Understanding How Acid Alkaline Balance Affects Health
Making sure your body is in an alkaline state is one of the major keys to overcoming diseases. Excessive acidity is responsible for degenerating and weakening all systems in the body.
The decline in health is rising at an alarming rate, despite the knowledge of the consequences of unhealthy eating. In order to achieve good health, the body needs to maintain sufficient alkaline reserves to ensure the energy demands of the body are met. The body depletes electrolyte reserves when there is a need to eliminate excess acidity, which is why maintaining health pH levels by eating alkalizing food is the key to sustaining overall health and well-being.
According to Dr. Theodore Baroody, Alkalize Or Die, the countless names of illnesses do not really matter but what does is they all come from the same root cause…too much acid waste in the body.
Understanding How pH Works
Hydrogen, known as pH is the method of which alkalinity or acidity is measured in a solution on a scale of 0-14; 0 being extremely acidic and 14 being extremely alkaline. Ideally it’s healthy to keep the fluids in the body at neutral which is pH 7.
Infection and disease occur when there is an imbalance of positively (acid) and negatively (alkaline) charged ions of body fluid tissues.
When the pH drops to 5.3 and below (highly acidic), vitamins and minerals aren’t assimilated.
Oxygen circulates well at healthy levels and the natural process of healing and detoxification is no longer compromised, the cells regenerate optimizing the immune system’s function, and the body is less susceptible to disease.
Most people have imbalanced pH levels leading to problems such as obesity, premature aging, fatigue, and diseases.

You can get inexpensive pH strips from stores like Whole Foods and test yours in a few minutes.
The body constantly needs minerals and nutrients, such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium to assure a healthy and balanced pH level. These neutralize the harmful effects of the acidity in the blood. If the natural process fails, the acid spreads to the various organs and causes extremely negative consequences.
The pH level controls each and every bodily function.
Iodine is one of the most essential minerals needed for the thyroid to function properly. The thyroid is deprived of iodine if the pH level range is not ideal or close to perfect.
Ask around and you can see thyroid problems on the rise in a society with a widespread state of pH imbalance.
Why is this important? Because thyroid problems have been associated with arthritis, diabetes, heart conditions, depression, obesity, chronic fatigue, cancer, and so much more.
Are you beginning to see why your pH level is so important?
Over-indulgence in excessively acidic foods, massive soil depletion, and mineral deficiency is degrading our health.
The body ideally has the proper tools and capability to eliminate excess acid, but due to poor and unhealthy eating habits, inadequate breathing and exercise, high levels of toxins, this results in liver stress and kidney failure, and the body can’t eliminate these acids so it stores it.
The pH level, without oxygen, changes into an acid pH level, and this is where cancer cells start to develop. Candida, fungus, and mold thrive in this type of environment as well.
This is not a new discovery for society; the ideal environments of cancer have been known since it’s discovery in 1903.
Don’t you find it odd very few people know what‘s causing diseases like cancer or know how to effectively treat them?
That’s the reason I’m sharing these simple truths with you so you can see how off balance we’ve become and reverse it.
Typical Causes of Acid Alkaline Imbalance
Standard American Diet (SAD)
80% of the standard American diet consists of acid food, which leads to a vast number of health problems.
Chronic Stress
Experiencing stress that occurs often for a long period of time is extremely damaging to the body, and is the cause of conditions such as ulcers, upset stomachs, backaches, headaches, insomnia, depression, anxiety, hypertension, anger, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids, panic disorders and attacks.
The growing cases of chronic stress is doubling at alarming rates. Doctors have documented the significance of the relationship between diseases and stress.
A healthy diet with sufficient amounts of magnesium assists in controlling and eliminating stress. Exercise, adequate rest, relaxation techniques and hobbies, and doing what you love also helps.
Excessive loss of water in the body leads to significant loss of nutrients as well. Since our bodies are 70% water, dehydration leaves it vulnerable to diseases and other problems.
NSAIDs and Aspirin
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and aspirin promote acidity, leaving us susceptible to acid related diseases.
Illnesses Associated With Excess Acidity
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Seizures
- Alcoholic tremors
- Teeth grinding
- Stuttering
- Blood clotting
- Poor circulation
- Back pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Gout
- Scleroderma
- Tuberculosis
- Acid reflux
- Lupus
- Cancer
- Many more
Wow, how many of these affect you or someone you love?
The compromised immune system results in a decreased resistance to colds, fever, infections, herpes, sores, reduced energy, asthmas, and increased allergic reactions.
Allergies are caused by an inflamed reaction, which is triggered by excess acidity.
The alkaline diet involves the consumption of organic fresh fruits and vegetables, and nuts.

It avoids the consumption of mainly refined grains and salt, dairy products, and meat; mostly the SAD diet.
Chlorophyll, the pigmentation in the leaves of plants prevents infections and diseases because of its alkalizing effects to the body.
An alkalized diet is an effective means of treatment for various diseases. It increases vigor and muscle mass, clears your mind, and promotes weight loss.
Looking for the fountain of youth? The alkaline diet delays the rotting effects of aging and is gaining momentum.
Would you agree it provides a wealth of benefits that we all need? How can we focus on business if we’re suffering from many of these ailments?
My Dad always said “the show must go on”. But if won’t if you can’t perform at your peak.

Excellent information. I drink Alkaline water everyday which helps keep my body at 7.5.
Please continue to spread the word on natural health.
Thanks for the feedback Vincent.