to be considered certified organic. This requires a lot of equipment upgrades and inspections. Many of the farmers who now produce organic fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, usually didn’t start out doing so. Farmers who make the switch to organic foods, often find themselves spending a considerable amount of money on upgrades, which can have an impact on the cost of organic foods, especially those that are sold directly by the farmers.
Another one of the many reasons why you should not let the costs of organic foods turn you away from eating healthy is because there are a number of steps that you can take to save money. For starters, it is a good idea to carefully choose the organic food stores that you shop at. Look for stores that sell organic foods at everyday low prices or stores that are known for having weekly or monthly sales. Stocking up when you find a great deal is another one of the many ways to save money when looking to eat healthy, but while on a budget at the same time. Organic food coupons can also be used. Organic food coupons can sometimes be found in many food stores, online, and in weekend newspaper inserts.
As you can see, there are a number of different reasons why you should give organic foods a close look, despite their high costs. Organic foods are ideal for individuals of all ages, which is great if you are looking to improve the health of your whole family, not just your own. Even with an increased cost, especially when compared to other foods, organic foods are still popular. This is largely due in part to their large number of benefits, which as previously stated, include one hundred percent natural foods.
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Wellness Tips: Health Products for Cholesterol, Weight Loss and Anti-Aging
If you are concerned for your health and do not want to rely on prescription or over-the-counter drugs, there are other ways to encourage better health. Changing your diet and taking nutritional supplements can help you avoid serious health problems and help you feel better as you age.
Lowering cholesterol has become a major concern for many people as they enter middle age and beyond. If left unchecked, high cholesterol can become a serious health hazard. It increases the potential for heart disease, heart attack and stroke. If it is not treated, the arteries continue to build up plaque and become dangerously clogged.
Lower Cholesterol
There are many different drugs to treat high cholesterol but they also have negative side effects with continued use. There are nutritional supplements that are prepared with all natural ingredients that offer comparable benefits, often without harmful side effects. These health products usually work to lower cholesterol in your body that is not healthy. The LDL is harmful and can block arteries and cause serious health problems. Having a higher HDL can help remove the harmful cholesterol and prevent heart attacks.
Diet is also important for men’s health and women’s health. A diet high in leafy green vegetables and fruit can help raise your HDL, but white meat and dairy products tend to raise the harmful LDL. A healthy diet is essential for weight loss and overall health. Eating high fiber foods will help many areas of your body function more efficiently. Cut back on fatty foods, and you will see improvement in your digestion and weight.
An important factor in both lowering cholesterol and weight loss is exercise. Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular health as well. Exercise works naturally to burn excess fats and sugars. This helps your liver make HDL, the good cholesterol. It also strengthens your lymph system, improves circulation and helps fight diabetes.
There are many natural health products to help lower cholesterol, lose weight and help with aging. There are herbal and nutritional combinations to aid in weight loss by burning fat, speeding up metabolism, and suppressing appetite. These products would be much healthier to use than over the counter or even prescription weight loss pills.
Weight Loss and Anti-Aging
There are many supplements that help with aging, and include benefits such as strengthening the heart, improving blood flow, strengthening the eyes and organs, and providing antioxidants to fight cancer. Using these natural supplements will help you feel and look younger without loading your body down with chemicals.
If you want to take charge of your health, you can avoid serious health problems before they start. Unicity Health Products offers many nutritional supplements to help you regain or maintain good health. It is worth your time to learn what health products would be beneficial for you.

Juicing To Improve Your Overall Health
Juicing seems to be growing in popularity, as many people have realized the tremendous benefits gained from juicing fresh fruits and vegetables right in their own home. The nutrients in fresh juice are readily absorbed by your body and will give you a fantastic boost in meeting your dietary needs. Find out more about juicing for your health.
Buy a juicer that does NOT heat up any parts near the items being juiced. The heat can cause the juice to begin oxidation, leading to a breakdown of the nutrients in it. Choose a juicer that says specifically that the parts touching the juice will remain cool throughout the juicing process.
It is nearly impossible to be health conscious about all your meals, so a good way to approach your juicing diet is to follow the two thirds rule. By paying attention to the healthiness of your breakfast and lunch, you ensure that you are eating healthy two thirds of the day. This paves the way for social or momentary lapses in your diet at dinner.
When juicing with leafy greens such as kale or chard, consider adding cucumber to balance out the flavors. Cucumbers also have a ton of nutrients and vitamins in them which are super healthy for you, so they’re a great addition to any juice. Throw in a fruit for sweetness and you’ll have one heck of a nutritious but tasty drink!
Buying a masticating juicer will allow the juice you make to have it’s nutrients break down much slower, meaning you can take your time in drinking it or even store it for a while. It will also leave as much of the natural nutrients intact as possible, giving you the most healthy juice to drink.
A great juicing tip is to not be alarmed if you see any pulp in your juice. Not only is it normal for pulp to be in juice, it enhances the flavor and also provides more nutrition. If you want the most nutrition out of your juice, keep the pulp.
When juicing soft fruits such as melons, peaches and strawberries it is good to know that the resulting juice will be thicker as opposed to juicing hard fruits such as apples. A good way to have great juice is combining both of these juices. This will create balance and will result in a much better texture.
If receiving nutrition in an easy way is a reason for trying out juicing, it is a good idea for you to learn what vitamins and minerals are in the fruit or vegetables that you would be using. This way, you will be able to pick the right produce for the nutrition that you want to receive.
As you can see, juicing provides a fun and easy way to maximize your nutritional intake, assuring that you receive all of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs each day. This simple process, allows you to create a variety of tasty, nourishing beverages, for a lifetime of wellness.

Don’t Let Diabetes Take Over Your Life – Follow This Excellent Advice
While researchers continue to work on a cure for diabetes, following these tips can help you achieve wellness regardless of your condition. There are many natural steps you can take to help manage your diabetes. This article discusses some of the natural herbs and supplements you should consider adding to your diet in addition to your current plan.
When it comes to dealing with diabetes, one important point to consider is to make sure that you sign up for any sort of membership that your local stores provide. For any diabetes related goods, you can save big time by using the offers the store offers through its exclusive club.
Be careful with alcohol, as it can cause hypoglycemia (very low blood glucose). Glucose levels at or below 70 mg/dL can harm you. You are at greatest risk if you take insulin or pills such as meglitinides or sulfonylureas. On the other hand, carbohydrates in beer, sugary mixed drinks and sweet wines may actually raise your blood sugar. Drink slowly, moderately and only with meals.
To help avoid spiking blood sugar levels in a diabetic condition, carefully monitor your carbohydrate intake. Although carbohydrates play an important role in your body, they can also cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is a good idea to identify which foods are rich in carbohydrates and to watch your daily consumption of those foods.
Diabetics have to watch their carbohydrate intake, and bread is a major player in a typical American’s diet. Try to find a bread with at least 5 grams of fiber AND protein per slice so that eating it is validated by the nutrients it’s carrying. Also avoid preservatives as they’re not healthy either.
Healthy carbs in the diet are important for someone who has diabetes. Carbohydrates contain necessary vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, which are needed for a truly balanced diet. For people with diabetes, limiting carbs can lead to headaches and reduced energy. Fruits and whole grains are good, healthy sources of carbohydrates.
When one has diabetes it is very important for them to monitor their blood sugar levels frequently through out the day. By doing this they will ensure that everything is as is should be or if they need to do something to regulate it. This is an important thing to do.
When you have diabetes, you probably have a team of doctors helping you out. You need to make sure that all of your doctors are on the same page, and are communicating with each other in a manner that puts your best interests first. Be assertive when it comes to your health care.
Eating out at restaurants or getting take out is not only bad for a Diabetic’s health, but also their checkbook. Save money and your blood glucose level by eating at home instead. You can find many copycat recipes online for all your favorite foods, and even healthier versions which are better for you.
While these herbs and supplements will not cure your diabetes, they can definitely help. If you are unsure about trying these, talk about it with other people with diabetes and consult your doctor as well. Adding supplements and herbs can keep you healthy in other ways as well and help you lead a more healthier life.

Why Preventive Care is Important in a Healthcare Plan Provider
More and more progressive healthcare plan providers are offering patients preventive care options. This helps offset the number one concern of most consumers – cost.
When shopping for health insurance or any sort of healthcare plan, most consumers seek to protect themselves and their families from the potentially disastrous cost of major illness and hospitalization. Hence, preventive care is often an overlooked benefit that many consumers may not give sufficient consideration.
Following are some benefits of preventive care that you should consider when looking for a health insurance or a healthcare plan.
What is Preventive Healthcare?
A broad definition of preventive healthcare is “measures taken to identify life-threatening illnesses or habits with an eye towards curing, modifying and preventing them.” In other words, preventive care can be anything that helps you stave off illness and live a healthier lifestyle.
Why Preventive Healthcare is Important
Preventive healthcare is important for three reasons:
Early Detection Saves Lives: This is perhaps the most important reason to look for a healthcare plan that offers some measure of preventive healthcare options.
Annual mammograms, pap smears and colon-cancer screenings are all examples of preventive measures that help to save lives. Many life-threatening illnesses have silent symptoms. They only way to detect them is through some type of early detection test.
Take heart disease, for example. The American Heart Association estimates that roughly half of all deaths from this disease are sudden and unexpected. When you consider the great strides that have been made over the last 25 years in preventing and treating this disease, early detection can make all the difference in how well you will survive a heart attack, or whether you will even have one at all.
With illnesses like this, preventive care takes advantage of the advances in medical technology, detecting problems – or assessing the likelihood of problems – before they become life-threatening illnesses.
Modifying Behavior Leads to a Healthier Life: Preventive healthcare encourages many to lead healthier lifestyles. Getting regular exercise is one of the easiest things anyone can do to achieve overall better health. Many healthcare providers encourage this by offering discounts on gym memberships, yoga classes and other types of regular workout programs.
Another popular lifestyle change program that providers encourage is a smoking cessation program. Cigarettes are extremely addicting, and many smokers try for years to quite before they succeed. The benefits of quitting can prevent many healthcare problems, from lung cancer and heart disease, to stroke and heart attack, to many respiratory illnesses.
As the ultimate goal of all preventive care is to help patients live longer, healthier lives, amenities like this are natural offerings by healthcare plan providers.
Preventive Healthcare Saves Money: Preventive healthcare allows policy holders to get the most value for their healthcare dollars. This is because preventive care is usually much less expensive than treating a disease down the road.
To encourage this, comprehensive information is needed to make informed decisions. Forward-thinking healthcare providers offer members integrated solutions, like up-to-the-minute health information, medical alerts, drug recalls, wellness assessments and more.
This puts the information that members need right at their fingertips, allowing them to be an active participant in their ongoing healthcare.
Preventive care helps people to actively manage their overall healthcare. By encouraging regular checkups, regular screenings and an overall healthier lifestyle, individuals maintain better overall health, feel better, and minimize their health care costs throughout their lifetimes.

Get White, Shiny Teeth Quick And Simple (2)
Get White, Shiny Teeth Quick And Simple
We all want to look great, and healthy teeth creates healthy smiles. Whiting your teeth can be a benefit not only for your look, but for the health of your mouth as well. Use these tips below to make those pearly whites shine and promote overall wellness for the health of your mouth.
Brush your teeth at least twice a day. It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but most people neglect to brush their teeth as well or as often as they should. If you don’t bother to brush your teeth properly, they are unlikely to remain as white as you would like.
One very important teeth-whitening tip is to try to use natural methods whenever possible. This is important because not only will you save money by using these methods, but you will also prevent exposure to chemicals that could either harm you or cause unwanted damage to your teeth.
Two great fruits to help you naturally whiten your teeth are pears and apples. When eaten, both of these fruits create a large amount of saliva. The additional saliva helps clean those stained teeth. So next time you are looking for a healthy snack, choose one that will also whiten your teeth!
To make your teeth look their best after a bleaching session, be sure to focus on your gums. Red or irritated gums will distract from your teeth, and may make them look less healthy than they actually are. Try using a gum massager before you have your teeth whitened. It’ll make sure part of your smile looks great.
A great teeth whitening tip is to avoid smoking. Smoking is one of the worst things you can do if you are trying to keep your teeth white. The nicotine in cigarettes will cause them to turn a yellowish hue that is very hard or impossible to reverse.
For whiter teeth at home, try doing a baking soda brushing once a week. This helps remove stains and it helps whiten your teeth. Brush like you would with toothpaste, but you replace the toothpaste with the baking soda. You can use it as an alternative to toothpaste too. If it irritates gums, try using salt.
If using hydrogen peroxide as a teeth whitening agent, you must remember to keep it in your mouth for a significant amount of time. Make sure not to swallow the peroxide, as this will cause you to vomit. You need to do this at least one to two times a week.
Women can use lip color to make their teeth appear whiter. Certain shades of red and coral will improve the brightness of your teeth and make them look whiter. A light shade of red works the best. Using a lipstick that is a lighter color can make teeth look yellow.
As you just read, there are many quick and healthy ways to keep your teeth shining and white. Improving the health of your teeth can improve the health of your mouth as well. White teeth can give you the confidence you have been lacking and a healthy smile can open doors to a great self-esteem.

Retirement Communities Are Key to Living Well
Today, growing older doesn’t necessarily mean slowing down your life. In fact, just the opposite is true, as thousands of seniors have already discovered how to enjoy their “golden years” with vigor and style.
Not content with sitting in front of the television, today’s senior citizens are swimming with dolphins, learning a new art form and even plunging from a plane in their first skydive.
What is the key to their happiness and well-being? According to a recent study, it could be living in a retirement community.
According to a University of Michigan study, people who live in retirement communities are more satisfied with their daily lives and are more likely to be happy than their contemporaries who remain in their own homes.
Residents of these communities also are more likely to say their health is better today than it was two years ago, the study concluded.
Many retirement communities not only give seniors a place to share common interests, but also provide unique opportunities to try new hobbies and experiences.
For instance, the Fountains communities, located in 13 states at 19 locations, plan activities and excursions for their residents. On a recent excursion to Key Largo, Fountains residents age 78 to 98 swam in natural lagoons with six Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.
Creative expression also is encouraged at the Fountains, home to hundreds of artists – both
professional and amateur. Each year, the company produces an annual calendar featuring the work of its resident artists.
Communities such as the Fountains also offer various styles of retirement living to meet different needs and desires.
For seniors who want to maintain or enhance their independent lifestyle, the Fountains’ “Town Center” neighborhoods offer apartments, cottages, cabanas, casitas, bungalows, suites or condos. Amenities include dining venues, fitness centers, salons, lounges, movie theaters, bank branches, convenience stores and wellness clinics.
For seniors who want to live independently with some assistance and supervision, the Fountains provides ready access to services, gentle encouragement and motivation from the community’s 24-hour staff. Medicare-certified nursing care for those recuperating or rehabilitating from illness is also available at many locations.