What Will You Do?

What Will You Do? Your Health And Wealth Depend On It!

By Barbara BJ LeGrand

Have you ever found yourself running in place, struggling to create health or wealth? People are creatures of habit and have a nasty habit of going back to their comfort zone. Your health and wealth likely will depend on the answers to these 4 words and success questions and principles we often forget.

There are 4 ways I could ask this question and each would take on a whole new meaning with different answers depending on which word the emphasis is place on.

  • WHAT Will You Do?

What do you place your emphasis on? Or put a different way, what drives you?
What do you want your financial and physical health to look like?
What do you want to do if you could do anything at all?
What is something that used to scare you but no longer does?
What is the best advice you have ever received?
If you could learn anything what would it be?

Focus is Important. To be 100% efficient at anything we have to have clear focus. I used to think multi-tasking was better at getting a lot of tasks done all at one time, but it usually reduces how efficient we deal with each one.

You Don’t have to create a new invention. Achieving massive success doesn’t mean you have to create something new, which is the most challenging path.

Take a proven method and run with it. Seek inspiration from great ideas and put your own twist on what it is you are doing every day to accomplish your goals. Get creative connecting things. Maybe you’ll come up with the next version of a Google or Facebook success story.

Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions. – Tony Robbins

  • What WILL You Do?

Will you take the time to get real with what you really want, what drives and excites you?
Will you figure out what you need to talk action on?
Will you take the necessary steps to get what you want and need?

Success is a marathon, one step at a time. If you want to be successful you must continually improve and not drop off or become lazy or discouraged when you see a need for what it is you are trying to achieve. It may take more than your first try but persistence always wins the race. So what if you didn’t get it right the first time, just don’t quit.

Be willing to learn and keep trying rather than wake up with regrets over what you should have tried but didn’t because you were afraid.

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

  • What Will YOU Do?

What are YOU going to do personally?
What will you delegate to others?
What are the things that only you can do?
What mistake do you make over and over?
What is something you must give up to move forward?

Only you are responsible for your success. That’s tough when we want to blame others for our mistakes when times are bad. Mediocrity doesn’t bring happiness and success by playing it safe and settling for a life less than what you are capable of enjoying, and health that doesn’t fit you.

Positivity is a choice. No matter what happens today, you get to decide which direction you take tomorrow. The happiest people make the best of what they have even if they don’t have the best circumstances.

Believe in yourself and that you can be successful. Believe that you can achieve the financial or physical goal that you set out to accomplish. With commitment and action, over time it becomes a reality.

  • What Will You DO?

If we learn from our mistakes why are we so afraid to do something?
What fear of failure stopped you from doing?
What is the #1 thing you want to do in the next 6 months?
If I were to say to you “Just Do It”, what would you do?

What is not started today is never finished today. There is no progress without taking action which is why some of the greatest inventions and ideas never made it public. How many people do you know who had great ideas but did nothing with them?

What good is an idea without doing something with it?

It starts with the first step. After a few are underway, it gets easier. Then what seemed to be impossible or improbable becomes visible, and then what you thought unattainable begins to happen.

I would have never dreamed that we could have made a cancer tumor disappear just by changing what crossed our tongue until it happened. But it happened, one simple step at a time!

You’ve heard it before that you can’t get to the top without helping others. What new ideas and ways can you come up with to help others be successful or solve a problem? This means that your objectives and goals not only benefit you but others as well.

A motivated seller needs to sell their house as much as you need an opportunity to buy if you are a real estate investor like myself. So an investor will solve the seller’s problem which solves theirs.

Your friend or family member needs to get in better health, so commit to eating better for and with them to benefit both of you. Share healthy recipes and what you learn to encourage each other to do better. Your long term success is directly related to helping others and you aren’t really happy until you do.

As a mentor I often ponder over what makes a person successful in their wealth or their health. It all boils down to their decisions and actions!

What is your best income producing activity?

What part of your body needs work?

Will you change your daily habits?

  • Marketing
  • Calling leads
  • Better food choices
  • Reduce toxins and stress


You have seen people heal, reverse disease, and improve health naturally. You have a lot of options, but what will you do?

Just Do it! One step at a time. We’re in this together!


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